测压法测定 BOD 的研究与应用 * 王喜全 1,2 王秋菊 2 孔祥一 2 1.东北大学资源与土木工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110044; 2.辽宁科技大学化工学院环境工程系, 辽宁 鞍山 114051 摘要 对采用差压式直读测定装置测定生化需氧量 BOD 的方法进行了研究, 该方法操作简单、直观性好, 简化了大 量烦琐操作并可连续测定 BOD。 通过测压法与稀释接种法 测定 BOD 的国家标准方法 的对比及差异性统计检验, 表 明这两种方法没有显著性差异。 经对实际水样的分析并与标准稀释法的分析结果进行比较, 该方法准确度较高。 关键词 测定 生化需氧量 BOD 差压式直读法 *企业合作项目; 学校研究生培养基金项目。 0 引言 目前生化需氧量 biological oxygen demand, BOD 的测定通常采用稀释法和测压法。稀释法是经典的 测定水中 BOD 的方法 , 其操作过程繁琐。为了克服 稀释法的缺点, 本研究采用差压式 BOD 直读测定仪 对水样中 BOD 的测定进行了研究 。 1 实验原理与方法 把水样或经过预处理的水样注入培养瓶内,同时 放入 CO2吸收剂 NaOH , 然后将培养瓶密封置于 20 ℃ 恒温箱内, 在一定搅拌速度下对瓶内试样进行 培养 。样品中的有机物经过生物氧化作用消耗水中 的溶解氧, 产生的二氧化碳气体被 NaOH 吸收 。培养 瓶内上部密闭空间内的氧气不断地供给试样中微生 物以满足其呼吸过程中的需氧量, 这就造成了培养瓶 内上部密闭空间内气体氧分压的下降 , 样品 BOD 值 与瓶中氧气压力下降的程度成正比。所以用差压计 测出氧分压的下降量即可测出水样中的 BOD 值。 2 结果与讨论 2. 1 接种量对差压法 BOD测定的影响 由于接种液中微生物种类和活性差别很大, 所以 各种测定文献对标准验证中接种水的用量规定有较大 差别。对 BOD5在几百至上千mg L 的标准液,测压法 可不经稀释直接测定。一般差压式 BOD5测定装置的 接种量为 5~ 10。实验的验证结果见表 1。 实验结果证明, 接种量对 BOD5测定有影响。但 由于接种水中所含微生物的种类及数量差别很大 ,本 实验的接种水加入量仅作为参考, 实际测定中仍需用 标准液验证 。在本实验中 , 对标准溶液采用 10的 接种量。 表 1 接种量对差压法 BOD5测定的影响 标准BOD5 mgL- 1接种量 实测 BOD5 mgL - 1 测出率 2000. 114271 2000. 516784 200518994 20010205103 20015211106 20020246123 2. 2 标准溶液 BOD 测定的对比实验 用测压法和标准稀释法对标准溶液进行平行测 定的结果如表 2 所示。 表 2 2 种方法测量 BOD5标准溶液的结果mg L 压差法稀释法压差法稀释法 222220. 08228212. 02 228242. 01216209. 47 210228. 80205217. 00 201213. 20215. 711220. 371 注 1 平均值。 对压差法和标准稀释法所测得的 BOD5结果进 行 F 检验 F 0. 89, F F0. 025, 6,6; 对压差法和标准 稀释法所测得的 BOD5结果进行 t 检验 t 0. 72, t t0. 05,10。 根据 F 检验和t 检验的结果, 可知测压法和标准 稀释法所测得的标准溶液的 BOD5值之间不存在显 著性差异, 用差压式直读 BOD 测定装置测定标准溶 液的 BOD 不存在系统误差。 2. 3 生活污水 BOD 的对比测定 用差压法和稀释法测定生活污水 BOD5的结果 见表 3。 下转第 80 页 74 环 境 工 程 2007年 8 月第25 卷第4 期 水质达到三级排放标准。 污水处理系统中产生的污泥用污泥泵打入污泥 浓缩池浓缩降低污泥的体积, 浓缩池污泥用螺杆泵抽 至压滤机压滤, 压滤后干污泥外运, 污泥浓缩池上清 液和压滤机滤液回流到中间调节水池进行再处理 。 3 结论 1 对于高盐、高浓度难降解有毒促进剂生产废 水,采用分质处理, 对各股难处理生产废水进行预处 理,结合后续生物处理工艺 ,充分利用生物膜法和活 性污泥法的优点 ,工艺可靠 ,出水水质可达到污水综 合排放标准 GB8978-1996 三级标准。 2 采用微电解- Fenton 催化氧化-絮凝沉淀法处 理高浓度促进剂废水 ,可有效对杂环杂链类化合物进 行开环断链,降低其毒性 ,提高废水的可生化性。 3 采用蒸发结晶法处理小水量的高盐废水可大 幅减小盐度对生物处理的影响 。 4 采用水解酸化-ABR工艺的强化生物处理 ,通 过发挥不同环境 、 不同类型的微生物的生理功能来确 保生化系统的高活性和高效率 ,可使促进剂废水中的 杂环杂链类化合物在兼氧 、 厌氧条件得到初步生物降 解使其在后续的氧化沟中得到去除 。彻底解决了促 进剂废水处理难达标的问题。 参考文献 [ 1] 马溪平. 厌氧微生物学与污水处理. 北京 化学化工出版社, 2005. 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Mediated microbial biosensor using a novel yeast strain for wastewater BOD measurement. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol, 2001, 56 550 -554. 作者通讯处 王喜全 114044 鞍山市 辽宁科技大学化工学院环 境工程系 2006- 12-18 收稿 80 环 境 工 程 2007年 8 月第25 卷第4 期 improperly and leakages happened incidentally in landfills in China, which has some relationship to the defects of requirement about leakage preventionstructure in our actual standard GB16889 -1997. So, some suggestions were given as following leakage prevention structure of our domestic waste landfill should be composite leakage prevention structure; the thickness of artificial membrane and compacted clay liner must be at least 1. 5mm and 50 cm respectively. Keywords domestic waste landfill, leakage control structure and standard WET DYNAMIC ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION OF MUNICIPAL ORGANIC WASTES Xiao Hong Peng Hong 65 Abstract Based on analysis of the current status o treatment technology for municipal organic wastes and according to domestic conditions, wet dynamic anaerobic fermentation was put forward as a new type of process. Further, the optimal program of wet dynamic anaerobic fermentation was selected. As the core part, the technological process and the function of every partwere emphatically introduced. In conclusion, the advantages of the technology were summarized and the disadvantages were explored and relative measures were suggested. Keywords organic wastes, wet dynamic anaerobic fermentation and process research DEVELOPMENT OF FULL DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM IN PAN STEEL WORKSWang Xue Yue Haifeng Xie Zhijiang et al 70 Abstract It was studied network-topological structure based on B S and C S, logical fabric and a series of key technologies. Four data levels, signal acquiring level, digital data collecting level, part districtmanagement level and center management level, were designedinthe system, and user terminals were divided into part clients, center clients and mobile clients, whichwere connected via Internet or Intranet. It adopt support vector machine SVM to gain more exact exhausting value of smog and dust than sensors. The application indicated the system run reliably and expediently, which could be a reference for other environment monitoring applications in big enterprises. Keywords digital, environment, image processing, SVM and monitoring system THE STUDY AND APPLICATION OF THE DETERMINATION OF BOD WITH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE Wang Xiquan Wang Qiuju Kong Xiangyi 74 Abstract The determination of BOD using pressure distinction instrument was studied because it has the advantages of simple operation, simplifies a lot of operating processes and BOD can be monitored continuously with the . It is concluded that there is no obvious difference between manometric and standard dilutioninoculation by the contrast of these two s and the statistical check of the difference of these two s. This has been found to be reliable through comparing the analytical results of thewater samplesusing these two s. Keywords determination, BOD and differential pressure COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF WATER ENVIRONMENT QUALITY BY TOPSIS BASED ON ENTROPY WEIGHTChen Qiang Yang Xiaohua 75 Abstract To solve the phenomena of vector normalizationin the TOPSIS depending on the uation unit and the phenomena of the negative -ideal solution in the TOPSIS without considering the relative importance of these distances, it was put forward a new TOPSIS basedon entropy weight. In the new assessment , we adopt proportion normalization and introduce entropy weight into the assessment and the dummy negative -ideal solution to solve the said problem. Then, we make it use at the Wangjianglou in Changjiang River, and assess the quality of the water environment in the latest eight years. Finally, the result of the new is more reasonable than the traditional TOPSIS by making a comparison between the two results. Keywords water environment quality , TOPSIS , entropy weight and comprehensive assessment THE PROCESS DESIGN FOR TREATING RUBBER ACCELERATORWASTEWATER Chu Jinyu Wang Wanjun Zheng Xiaohei et al 78 Abstract Different s are used to treat different wastewater according to the characteristics factor of wastewaters, which are discharged from the production of rubber accelerators. Salinity wastewater ispretreated for desalting by evaporating. High concentrationwastewater ispretreated by micro electrolysis-Fenton oxidation -flocculating settling process. After pretreatment, the wastewaters hard to deal with are mixed with low concentration wastewater. The all wastewater is treated in the biological disposal facilities, namely combined treatment process consisting of hydrolytic -acidification, ABR andoxidation ditch. The quality of the effluent after the treatment canmeet the third -order of national standard for the comprehensive discharging of wastewater. Keywords pretreatment separately according to wastewater quality, salinity wastewater, micro -electrolysis, Fenton, hydrolytic -acidification and anaerobic baffled reactor ABR RECONSTRUCTION OFHOTDIPGALVANIZINGPROCESSFORCOMPREHENSIVE POLLUTION ABATEMENTTang Bing Bai Xuemei Cai Bin et al 81 Abstract Hot dip galvanzing production is a traditional industry with heavy pollution. Single treatment to three wastes not only brings high expense for disposal, but also presents secondary pollution. According to a reconstruction project of a hot dip galvanizing workplace inGuangzhou, the pollution sources in practical production were analysed generally, comprehensive pollution abatement in all processes was achieved through reconstructing production procedure, improving the ratio of materials and energy utilization, reducing the production of pollutants. Based on this 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 25,No. 4, Aug . , 2007