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Waste Management m 个监测断面S1,S2, , Sm,监测断面 Si在评价指标 Aj下的物理量为 Cij。地面水环境功 能区分为 5 类,将此 5类功能区对应的环境评价指标 值分别作为 5 个样本。由 m 5 个样本的 n 个指标 的物理量构成初始环境矩阵为 C A1A2AjAn S1C11C12C1jC1n S2C21C22C2jC2n SiCi1Ci2CijCin Sm 5C m 5 1C m 5 2C m 5 jC m 5 n Cij m 5 n 式中 Si 第 i 个监测断面 ; Aj 第 j 个污染物评价指标 ; 72 环 境 工 程 2005年 8 月第23 卷第4 期 Cij 第 i 个监测断面中第 j 个污染物指标 监测值。 2. 2 建立无量纲规范环境矩阵 环境评价指标有正向指标 指标值愈大水质越 好 和逆向指标 指标值愈大水质越差 之分 ,为了统 一,需将原始环境矩阵进行规范化处理 。 Bij Cij当Aj为正向指标时j ∈ [ 1,2, Λ , n] -Cij当Aj为逆向指标时j ∈ [ 1,2, Λ , n] 令 rijBij ∑ n i 1 B 2 ij 式中 rij Bij的归一化值 。 依照上述步骤, 将原始环境矩阵修改为无量纲规 范环境矩阵 R rij m 5 n。 2. 3 理想的最优水质断面和最差水质断面选取 令 r max{ rij} , r - min{ rij} , j ∈[ 1, 2, Λ , n] ; 则点 A r 1, r 2, , r n 为理想的水质最优的监 测断面 ; 点 A - r - 1, r - 2, , r - n 为理想的水质最差 的监测断面。 “最优点”A “最劣点”A- 是所有样本中各评 价指标的最好 最差 情况的虚拟点的集合。 2. 4 密切值计算 计算权重 通过层次分析法确定各评价指标的权 重值 wj, 并保证其通过一致性检验 。∑ m j 1 wj1 , 当 wj 1 n 时为等权。 计算距离 采用欧氏距离计算待评监测断面与理 想最优断面的距离 di - A和最差监测断面的距离 di -A-。 di - A ∑ m j 1 wj[ rij- rijA] 2 di - A- ∑ m j 1 wj[ rij- rijA-] 2 式中 wj 第 j 个评价指标的权重。 计算密切值 密切值分为最优密切值和最劣密切 值,密切值计算公式 最优密切值 Ei - A di- A min{ di - A}- di - A- max{ di- A-} 最劣密切值 Ei - A- di- A- min{ di - A-}- di - A max{ di- A} 2. 5 水质评价原则 对监测断面样本集而言 , Ei -A越小, Ei - A-越 大,表示某监测断面与最优点越近, 离最劣点越远 ,综 合水质较好 。按 Ei -A或 Ei - A-的大小进行排序, 就 能得到各单元对于规划目标的样本优劣排序结果。 根据排序结果, 可将各监测断面及评价标准的水质综 合情况加以比较 。 3 实例应用 3. 1 水质监测断面布设及监测值结果 薛文平等在密切值法在地面水环境质量评价中 的应用一文中 ,对某黄金开发重点工程项目的水质 监测结果进行了研究 。地面水采样断面共布设 12 个 监测点 ,有 5 个控制断面。地面水监测的指标包括 氰化物 、 选矿药剂、2油、pH 、悬浮物 、 铜 、铅、锌、镉、 汞、 砷 、 六价铬、化学耗氧量、 溶解氧 、 硫化物等 15 项。 分析检测均按国家标准方法进行。根据有色金属矿 山选冶废水的特点, 地面水的污染物因子从 15 个监 测指标中选取 5 个有代表性的, 既可反映废水主要污 染成分 ,又可反映河流水质状况的指标, 选择铜、锌、 悬浮物 、 化学耗氧量、溶解氧 。5 个监测断面的 5 项 监测指标值见表 1。 表 1 各断面污染物监测值mg L 监测断面 地面水域Cu2 Zn2SS CODMn DO 1青山河0. 0520. 021194. 110. 20 2河港0. 0180. 075303. 88. 80 3红旗渠上游0. 0170. 054265. 19. 60 4红旗渠下游0. 0180. 020174. 310. 80 5大冶湖0. 0220. 026163. 98. 80 3. 2 建立原始环境矩阵 根据地表水环境质量标准 GB3838- 2002 , 各类 水环境功能区的 5 项评价指标值见表 2。 表 2 各类水环境功能区的评价标准值mg L 环境功能区 Cu2 Zn2 SSCODMnDO Ⅰ类0. 010. 052527. 5 Ⅱ类1. 01. 05046 Ⅲ类1. 01. 07565 Ⅳ类1. 02. 0100103 Ⅴ类1. 02. 0125152 73 环 境 工 程 2005年 8 月第23 卷第4 期 悬浮物为水生生态项目, 地表水评价标准中无此 项要求,表中标准值为参考标准。 根据各监测断面的污染物监测值和评价标准值, 建立原始环境矩阵 C 。 C Cu 2 Zn 2 SSCODMnDO S10. 0520. 021194. 110. 20 S20. 0180. 075303. 88. 80 S30. 0170. 054265. 19. 60 S40. 0180. 020174. 310. 80 S50. 0220. 026163. 98. 80 B10. 010. 052527. 5 B21. 01. 05046 B31. 01. 07565 B41. 02. 0100103 B51. 02. 0125152 3. 3 建立无量纲规范环境矩阵 评价标准中 ,除 DO 外, 其他项目均为负向指标。 经规范化处理, 得无量纲规范环境矩阵 R 如下 R -0. 0260-0 . 0066-0 . 0990-0. 18870. 4171 -0. 0090-0 . 0237-0 . 1563-0. 17490. 3599 -0. 0085-0 . 0171-0 . 1354-0. 23480. 3926 -0. 0090-0 . 0063-0 . 0886-0. 19790. 4417 -0. 0110-0 . 0082-0 . 0833-0. 17950. 3599 -0. 0050-0 . 0158-0 . 1302-0. 09210. 3067 -0. 4997-0 . 3160-0 . 2604-0. 18410. 2454 -0. 4997-0 . 3160-0 . 3907-0. 27620. 2045 -0. 4997-0 . 6321-0 . 5209-0. 46030. 1227 -0. 4997-0 . 6321-0 . 6511-0. 69050. 0818 3. 4 理想最优与最劣监测断面确定 虚 拟 点- 0. 0050,- 0. 0063,-0. 0833, - 0. 0921, 0. 4417为 理 想 中 水 质 最 优 的 点, - 0. 4997, -0. 6321, - 0. 6511 , - 0. 6905, 0. 0818 为 水质最差点。 3. 5 各监测断面的密切值 根据有色金属废水的特点 ,确定 5 项指标彼此之 间的相对重要程度。经层次分析法 ,得出 5 项评价指 标的权重值依次为 0. 2942、0. 2942、0. 0929、0. 1593、 0. 1593; 一致性检验结果为 0. 0905 0. 10, 证明层次 分析法结果可信 。 将权重值引入密切值计算中,得到各监测断面与 理想最优监测点的距离, 并根据最优密切值的大小进 行排序 见表 3 。 表 3 密切值计算结果及其优劣排序 样 本 S1S2S3S4S5 最优密切值0. 02650. 64561. 32550. 03230. 3441 优劣排序 14623 B1B2B3B4B5 0. 805763. 378570. 7956139. 7651 169. 7580 578910 从表 3 中可看出, 1 监测断面水质最好, 其次为 4、 5 和 2 监测断面, 最差为 3 断面 。除 3监 测断面外 , 其余 4 个断面的水质均优于 GB3838- 2002 的 Ⅰ类水质标准 。 4 结语 改进的密切值法应用于地表水环境质量评价中 有以下几个特点 。 1 注重不同监测项目对水体环境质量的不同影 响程度,并利用层次分析法加以确定 。 2 将地表水环境质量评价标准作为样本 ,引入 环境矩阵中 ,可直观地判断出各监测断面与各类环境 标准之间的优劣关系 。 3 整个计算过程物理意义明确 ,数学逻辑严谨; 计算简便易行。 参考文献 1 薛文平, 刘兆丽, 孙衍宁等. 密切值法在地面水环境质量评价中的 应用. 环境工程,2003. 21 1 67~ 69. 作者通讯处 刘衍君 251000 山东省 聊城大学环境与规划学院 E -mail liuyanjun7979sina. com. cn 2004- 10-18 收稿 74 环 境 工 程 2005年 8 月第23 卷第4 期 Abstract A technique using the waste slag to treat chromium dregs has been advanced in order to eliminate environmental pollution. Using the high temperature and reduction of the blast furnace slag, the chromium dregs were mixed at appropriate proportion with blast furnace slag, which could make chromium dregs detoxify. In the present study, the detoxification mechanism of chromium dregs was analyzed theoretically. The experiment results show that the blast furnace slag can remove the toxic of Cr6completely while the mass quantity of added chromium dregs was less than 10 percent. Keywords chromium dregs, blast furnace slag and detoxification mechanism DISCUSSION ON PRODUCTION OF SOLID FUEL USING INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTES WITH HEAT VALUELin Guangqing et al 67 Abstract A large amount of solidwastes are produced every year by industrial enterprises. If the wasteswith heat value are used to research and produce mixed RDF solid fuel, the advantages of recycling resources and recovering energy can be realized. It can control effectively the secondary pollution while the reduction of environmental pollution can also be realized, whose economic, social and environmental benefits have strong attraction, which is worth exploring . Keywords waste plastic film, sludge, RDF and solid fuel INFLUENCE OF LANDFILL STRUCTURE ONLEACHATE CHARACTERISTICS Wang Qi et al 69 Abstract Two large scale landfilling installations were built according to semi-aerobic landfilling and anaerobic landfilling theories. The concentrations of CODCr, BOD5andNH3-N were detected regularly . The results showed that, the concentration of pollutants in leachate of semi- aerobic landfilling structure reduced more quickly than that in anaerobic landfilling structure. The pollutant concentrations in leachate of semi- aerobic landfilling structure reduced regularly , but which in aerobic landfilling leachate varied greatly in early period of experiment. Keywords semi -aerobic, municipal solid waste, landfill and leachate APPLICATION OFMODIFIEDOSCULATINGINENVIRONMENTALQUALITY ASSESSMENT ON SURFACE WATERCao Jianrong et al 72 Abstract As a multi-objective decision optimization , osculating has been used in assessment on environmental quality of surface water. Modified osculating considers environmental criteria as samples of environmental matrix. Osculating value of every sample is given to make sure the qualities of all surface water sections. Moreover, analytic hierarchy process was used to decide the contribution of each index . It makes the result of environmental quality assessment on surface water more scientific. Keywords osculating , analytic hierarchy process, surface water and environmental quality assessment STUDY ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A NEW CHROMOGENIC REAGENT AND ITS APPLICATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGZhang Chunniu et al 75 Abstract This paper reports the synthesis of the new reagent 1- 4 -nitrophenyl -3 - 5 -bromopyridyl -triazene NPBPDTand the color reaction of NPBPDT with mercury. In the presence of the surface active agent Triton X -100 and in the Na2B4O7-NaOH medium of pH 11. 5, the reagent a yellow complex withmercury in the molar ratio of 1∶ 2. The molar absorptivity is 2. 80105L mol cm by dual -wavelengh of 440 nm and determination wavelengh of 535 nm. Beer s law is obeyed in the range of 0 ~ 12 μ g 25 mL. The has been applied to the direct determination of mercury in waste water with satisfactory results. Keywords 1 - 4 -nitrophenyl -3 - 5 -bromopyridyl -triazene, mercury and color reaction STUDYONTHESFORDETERMININGTRACEALDEHYDEBY PHLOROGLUCINOLZhang Shulin 77 Abstract This article studies a new of determining trace aldehyde by phloroglucinol. The application conditions of color reagent are investigated. This is simple, convenient and less sort of reagent and the degree of accuracy and precision is higher. Keywords aldehyde, phloroglucinol and color reaction STUDYONATMOSPHERICENVIRONMENTALCAPACITYANDATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN ENERGY HEAVY INDUSTRY AREALin Jiquan et al 79 Abstract The atmospheric environmental capacity in Longmen Energy Heavy Industry Area is calculated using a box model of different frequency of wind speed. The result shows that the capacity of sulfur dioxide andTSP is respectively 21 097. 72 t and 63 293. 15 t in a year. The of selecting data and benefit transfer approach are respectively put into use to add up systematically discharging capacity and calculate the unsystematically discharging amounts, and the amount of sulfur dioxide is 13 728. 79 t a, and TSP is 68 555. 97 t a. The using ratio of SO2of atmospheric environmental capacity is 71. 2, and TSP is 108. 1 on small wide speed and still wind occasion. The using ratio of SO2of atmospheric environmental capacity is 30. 1, and TSP is 109. 6 on gale occasion. The result shows air pollution is different in different conditions, that is to say, SO2comes from systematically discharging, comparative spare capacity is 7 368. 93 t a. And TSP is in excess of its capacity, flying dust about coal and uncovered floor are main pollution sources on gale occasion, and atmospheric pollution is produced by 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 23,No. 4, Aug . , 2005