螺压脱水机在污水处理中的应用 任 铁 孙 晓 张晓东 辽阳石化分公司动力厂, 辽宁 辽阳 111001 摘要 介绍了螺压脱水机工艺条件的选择及运行效果, 说明在污水处理厂完全可以应用螺压脱水机替代板框压滤系 统处理剩余污泥, 而且具有良好的应用前景。 关键词 螺压脱水机 污水 污泥 脱水 0 引言 辽阳石化分公司动力 94 污水处理装置由法国 引进 ,用来处理工业产生的含油污水、 不含油污水 、 酸 碱废水和生活污水等 。该装置处理污水采用活性污 泥法 。活性污泥在分解有机物的同时, 自身新陈代谢 不断繁殖 ,因此污水中的污泥浓度不断增大。为保持 污水中污泥浓度在一定范围 2~ 5 g L , 使得污水处 理效果最佳 ,需要对剩余污泥压滤脱出 [ 1] 。本试验采 用螺压脱水机代替板框压滤系统处理剩余污泥。 1 工艺条件的选择 1. 1 ROS3. 2螺压脱水机的选择 德国琥珀公司生产的螺压脱水机, 采用世界上先 进的螺旋压缩分离技术对污泥进行脱水处理 ,属于第 4 代污泥处理设备, 下面是螺压脱水机的选择依据 。 1理论计算 94 污水处理装置处理污水能力为1 150 t h, 目 前实际进水量为850 t h, 按照理论计算 ,每天送往浓 缩池的剩余污泥为 18. 46 m 3 h, 干污泥量为 2. 3 t d。 现安装 1 台德国琥珀 ROS3. 2 型螺压脱水机 , 2 台国 产螺压脱水机, 可满足生产需要。 2实际验证 德国琥珀 ROS3. 2 型螺压脱水机每天 24 h 连续 运行, 1台国产螺压脱水机间断运行 , 压出污泥含水 率为 90, 湿污泥产生量为 25 t d, 满足生产需要 。 1. 2 配套系统的选择 1加药系统 确定药液与污泥的投加比约为 1∶ 15。按照处理 量10 t h 的螺压脱水机,其配套加药泵的能力最大可 选择 700 L h, 根据试验情况及选用的不同牌号药剂 对结果产生的影响, 选用流量为1 850 L h的加药泵 。 选用 3 腔式加药箱 ,每箱容积为 1 t , 按照配制药 液时间至少控制在 1 h 以上 ,上水流量控制在1 400~ 1 600 L h,加药箱内配置搅拌器 。 2污泥输送泵 按照螺压机的最大处理量 10 t h, 选择上泥泵的 最大处理能力为 10 t h。 3自动控制系统 采用 PLC 自动控制, 通过参数设置及控制面板 的操作,实现系统的药液配制自动完成。药液自动配 制完成后,上泥泵、加药泵、脱水机自动启动 ,形成絮 凝体进入脱水机脱水 ,脱水后污泥由出料口排出。 2 工艺流程及工艺控制过程 来自污泥调节池的剩余污泥经输泥泵与加药泵 输送的药液在加药环内反应, 经絮凝筒进入螺压脱水 机, 正常情况下关闭阀 1, 而直接进入滤水回水管 排走 。 给水管线通过上水总阀后分 3 路 , 1 路供加药 箱,做配制药液用水 ; 2路供螺压脱水机, 做反冲洗用 水; 3 路通过阀 2 与滤水管相连, 正常情况下关闭 阀2, 螺压脱水机停运后开启阀 2, 冲洗该段管线, 加 药箱排空, 阀 3常关。工艺流程见图 1。 图 1 单台螺压脱水机工艺流程 84 环 境 工 程 2008年 4 月第26 卷第2 期 螺压机在运行过程中根据 PLC 控制系统设定的 反冲洗时间进行自动反冲洗, 絮凝体的絮凝情况通过 絮凝筒可直接观察。各设备在运行过程中,可随时根 据絮凝情况对上泥量、加药量等进行调节 ,以达到系 统的运行最佳状态。 3 运行效果 3. 1 螺压脱水机性能 螺压脱水机投入运行 , 采用 24 h 连续运行方式 对螺压脱水机进行了跟踪试验 , 药液的配制浓度为 0. 1~ 0. 15, 上泥量为 5~ 8 t h, 加药泵的流量控 制在 400~ 600 L h, 螺压脱水机采用自动运行方式, 曝气池污泥浓度保持在 2 ~ 5 g L, 整套系统运行平 稳,污水处理效果良好。当上泥量为 5 t h, 加药量为 0. 4 t h 浓度0. 1 时,原污泥浓度为12. 91g L; 滤液 含固率均为 1. 67 g L ; 湿污泥含水率均为 78. 01 g L; 螺压机固体回收率为 87. 07; 絮凝剂量与处理干污 泥量比为 0. 46 。 3. 2 板框压滤系统与螺压脱水机的脱水效果对比 1劳动强度及环境污染情况的比较 采用原板框压滤系统劳动强度大, 现场污染严重 。 另外,由于排出的污泥含有 Fe 3 、 Cl - 、 Ca 2及强碱性 , 在堆放场堆放时造成土壤板结、硬化 。而采用螺压脱 水机脱水,由于全部采用自动化控制,人工只需在储缸 中加入足量的聚丙烯酰胺 ,所有操作将全部自动化,大 大地降低了劳动强度及现场的环境污染。另外由于药 剂采用聚丙烯酰胺,排出污泥中不含 Fe 3 、 Cl - 、 Ca 2及 强碱性 [ 2] ,彻底解决了环境污染问题 。 2化工原料消耗费用比较 原采用板框压滤系统时 ,FeCl3用量为 800 kg d, 白灰用量为 750 kg d, 年消耗化工料费用为649 083 元; 而采用聚丙烯酰胺后 , 加药量为 7. 2 kg d, 则年消 耗费用为169 920元 。因此采用螺压脱水机代替板框 压滤系统, 年节省化工料479 163元 。 4 结论 1污水处理厂采用螺压脱水机并配套自动加 药控制系统进行污泥脱水 ,不仅降低了工人的劳动强 度,而且解决了环境污染问题 。 2该套系统可以 24 h 连续运行 ,而且连续进料 时,排出的污泥含水量会逐步降低。 3药剂采用聚丙烯酰胺, 排出的污泥中不含 Fe 3 、 Cl - 、Ca 2 及强碱性, 彻底地解决了环境污染 问题 。 参考文献 [ 1] 徐亚同, 黄民生.废水生物处理的运行管理与异常对策. 北京 化学工业出版社, 2004 292 -296 [ 2] 金兆丰, 余志荣. 污水处理组合工艺及工程实例. 北京 化学工 业出版社, 2003 282-288 作者通信处 任铁 111001 辽宁辽阳石化分公司动力厂生产技术科 电话 0419 5153354 E -mail zhaicltetrochina . com. cn 2007- 08-01 收稿 上接第 83页 8 垃圾渗滤液的厌氧生物降解中产甲烷和硫酸 盐还原同时发生 ,而且硫酸还原菌对产甲烷菌有明显 的竞争,SO 2- 4去除率最高可达到 77左右 。 参考文献 [ 1] 杨秀环, 牛冬杰, 陶红. 垃圾渗滤液处理技术进展. 环境卫生工 程, 2006,14 1 46 -49 [ 2] Dague R R. 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The high capability to remove cadmium completely at low concentrations, high adsorption capacity in batch and column adsorption and fine reversibility to be regenerated rapidly for 4 cycles indicate that granular red mud can be used in heavy metals adsorption as an upgraded product for powdered red mud adsorbents. Keywords granular red mud, cadmium and adsorption LEACHING HAZARDNESS OF THE HEAVY METALS FROM CEMENT-SOLIDIFIED SLUDGE Dong Xingling Zhang Huyuan Wang Jinfang et al 74 Abstract The sludge solidifiedby cement can be reused asbuilding materials for geotechnical engineering. This paper analyzes the leaching hazardness of heavy metals from the solidified sludge as affected by pH, Eh and microorganism activities.Research results showed that the leaching toxicity of its has been decreased. Keywords sludge, solidification, heavy metal and leaching toxicity RESEARCH ON MECHANISM OFMICROBES IN NITRIFICATION STAGE OF COKING WASTEWATERJin Wenjie Qi Meng Zhang Qi et al 76 Abstract The process of Nitrification -Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidization was used to remove NH 4-N from coking wastewater, the nitrificationwas mainly studied in this article.Nitrification had been achieved by the of suspended activated sludge or of the biofilm. Research on mechanism of the microbeswas done during the nitrification stage by comparing the process of the suspended activated sludge with that of the biofilm. The results proved that the ammonia -oxidation bacteria were the dominant strain in the suspended activated sludge process, and nitrification had been achieved by them, and the nature of reaction was shortcut nitrification; In the biofilm process, the nitrification reaction was achieved by ammonia -oxidation bacteria, nitrition oxidation bacteria and denitrification bacteria, the nature of reaction was simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. The reaction path of the suspended activated sludge process was shorter than the biofilm process, but the biofilm process sustained higher ammonia loading rate than the suspended activated sludge process. Keywords coking wastewater, nitrification, denitrification,ammonia -oxidation bacteria, denitrification bacteria and nitrite oxidizing bacteria ENGINEERINGDESIGNOFBIOCHEMICALTREATMENTOFWASTEWATERFROM PRODUCTIONOF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINES Hu Xiaolin Li Dongwei Liu Hongbing 79 Abstract Traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing wastewater was treated by two -phase anaerobic -contact oxidation -BAF process with treating scale of 150 m3 d. The influent quality was as below COD6 000 mg L, BOD52 700mg L and SS310 mg L. The effluent qualtty reached the first class discharge standard of GB8978 -1996. Further more, its engineering investment and operation fee were lower. Keywords traditional Chinese medicine, tow-phase anaerobic and contact oxidation process PRETREATMENTOF LANDFILL LEACHATEWITH ANAEROBIC SEQUENCINGBATCH REACTORYue Xiuping Fu Meihong Gong Zhenqiang 81 Abstract Anaerobic pretreatment of municipal landfill leachate was uated using lab-scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor ASBR at 30~ 35 ℃. The following conclusionswere drawnfrom the study ASBR hadbetter COD removal rate when COD and OLR were higher relatively; higher COD removal rate could be got in larger HRT at the similar OLR conditions;larger COD removal rate corresponded to bigger tF tRwhen OLRwas lower. At higher OLR the resultwas opposite; COD removal rate was evidently decreasedwith the increase in NH 4-N COD of influent. The COD SO2- 4 was ranged from 5. 52to 11. 41, the sulfate reduction efficiency could reach to 77, so there was not only methane production but also sulfate reduction in ASBR. Keywords landfill leachate, anaerobic sequencing batch reactor ASBR , COD, NH 4-N and COD SO 2 - 4 APPLICATION OF SCREW PRESS DEWATERER INWASTEWATER TREATMENT Ren Tie Sun Xiao Zhang Xiaodong 84 Abstract It is introduced the selection of the technical conditions of a screw press dewaterer and the check of its running effect, it is concluded that the screw press dewaterer can be used to dispose remaining sluge instead of frame pressfilter system, and the application has good prospects. Keywords screw press dewaterer, wastewater, sluge and dewater DOMESTICATION AND MICROORGANISMS OF HIGH SALINITY ACTIVATED SLUDGE Yu Deshuang Zhang Yong Leng Dongdong 86 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26, No. 2,Apr. ,2008