收稿日期2009- 12- 20; 修回日期2010- 07- 10 基金项目 国家科技重大专项塔里木盆地大型碳酸盐岩油气勘探开发示范工程 2008ZX05049和 塔中号气田欠平衡 控压 钻井 工艺技术研究及应用 971007080资助。 作者简介 黄兵 1985- , 硕士, 2007年毕业于西南石油大学, 主要从事控压钻井、 水平井完井等方面研究。地址 610500成都市新都 区西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 B304, 电话 13438965860 , E- mai l ericehuang 163. com 钻井工艺 控压钻井技术研究与应用新进展 黄 兵 1 , 2, 石晓兵1, 李枝林2, 胥志雄3, 苗 娟1 1油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 西南石油大学 2川庆钻探公司钻采工艺研究院 3塔里木油田分公司塔中一体化项目部 黄 兵等. 控压钻井技术研究与应用新进展. 钻采工艺, 2010, 33 5 1- 4 摘 要 控压钻井技术是一种用于精确控制整个井筒环空压力剖面的自适应钻井程序, 其目的是确保井底压 力环境极限和控制环空水力压力剖面的一致性。控压钻井技术在解决地层压力衰减、 窄密度窗口、 高温高压等复 杂油气藏钻井工程问题方面显示出极大的优越性。文章介绍了国外近 5年控压钻井技术发展和应用情况以及国 内近两年的现场应用情况 尤其是塔里木油田 。实践证明, 控压钻井技术是解决复杂钻井问题的有效手段, 为国 内复杂地层的钻井工作提供了一种新方法。 关键词 钻井技术; 控压钻井; 动态环空压力控制; 增压泥浆帽钻井 中图分类号TE 249 文献标识码A DO I 10. 3969/ . j issn. 1006- 768X. 2010. 05 . 001 控压钻井技术 以下简称 MPD是近年来发展 起来的一项解决复杂钻井问题的重要技术。控压钻 井技术被评为 2007年度国外石油科技十大进展技 术之一; 连续管控压钻井技术 以下简称 CT - MPD作为连续管钻井技术的重要组成部分被评为 2008年度国外石油科技十大进展技术之一。 国际钻井承包商协会对 MPD作了如下定义 MPD是一种经过改进的钻井程序, 可以精确地控制 井筒环空压力剖面, 其目的是确定井底压力, 从而控 制环空液压剖面 [ 1]。AGR 钻井服务公司的 Andy H inton 2009给出 MPD的新定义 一种用于精确控 制整个井筒环空压力剖面的自适应钻井程序, 其目 的是确保井底压力环境极限和控制环空水力压力剖 面的一致性。MPD的意图是避免连续的地层流体 涌出井口, 运用适当的操作, 任何井涌事故都会被安 全地排除 [ 2]。 一、 MPD技术的技术特征及流程 1 . MPD技术的优点 在北海、 墨西哥湾、 巴西近海、 印尼海域、 马来西 亚、 越南以及阿拉伯等地区的 MPD实践证明, 该技 术能有效减少井漏、 井涌、 压差卡钻、 井壁失稳等钻 井复杂和钻井事故, 降低成本, 简化操作, 缩短非生 产时间 NPT, 显著改善油井生产效率。MPD技术 优点主要表现在以下几个方面 1MPD技术可以有效控制整个井眼环空压力 剖面, 避免地层流体侵入影响钻井液性能和造成井 涌。 2MPD技术在接单根和起下钻时运用井口回 压能有效控制井底压力, 使其保持在较小的波动范 围之内, 保持恒定的井底压力。D.Reitsma等人 [ 3] 2005给出了控压钻井使用的井口回压控制井底 压力的公式, 即 p井底 p井口 p环空 1 式中 p环空 p动态 p静水 3MPD技术通过精确的井底压力监测和水力 学模型能解决窄密度窗口层段的钻井难题。 4MPD技术能避免井眼压力超过地层破裂压 力, 减少井塌、 井漏事故, 同时可以控制和处理钻井 过程中可能引发的溢流事故, 延长事故多发层段的 裸眼井长度, 简化井身结构, 缩短钻井周期, 降低钻 井成本。 2 . MPD技术的变量控制 MPD可以对井口环空压力、 钻井液密度和流变 1 第 33卷 第 5期 Vo. l 33No. 5 钻 采 工 艺 DR I LL I NG 回压泵补充 井底压力差值; 钻井节流阀实施压井和节流操作来 控制和处理钻井过程中可能引发的溢流事故; MPD 自动节流阀系统根据水力学模型连续地更新压力 值。图 1所示即为海上 MPD技术流程图 [ 3], 它体现 了 MPD技术良好的封闭式控制的设计理念。 二、 典型 MPD技术组合 MPD技术被认为是一项缓解窄密度窗口钻井 难题的关键技术。MPD系统提供井口所需回压的 自动控制, 用井口钻井液密度的减小值控制钻井液 当量循环密度 ECD的幅度, 使之在整个钻井过程 中保持恒定的井底压力。 1 . DAPC- MPD技术 动态环空压力控制 DAPC技术由壳牌石油公 司掌握。2005年, Shell在 Mars张力腿平台上第一 次使用先进的 MPD和 DAPC技术, 成功实施一口复 杂目标油藏井的钻井任务, 同时, Shell在墨西哥湾 Auger张力腿平台上用MPD连续实施 4口侧钻小井 眼的二次开发, 利用 DAPC系统有效消除地层压力 衰减层段的钻井液漏失和井壁失稳问题 [ 5 9] 。 M ark J .Chustz等 [ 5] 2008给出了 DAPC系统 包括的三套主要设备 一套节流管汇, 一套回压泵和 一套集成的压力控制器 IPM 。在 IPM 的控制下, 节流管汇获得连续的回压调整, 使井底压力保持在 程序设定值上下, 连续流体从回压泵注入节流管汇, 达到精确控制井底压力的目的。 2 . CBHP- MPD技术 井底压力恒定的控压钻井 CBHP- MPD技术 使用与欠平衡相似的增压钻井系统, 是一种通过环 空水力摩阻、 节流压力和钻井液静液柱压力来精确 控制井眼压力的方法。保持井底压力恒定就是对 ECD进行精确控制, 在钻进、 接单根和起下钻过程 中维持一个恒定的环空压力 [ 10]。 Shaikh AbdulMu jeer等人 [ 11] 2009给出了动态 循环 和静态 接单 根、 起下钻、 停泵 条件下的 ECD计算方法 动态条件下 循环条件下 ECDHP AP BP 2 静态条件下 关泵条件下 ECDHP BP 3 式中HP 静水压头; AP 环空压力损耗; BP 回压。 CBHP- MPD技术是在各种钻井状态中保持相 同的井底压力, 当钻井系统的变化导致井底压力增 加或减少时, 控制用其它变量来补偿井底压力值的 改变, 以这种方式避免和消除流体 /气体侵入、 井壁 失稳和坍塌、 卡钻、 扭断等事故。 3 . CCS- MPD技术 连续循环系统 以下简称 CCS 在接单根时钻 井液可以循环, 该系统适用于高温高压油藏。在高 温高压油藏中只需要保持完全循环, 就能控制井底 温度改变的影响, 通过保持井底温度剖面的最小化, 就能从某种程度上接近水力学稳定, 有利于节流阀 控制, 也提高了对其他参数的监测敏感性。 高温高压对井底压力的影响很大, 井底压力改 变影响钻井液密度和黏度、 钻杆运动、 旋转、 扭矩和 钻屑载荷等 [ 12]。连续循环系统、 随钻压力控制技术 以及甲酸铯 Cs/K 泥浆体系的组合提高了高温高 压油藏控压钻井的可靠性, 该技术在北海的高温高 压油藏钻井中成功应用。 4 . PMCD- MPD技术 增压泥浆帽钻井 以下简称 PMCD是 MPD的 一种变形, 即是在钻井液完全漏失的情况下也允许 继续钻进。使用井底隔离系统消除了在钻井过程中 和增压泥浆帽钻井后的压井操作, 极大提高了钻井 效率, 减少了油层损害。PMCD与威德福的井下控 2 钻 采 工 艺 DR I LL I NG 2 .CCDC Drilling 3. Tazhong In tegrity Project Depart ment of Tarm iOilfiled Co mpany,DPT 33 5,2010 1- 4 Abstract MPD managed pressure drillingtechnology dis plays great advantage to solve drilling engineering proble m s of co m plex reservoir ,such as reservoir pressure depletion ,narrow density w indo w, h igh te mperature and pressure HPHT. The developm ent and application ofexternalMPD technology were introduced in recent 5 years and the earlier survey andMPD filed applicationw ere done in China ,especially in Tarm ioilfiled ,in recent 2 years .Practice proved thatMPD technology is an efficientapproach to solve complex drilling prob le m s and provide a ne w m ethod for bad ground drilling in China . Key words drilling technology ,m anaged pressure drilling , dyna m ic annular pressure contro, l P MCD HUANG Bing ,born in 1985,graduated from SouthwestPetro leum Un iversity in 2007 and is studying for h is m aster s degree in sa me Un iversity ,ism ain ly engaged in the research onm anaged pres sure drilling and horizontalwellco mpletion. Add State Key Laboratory ofOil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation of Southw est Petroleum University ,Xindu District 610500, Chengdu City ,Sichuan Province ,P . R.Ch ina M obile 86- 13438965860E- mail ericehuang 163. co m RES EARCH AND APPLICATION OF GEOSTEER I NG I NTERPRETIVE SYSTEM BASED ON THE LWD YAN Zhenlai Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Drilling Technology Research Institute, DPT 311, 2008 5- 10 Abstract Through theoretical analysis ,the for m ation lithology discrm i inate and fluid property identification were realized.After pretreat ment and standardization for L WD data ,using t w o L WD curves could identify for m ation lithology at first tm i e ,and carried out for mation uation while drilling by comparative analysisw ith bore hole log of straight wel; l Using contrast infor mation obtained fro m borehole log and extre malvariance clustering dela m ination procedure cou ld realize the contrast of horizon drilled and lithology .And the geosteering interpretive syste m based on the L WD w as developed. Application results showed that the syste m could guide the reservoir uation and geosteering drilling ,and the co mparability ofw ireline logging interpretation results and interpretation results while drilling was very high. The geosteering drilling technology can controlthe di rection ofw ell track effectively . Key words horizontalwel,l LWD,geosteering ,for mation e valuation while drilling ,interpretive syste m while drilling YAN Zhenlaisenior engineer,born in 1965,graduated fro m theDrilling Engineering Depart m entofCh inaUniversity ofPetroleum EastChina in 1988 and received theMaster s degree ofO il and Gas Engineering in same Un iversity in 2005 ,is mainly engaged in research and m anage mentofdrilling technology . Add Sinopec ShengliO ilfield Drilling TechnologyResearch In stitute , Dongying C ity 257017 ,Shandong Province ,P . R.Ch ina Te l 86- 546- 8501218E- mail yanz lslo. f co m FAST CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY OF LIQU I D AND GAS IN GAS DRILLING I N HUBEI YUDONG AREA ZHANG Liangwan Sinopec Jianghan O ilfield Drilling Compa ny , DPT 335,2010 11- 14, 21 Abstract Compared w ith conventional drilling fluid drilling , gas drilling has the advantages of fast speed ,short cycle and lo w cos. t But after the gas drilling fin ished ,for the perfor mance ofdrill ing flu id couldn tm eet dry downhole conditions and the conversion technology was unreasonable during the transfor m ing gas med ium into liquid m edium,the do wnhole co m plex or accident w ere often oc curred . To solve the side wall stability ,borehole flo w and anti- col lapse and other issues in HubeiYudong area during transfor m ing gas drilling into drilling fluid,the gas / fluid conversion technology and hole cleaning m easures were proposed .The gas / fluid conversion technology has been applied in 40w ells ,avoiding the hole b lo w,en suring the drilling safety ,quality and speed,and protecting the re sources and the environ m en. t Key words gas drilling ,gas- liquid transfor m ation,drilling fluid,process ZHANG Liangwan senior eng ineer , master,born in 1964 , graduated from Jianghan Petroleum Institute in 1986,is mainly en gaged in the research andmanage ment ofdrilling technology ,is chief engineer ofS inopec Jianghan Oilfield Drilling Co mpany . Add Sinopec Jianghan O ilfield Drilling Co m pany ,Qianjiang C ity 433121 , HubeiProvince , P .R. China M obile 86- 13607229757E- mail zhangl w9757 163 . co m EROSION ANALYSISOF CUTTINGS IN AIR DRILLING FOR HORIZONTALWELL YAO Jianlin ,DIQ infeng , WANG W enchang and HU Yibao ShanghaiUn iversity ,Shanghai Institute ofAppliedMathematics and Mechanics, DPT 33 5,2010 15- 17 Abstract How to carry the cuttings is an m i portantproble m in air drilling of horizontalw el, l but the erosion ofdrilling string by the high- speed gas w ith cuttings is extremely concerned . Velocity dis tribution of the gas in horizontal section and the trajectories of cut tings in annuluswere sm i ulated by e mploying theCFD softwareunder the given eccentricity . The erosion ofdrillstring ,as wellas the one of the lowerwell- sidew as analyzed . Through co mparingw ith the e rosion velocities of drill string in different eccentricity ,the erosion law was obtained qualitatively . The results sho w ed that the gas veloc ity in large annulus increases along w ith the co mputation section length,though the velocity in s m all annulus sho w s an opposite law. Itwas also found thatpart of the cuttings was detained in s m allannu lus .In Add ition,the erosion rate of drill string increases w ith the eccentricity ,and reaches them axm i um value bet w een 0 . 04 m 0 . 06m of i. t Key words air drilling ,horizontalw ell section,eccentricity , erosion rate YAO Jianlin , born in 1980 ,has obtainedM. Sc atLanzhouU niversity in 2006 ,and no w is studying for PhD atShanghaiUniversi ty . Add Room 306 ,ShanghaiUniversity ,Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathe m atics and Mechanics ,149 Yanchang Road ,Zhabei District200072 ,Shangha, i P. R. China Te l 86- 21- 56333256 ATI ONPRESSUREPROFILEPRED ICTION TECHNIQUE OF NORTHEAST SICHUAN HB STRUCTURE ZHONG Jing m in1,Q I Congli 1, Z HONGShuiqing2,LEI Zhengyi 3, YANG Zh ibin 1 , 4 and HU Yongzhang 1 1.Engineering Technology Institute ofS inopec Southwest Branch;2 .CNPC South westOil3.CNPC Jilin Oilfield Engineering De part m en;t 4 . Chengdu University ofScience and Engineering, DPT 33 5,2010 18- 21 Abstract In sed m i entation zone ofHB Structure ,the upper part is terrestrial for mation ,the under part is marine strata .In th is area ,the geologic condition is very complex ,its hard to establish a continuous pressure profile ,so the optm i ization and working out of the engineering p lan are m i pacted. Through summ arizing the experi ence of early tm i e pressure prediction techn iques ,an equipressure trendline to forecast the marine strata pressure was proposed,the continuous pressure profile ofHB Structure for m terrestrial for mation tom arine strata was established . The for mation pressure profile pre diction techn ique provided the reliab le foundation para m eters for this areas engineering design and optm i ization .The successful applica tion of them ethodsm entioned in this article provided a ne w m ethod for the predicting pressure profile in the sm i ilar complex strata . Key words for m ation pressure ,equipressure trendline ,equiv alent depth m ethod, m ethod ofEaton ,co mplex strata ZHONG Jingmineng ineer , master, born in 1978, graduated fro m Southw estPetroleum University in 2001,is mainly engaged in the research on drilling geology . Add Engineering Technology Institute of S inopec Southwest Branch ,298 Longquanshan Road,Deyang C ity 618000,Sichuan Province ,P . R.Ch ina