一体式膜生物反应器处理屠宰废水 * 李志东 1,2 李 娜 1 张洪林 1 魏 丽 2 张令戈 2 酒井裕司 3 中尾真一 3 1.辽宁石油化工大学环境与生物工程学院, 抚顺 113001; 2.大连市环境科学研究设计院, 辽宁 116023; 3.东京大学工学系研究科, 日本国 113 -8656 摘要 用一体式膜生物反应器经过90 d的连续运行对屠宰废水的处理进行研究。 试验结果表明, 出水 CODCr和 BOD5 稳定 , 平均去除率均达 95以上; NH3-N 的去除率高达 93. 7; 对 TSS、浊度、SS 及动物油脂的去除率分别99. 0、 99. 3和 95. 8, 在工艺运行的90 d里未发生膜污染现象。 关键词 膜生物反应器 屠宰废水 0 引言 屠宰废水来自牧畜、禽类 、 鱼类宰杀加工 ,是我国 最大的有机污染源之一 [ 1] 。据调查,屠宰废水的排放 量约占全国工业废水排放量的 6。屠宰废水呈红 褐色 ,有腥味,含有大量血污、皮毛 、 碎骨肉、 油脂和内 脏杂物等 [ 2] 。 近年米 ,膜生物反应器 MBR 由于处理效果好、 占地面积少、 负荷高和抗冲击负荷能力强等优点日益 受到污水处理界的关注 [ 3-8] ,并应用于屠宰废水的处 理,取得了很好的效果 [ 9,10] 。 本试验采用一体式膜生物反应器, 应用聚偏氟乙 烯平板膜对屠宰废水的处理进行了研究 ,试验结果显 示对主要污染物的去除率均达到 95以上, 说明使 用一体式膜生物反应器处理屠宰废水是可行的。 1 试验装置及方法 本试验采用的全自动一体式膜生物反应器。试 验装置工艺流程如图1所示 。 原水采用抚顺肉联厂 图 1 试验工艺流程 屠宰废水, 废水首先经过栅网去除粗大颗粒状悬浮物 并静沉 ,再由泵抽到原水槽 ,然后经斜板沉淀池到前 置反硝化A 段 ,再溢流进入好氧反应器O 段 , 在出水 泵的抽吸作用下得到膜过滤出水, 出水量为42 L h, 出水泵的工作压力为 0~ 50 kPa ,出水泵运行13 min停 4 min ,好氧槽连续曝气 。膜组件为聚偏氟乙烯平板 膜 PVDF , 膜孔径为0. 08 μ m, 膜面积为0. 45 m 2 ,膜具 有强耐久性和高过水通量 。每片膜拆卸方便 ,可以随 时进行单片清洗 该流程应用 4 片膜 。 试验污水水质如表 1所示。 表 1 试验污水水质mg L pH 除外 pHSSCODCrBOD5油TSSNH3-N 6 . 63~ 6. 88245~ 1 250660~ 1 250230~ 65095~ 141720~ 1 20026. 4~ 59. 5 *中日合作项目 200502014 ; 抚顺市科学技术计划项目 20000128 2 结果与讨论 2. 1 CODCr和 BOD5的去除 系统连续运行90 d,试验过程中 ,进水 CODCr基本 在660~ 1 250 mg L ,BOD5基本稳定在 230 ~ 650 mg L 。 从图2和图3可以看出系统运行期间出水CODCr、 BOD5 稳定,其平均去除率分别为 96. 62,98 . 67。 图 2 和图 3 可见 ,系统运行 CODCr和 BOD5的去 除效果在装置运行的前21 d处理效果较差, 主要是因 为系统试运行时不稳定, 加上操作不当 , 以及反应器 中的活性污泥驯化时间较短所造成的 。当系统运行 图 2 CODCr随运行时间的变化 到21 d以后,CODCr和 BOD5的去除率明显提高 ,CODCr 和 BOD5分别降到40 mg L和10 mg L以下 。 2. 2 氨氮的去除 从图 4 可以看出系统运行前 21 d,氨氮平均去除 27 环 境 工 程 2007年 6 月第25 卷第3 期 图 3 BOD5随运行时间的变化 图 4 NH3- N 随运行时间的变化 率为 83. 90,产生这种现象是因为系统试运行不稳 定,加上操作不当, 以及反应器中的活性污泥驯化时 间较短所造成的 ; 另一方面 ,是由于进水氨氮负荷增 大,而硝化细菌世代时间长,增殖速度慢 ,对反应条件 的变化敏感 [ 5] ; 另外 ,前21 d的水样 pH 4. 5~ 6. 2,较 低的 pH 对氨氮的降解起抑制作用 [ 6] 。 装置运行21 d以后 ,本试验组对装置的各项参数 进行调试 ,使装置能够稳定运行。并加入碱控制入水 的 pH 6. 5~ 7. 0,氨氮平均去除率增加为 93. 7。 2. 3 TSS 的去除 进水的固体悬浮物的质量浓度变化范围为720~ 1 200 mg L ,TSS 平均质量浓度为960 mg L , 在系统运 行21 d以后 ,TSS 的出水浓度 99. 0、99. 3和 95. 8, 说明MBR对上述污染物有较好的处理效果 。 表 2 浊度、SS 和动物油脂的去除率 项目浊度 NTUSS mgL- 1 动物油脂 mgL- 1 进水50~ 163245~ 1 25095~ 141 出水95. 8 3 结论 1 该试验膜生物反应器对 CODCr和 BOD5平均 去除率均达 95以上, 主要是在生物反应器中去除 的,该一体式膜生物反应器对CODCr、和 BOD5有很强 的抗冲击负荷能力。 2 对NH3- N、 TSS 、 浊度、 SS 及动物油脂的去除率 分别达到 93、99、99、99和 95以上 , 说明 MBR对上述污染物有较好的处理效果。 3 系统运行的90 d里没有出现膜污染现象, 说 明聚偏氟乙烯平板膜耐污染性强。 4 根据污水排放要求和回用目的 , 膜生物反应 器内的反应时间可以适当地缩短,从而节约电耗。 5 该工艺可普遍地应用于屠宰废水处理 ,反应 时间短,运行效率高 ,亦可缓解用水紧张的矛盾。 参考文献 [ 1] 李敬存, 郭丽波. 禽类屠宰加工废水处理技术 .环境污染治理 技术与设备, 2004, 5 2 74 -76. 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[ 10] 于凤, 陈洪斌. 屠宰废水处理技术与应用进展. 环境科学与管 理, 2005,35 4 84 -87. 作者通讯处 李志东 113001 抚顺市 辽宁石油化工大学环境与生 物工程学院 E -mail lzd-xx163. com 2006- 09-01 收稿 28 环 境 工 程 2007年 6 月第25 卷第3 期 WASTEWATER AND THE REUSE OF RECLAIMED WATER IN DISCRETE RESIDENTIAL AREASYang Qun Zhang Beiping Yang Gaohua et al 24 Abstract With the example of the construction of the wastewater advanced treatment and the reclaimed water reuse system of Gardening Resident Park in the east-west district of Wuhan, it is recommended a kind of biochemical -physico -chemical -ecological process of domestic wastewater treatment. This process is especially suitable for advanced treatment and the reuse of domestic wastewater of discrete residential areas, whose nitrogen content of the wastewater is higher. It has the advantages of stable working efficiency, low energy consumption, less land and easy coordination with the soundings. Keywords discrete residential areas, advarrced treatment of domestic wastewater, reuse of reclaimed water, membrane -biological-reactor with A -A -O route SUBMERGED MEMBRANE BIOREACTOR FOR SLAUGHTERING WASTEWATER TREATMENT Li Zhidong Li Na Zhang Honglin et al 27 Abstract In this examination, it is carried out 90 -day period experiment for studying on the treatment of slaughtering wastewater by MBR. The results show that the average removal rate of CODCris over 95 and the removal rate of BOD5is stable;the removal rate of NH3-N is 93. 7; the removal rate of TSS, turbidity, SS and animal oil fat are respectively over 99. 0, 99. 0, 99. 3, 95. 8. Membrane pollution did not occur during the operation of 90 d. Keywords membrane bioreactor and slaughter wastewater A STUDY ON DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT BY ELECTROCATALYTIC OXIDATION Wang Dingguo Wang Jianfei Li Binghua 29 Abstract Three kinds ofmental oxide modified electrode, Ti SnO2-Sb2O3、Ti RuO2-IrO2and Ti SnO2-Sb2O3-MnO2 PbO2,were made in the experiment. They were used to treat glucose solution to choose the best efficient electrode which is used to treat domestic waste water. Finally, Ti SnO2-Sb2O3-MnO2 PbO2was selected as the best anode. It had been investigated that the effects of electrolysis time, electrolysis current density and electrolyte concentration on the electrolytic efficiency . Keywords electrocatalytic oxidation, Ti SnO2-Sb2O3-MnO2 PbO2electrode, glucose solution and domestic wastewater FEASIBILITY TEST OF TREATING HIGHCONCENTRATION NH3-N WASTEWATERBY HYBRID MEMBRANE BIOREACTORZhang Zhuqing Hu Mingzhong Zhang Long 32 Abstract The removing rate of NH3-N of a hybrid membrane bioreactor using chitin as carrier can almost achieve 100, while the influent NH3-N concentration is 2 100 mg L, and the ammonium loading is 2. 19 kg m3d. The running state of the system is stable. As the amount of chitin is 2. 778 g L, the membrane flux rate remains about 87. Keywords high concentration NH3-N wastewater, hybrid membrane bioreactor and membrane pollution SIMULATIVE EXPERIMENT ON NITROGEN TRANSLATION OF POLLUTED WATER Yu Ying Chen Fanzhong Sheng Yanqing et al 35 Abstract Taking the badly polluted municipal river as the studying targets, the relationship between nitrogen translation and environment conditionswas obtainedthrough this simulated experiment. The results showedthat when the water sampleswere indoor or outside, the variability of ammonia concentration presented very quickly, but the concentrations of nitrite and nitrate were almost not variable. However, when the water samples were put into incubator, their corresponding concentrations were no longer increased or decreased evidently . The effect of photosynthetic bacteria on nitrogen translation also was studied at the same time. It showed that photosynthetic bacteria can accelerate nitrogen translation when the water samples were indoor or outside, but the velocity of nitrogen translation would slow down when the samples were put into incubator. Keywords municipal river, nitrogen translation and photosynthetic bacteria THE TESTING CONDITIONS OF AIR STRIPPING AS A PRETREATMENT FOR AMMONIA NITROGEN IN COKE PLANT WASTEWATER AND PROJECT APPLICATION Li Ruihua Wei Chaohai Wu Chaofei et al 38 Abstract Aiming at the severe impact on the sequent biotreatment with ammonia nitrogen in coke plant wastewater, the influencing factors on the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen including the temperature of the wastewater, the air liquid ratio, the stripping time and the predictive pH on the remove rate of ammonia nitrogen were investigated in the bench -scale reactor. The results showed that when treating the coke plant wastewater with the optimal operational conditions, under the wastewater scale of 70 m3 h, the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen reached 68~ 85, and there was basically no influence on the process of sequent biotreatment. Keywords air stripping, coke plantwastewater, ammonia nitrogen and pretreatment THE STUDY ONBIOPURIFICATIONOF NH3, H2S ANDTRIMETHYLAMINE -CONTAINING ODOR FROM AQUATIC FEEDHu Fang Wei Zaishan Ye Weijun 41 Abstract It was selected the major components of the odor from aquatic feed factory, and hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and trimethylamine were taken as the target pollutants. Biological packed column was used for treating these pollutants. The research aimed at understanding the parameters affecting bioreactor perance. The results were as follows the biotic community in the packed column had a good ability to degrade the target pollutants and the inlet concentration, gas flux and spray streams capacity had a little effect on the odor removal efficiency . When the inlet concentrationwas no more than 300 mg m3, the gas flow was no more than 0. 45 m3 g the residence time was no less than 20 sand the 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 25,No. 3, Jun. , 2007