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[收稿日期] 20050510 [作者简介]朱赤兵1965 ,男, 1987年大学毕业,高级工程师,硕士生,现主要从事海洋石油钻采设备开发与研制及管理工作。 海洋石油修井机能力优化设计 朱赤兵 长江大学机械工程学院,湖北 荆州434023;中海油服技术中心钻采所,广东 湛江524057 张晓东 西南石油学院机电学院,四川 成都610500 [摘要]对海洋石油修井机HXJ158系列在设计过程中主要设备的能力计算和设计优化做了较为详细的论 述,介绍了该设备在设计和校核全过程和设计思路。实际应用表明,其优化设计方案是合理的,有利于 降低成本,提高经济效益。 [关键词]修井机;能力设计;设计优化;动力配置 [中图分类号] TE935[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 10009752 2005 03056602 修井机井架设计为液压起升、立放、直立式、轻便型无绷绳井架。上下底座可纵横移动对中平台每 口井位作业。系列 HXJ158 ;大钩最大载荷 1580kN ;大钩额定载荷 1200kN。 1 动力系统 通过分析,提出采用柴油机机械、液力传动方式为最佳方案。因为如果采用电驱动方式,修井作业 设备正常作业时用电量约1500kW 包括泥浆系统用电量。为保证修井作业正常,需保证提供2000kW 电量,平台将增加1座庞大的电站,加之修井作业为不稳定间断用电,对电网冲击大。为此认为,为节 约能源和管理方便,采用柴油机为动力驱动方案为理想方案。 2 发动机和传动箱技术要求 修井机采用液力机械传动方式,动力经阿里逊Allison传动箱后,再经齿轮传动、链传动后 驱动绞车和转盘。齿轮传动箱及链传动传至主滚筒,实现主滚筒的旋转,通过游动系统完成起下作业。 转盘和绞车采用同一动力驱动。动力经绞车后,通过链传动至转盘传动装置,再通过降距链条盒传至转 盘,实现转盘旋转运动。 绞车传动路线为传动轴 → 链传动 → 快绳 → 钢丝绳系 → 发动机传动箱 → 角传动箱 → 绞车主滚筒 → 天车 游车。转盘传动路线为传动轴 → 链传动 → 链传动 → 链传动 → 发动机传动箱 → 角传动箱 → 绞车 主滚筒 转盘传动装置 → 传动轴 → 降距链条箱 → 转盘。 结合我国海洋平台修井机的使用特点,发动机采用进口柴油机,柴油机由压缩空气起动。要求带有 火花捕灭器、消音装置、失水、高水温、低油压、飞车超速等安全保护装置及紧急停机装置,配置 全套标准柴油机仪表采用直感式或本质安全型仪表并带有火花捕灭器和消音装置等。柴油机选用卡 特皮勒Caterpillar或底特律Detroit产品。液力传动箱采用美国通用汽车公司Allison液力传动 箱,具有5个正档和1个倒档。其特点① 可降低冲击载荷,消除来自动力机的扭震和工作机的动载荷 的影响;② 使整机传动平稳,加速、降速均匀,充分发挥装机功率,保证发动机的最佳工作状态;③ 液 力机械传动简化了整机的传动系统,同时也简化了绞车结构,减轻了绞车重量。液力传动箱要求配有 整套刹车管线、仪表本质安全型和PTO取力器。 3 绞 车 绞车采用单滚筒,主刹车采用水冷却系统,带水刹车或辅助推盘刹车系统。绞车驱动方式为柴油机 665 石油天然气学报江汉石油学院学报 2005年6月 第27卷 第3期 Journal of Oil and G as Technology J1 J PI Jun12005 Vol127 No13 液力传动驱动,柴油机功率按修井机最大载荷1580kN选配,传动由Allison液力传动箱和齿轮传动。 其配量为,主滚筒滚筒体带有里巴斯LEBUS绳槽;离合器采用轴向式多片离合器;刹车冷却 方式喷水冷却或循环水冷却;刹车装置盘式刹车或带式刹车;辅助刹车 EATON辅助刹车或水刹 车;钻井钢丝绳钢丝绳应带有备用钢丝绳卷筒,安装在钻台的适当位置;天车防碰装置安装在绞车 主滚筒上。 4 转 盘 为适应油井大修、侧钻作业的需要,修井机配备通径为27∀ −in的API标准转盘。转盘带有9最大工作扭矩 27459Nm ;最大净载负荷 4500kN ;最大转速 300r/ min。 5 功率参数选取 各部件传动效率如下 Allison传动箱0198 ;齿轮传动箱0198 ;输入链条0197 ;主滚筒轴0198 ; 主滚筒0198 ;轮系效率01841 ;输出链条0197 ;转盘传动装置0198 ;降距链条0197 ;转盘0198。从发 动机到大钩的效率为 η1019801980197 019801980184101752 从发动机到转盘的效率为 η201980198 019701980198019701980197019801808 则动力配置为 P QmaxV/η11580012/01752379kW。 式中,Qmax为修井机最大载荷,1580kN;V为大钩最大载荷时提升速度,012m/ s。 在修井机设计中,动力功率按照计算值的1125~113倍进行计算,则 P 379113493kW 根据Q/ HS20071122002海上石油平台修井机型式与基本参数和CATERPILLAR、DETROIT DIESEL的发动机相关参数,可选用720hp/ 2100r/ min柴油发动机其额定功率为558kW/ 2100r/ min ,配备Allsion液力传动箱,此方案在修井作业时不可避免地出现大马拉小车现象,不利于成本的 降低和节约能源。也可选用475hp/ 2100r/ min双发动机并配备Allsion液力传动箱并机作为动力,此方 案在油田开发前期只配置一套柴油机并配备Allsion液力传动箱作为动力,留出另一套柴油机并配备 Allsion液力传动箱后期并机的安装接口位置和空间。在常规作业过程中只用一套发动机,其燃油经济 性较好,有利于成本的降低和节约能源。在后期进行钻井作业或油水井大修时可临时租用一套同类型柴 油机系统并车作为动力来完成钻完井作业。 为此,该1580kN钩载能力修井机动力配置选用2套475hp , 2100r/ min柴油机带匹配的Allsion 液力传动箱 , 其并机为合理配置。 [编辑] 苏开科 765第27卷第3期朱赤兵等海洋石油修井机能力优化设计 564Status Monitoring and Failure Diagnosis for A Water2injection Pump Package ZHANG Hong , LIU Ming2yao Yangtze University , J ingzhou434023 Abstract Status monitoring and failure diagnosis are carried out on the multistage water2injection pump packages used in oilfields1Through vibration detection and frequency2spectral analysis the operational status of pump package is moni2 tored and its failures are diagnosed and predicted , by which basis is provided for its prediction and maintenance and ini2 tial achievements are obtained1 Key words water2injection pump ; package ; status monitor ; failure diagnosis; application 566Capability Optimized Design of Marine Workover Rigs ZHU Chi2bing Yangtze University , J ingzhou434023 ZHANGXiao2dong Southwest Petroleum Institute , Chengdu610500 Abstract By taking the workover rigs in LF1322 Oilfield for example , a detail discussion is made in the design process of the main equipment capability calculation and optimal design for the marine workover rigs , the integral process and the design concept of the equipment related with workover rigs are introduced1The actual operation indicates that the opti2 mal design is rational , and beneficial for reducing the cost and improving the economic efficiency1 Key words workover rig; capability design; optimal design; power allocation 568Application of Solar Energy Saving Technique in An Oilfield FAN Yu2ping L iaohe Oilf ield B ranch Company , CN PC, Panjin124011 Abstract In the development of Zhongyuan Oilfield , a great deal of energy is consumed in pipeline gathering , water in2 jection and gas injection1In the situation of global energy shortage extended day by day , oilfields as bases for energy supply and in order to reduce production cost and create regenerated resources in a better way , the solar energy saving techniques are studied and used , and for the first time the solar techniques are used in oil production , by which a suc2 cessful example is set up both at home and abroad and it is a breakthrough of new technical revolution , creation and use of regeneration resources1An example of energy saving and cost reduction and as well as green environmental protection is set up with better economic and social effects1 Key words solar energy; energy saving; heat collector ; heat exchanger 572Technique for Oily Sludge and Sand Processing in Linpan Oilfield CAO Fang2qi , ZENGQing2hui Shengli Oilf ield Co1Ltd1, S INOPEC, L inyi251507 HE Guo2an Huabei Oilf ield B ranch Companym S INOPEC, Xilinghaote026017 Abstract Physicochemistry water dividing2chemical curing is used and the super strong dewater capacity of the water dividing agent is used to break the network structures of aged oil to separate the most of water from sludge to have an effective phase segregation for the purpose of obtaining enriched concentration of contaminants and absorbent is used for absorption , the perforation is sealed with chemical reaction for the purpose of adverse curing and innoxious process2 ing1The result shows that the process technique is completely suitable for the treatment of oily sludge , which is of great significance to oilfield production and environmental protection1 Key words oily sludge; chemical curing; treating technique ; current situation; Linpan Oilfield 574Rational Application of Energy in High2pressure G as Reservoir with G as Expansion Engine WANGQiang Yangtze University , J ingzhou434023; J ianghan Oilf ield B ranch Company , S INOPEC, Shouguang262714 Abstract In consideration of the situation of natural gas development and delivery with different gas reservoir pressures in northwest gas field , a scheme is proposed that the energy in a high2pressure gas reservoir is used for expansion by a expander , and at the same time a thermodynamic calculation is made on the expander1The result shows that the high2 pressure gas of 17 MPa , 6104Nm3/ d can be expanded to 614MPa and a compressor can be run by the gas expansion1 And also the low pressure of 3141104Nm3/ d can be boosted to 614MPa with high gas volume and high delivery rate , by which rational use of high2pressure reservoir energy is achieved1 Key words natural gas; expander ; compressor ; high2pressure gas reservoir Translated Edited by SU K ai2ke苏开科 Ⅷ




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