负载酸活性炭净化磷化氢实验研究 * 宁 平 李 彬 王学谦 昆明理工大学环境学院, 云南 650093 摘要 用活性炭吸附方法对 PH3进行脱除净化, 主要考查了氧含量、浸渍液浓度、温度对吸附效率的影响, 在氧含量 1. 5, 浸渍液 HCl 浓度为 5, 温度为70 ℃的条件下, 在磷化氢进口浓度为1 100 mg m3时, 磷化氢的净化效率保持在 90以上, 同时对反应机理进行了分析。 关键词 活性炭 吸附 催化 磷化氢 *国家 863 项目 编号 2004AA649040 1 前言 黄磷是重要的基本化工原料之一, 用途十分广 泛。云南黄磷贮量丰富, 加快磷化工的发展是云南工 业强省的战略之一。但是由于磷化工产品单一,纯度 低,一直制约着磷化工的发展 。黄磷尾气是黄磷生产 中产生的工业废气 , 其中一氧化碳的含量高达 80 ~ 95,是一种非常有用的一碳化工原料, 黄磷尾气 的主要组成见表 1。目前各厂家主要以点燃的方式 处置黄磷尾气, 严重污染了大气。本实验对黄磷尾气 用固定床吸附柱进行吸附净化 ,以满足后续生产一碳 化工产品 ,同时增加黄磷生产的附加值 。 表 1 黄磷尾气的主要组成 P4 mgm- 3 CO2 O2 CO H2 CH4 N2 总 F mgm-3 H2O 1 170 2 . 4 ~ 4 0 . 95 85 ~ 95 6. 40 . 4254. 29317. 35 黄磷尾气的净化方法主要有 1 水洗法 ; 2 水 洗加碱洗法; 3 催化氧化法 ; 4 变温和变压吸附法。 本研究采用吸附催化氧化净化法进行尾气处理,采用 吸附催化氧化净化法技术的关键在于选择吸附催化 选择性好 、 吸附容量大的吸附剂及简单易行的再生方 式,以解决可能存在的杂质组分在吸附剂上的沉淀问 题,保证装置能长期稳定地运行。吸附法黄磷尾气中 最难脱出的是PH3气体 ,因此如何净化磷化氢就成了 影响尾气能否成功回用的问题 。根据吸附法的特性, 黄磷尾气中各组分的吸附优先顺序为 H2O HF AsH3PH3 CO2 CO CH4 N2 H2, 因此有脱除 PH3的 理论基础 。本试验选择活性炭作吸附载体,首次用盐 酸做活性组分来浸渍活性炭, 实现催化氧化 ,既保证 了PH3的高去除率 ,同时可以实现黄磷尾气中的一氧 化碳回收利用, 达到废物利用的目的, 做到了化工生 产的零污染 。 2 实验装置及方法 本实验以吸附柱模拟固定床对黄磷尾气中的磷 化氢进行净化, 实验装置如图 1 所示 。 图 1 黄磷尾气净化实验装置简图 整个反应在通风橱里进行 ,实验过程中磷化氢的 测定用检测管, 同时用比色法对数据进行校正, 保证 测量的误差最小 。试验用活性炭参数见表 2, 用盐酸 浸渍后用做吸附催化剂。本试验采用静态配气,将一 定量的氧 气与 氮气混 合, 作 为原料 气。 在 储气 袋1 内 ,控制氮气和空气的比例, 保证 PH3的浓度与 实际生产中尾气的浓度相当 1 100 mg m 3 ,动力泵放 在反应器后 ,保证吸附在负压下操作 压力表测反应 压力 ,干燥管内装有硅胶, 防止水分进入反应器内, 影响催化吸附的反应效果 ,洗涤瓶用硫酸铜吸收未反 应的磷化氢 ,防止污染大气 ,在实际应用中可以回收 磷,在吸附柱中 ,磷化氢被吸附到活性炭表面 ,与氧气 在盐酸催化剂作用下发生吸附催化反应 ,被氧化成磷 的氧化物去除。 本研究以盐酸做浸渍液, 考察浸渍液浓度 1, 5, 10, 以体积分数计 、氧含量 0. 5, 1. 0, 1. 5,以体积分数计 、吸附反应温度 20, 70,90 ℃ 对PH3吸附效果的影响 。 41 环 境 工 程 2005年 8 月第23 卷第4 期 表 2 实验用活性炭物性参数见 空隙率 cm3g- 1堆积密度 gL- 1粒度 mm比表面 m2g- 1碘吸附容量 mgg- 1压碎强度 kgcm- 1比热 kJ℃ g 0 . 7450~ 550 4 0. 5900900 70. 3~ 0 . 4 3 实验结果 3. 1 氧含量对吸附容量的影响 在磷化氢入口浓度为1 100 mg m 3 ,浸渍液为 5 下,作不同氧含量对吸附效果的影响 ,结果如图 2 所 示。由图 2 可见 ,当氧的含量较少时 ,吸附效果很差, 随着氧含量的上升, 吸附明显升高, 但是氧含量在 1. 5 附近没有明显改变。本实验中增加氧含量, 一 方面利于磷化氢的充分混合、扩散, 磷化氢吸附后进 行催化氧化反应 ,另一方面由于氧含量的增加 ,与磷 化氢发生竞争吸附, 导致活性炭吸附磷化氢的量不再 增加, 出口浓度在氧体积含量达到 1时, 再增加其 含量吸附量增加已不明显, 最佳氧含量取体积比 1. 5。 图 2 不同氧含量下磷化氢的穿透曲线比较 3. 2 反应温度对吸附容量的影响 在氧含量为 2时, 考察不同浓度 PH3在不同温 度下的饱和吸附容量如图 3 所示 。 图 3 不同含氧量下吸附等温线的比较 从图 3中可以看出温度太高或者太低都不利于 PH3的吸附 ,温度在70 ℃时催化吸附容量最大 ,这可 以从两个方面解释 首先该根据氧的影响 ,推知该吸 附反应可能发生化学反应 2PH34O2 P2O5 3H2O - 2 286. 92 kJ 1 化学反应 1 属于表面反应的吸热反应 , 升高温度利 于向吸热的正反应方向进行; 另外温度太高 ,载体活 性炭结构可能改变, 同时浸渍吸附到活性炭表面的活 性组分更易挥发, 导致吸附剂吸附容量下降。因此, 试验取70 ℃作为最佳反应温度。 图 4 不同浸渍液浓度的穿透曲线比较 3. 3 浸渍液浓度对吸附容量的影响 在氧含量 1. 5, 反应温度70 ℃下 , 将 5与 10及 1盐酸浸渍液处理效果加以比较 , 结果如 图4所示。在不同的浸渍浓度下, 催化氧化的吸附曲 线都出现了一个平台 ,这主要原因是活性炭多孔固体 的毛细凝聚的结果, 开始阶段吸附主要以单分子吸附 为主 ,随着反应的进行单分子吸附饱和后又以催化氧 化吸附为主 。同时浸渍的活性组分浓度大,有利于提 供更多的活性吸附位 ,但是过多的活性组分势必导致 活性炭孔隙率的实际利用效率 ,即活性组分占据了吸 附剂的活性部位 ,导致PH3进入吸附剂空隙的位阻增 大,不利于吸附的进行 , 因此 , 抑制了催化氧化的进 行。实验结果是 5与 10 的浸渍液效果差别不大, 也说明了这一点。故试验最佳的浸渍液浓度取 5 较为合理。 3. 4 吸附平衡 取试验用本地活性炭与制备效果最佳的活性炭 做饱和吸附等温线见表 2。并用表中数据以弗兰德 利希方程回归, 得到本地活性炭与试验最佳条件下的 活性炭的方程式分别是 y 0. 003 3x 2. 178 0 2 y 0. 001 0 x 0. 453 0 3 可见, 本地活性炭中弗兰德利希方程式的 1 n 2. 178 0 2, 1 n 2, 难吸附 在物理吸附过程中, 说 明磷化氢本身是难以被吸附的物质 ,而经盐酸浸渍后 1 n 0. 453 0. 5, 活化能大大降低了 ,强化了吸附效 果,可以说又属于易于被吸附的物质 。这证明了我们 结论的正确性 即盐酸浸渍后主要发生化学反应吸 附,在催化剂的表面上发生表面化学反应 ,改变了原 42 环 境 工 程 2005年 8 月第23 卷第4 期 来磷化氢本身的吸附历程 , 也与一般的化学反应不 同,使得磷化氢在催化剂表面上的吸附量大大增加了 大概增加了 8 ~ 10 倍 。但是由于在实验室内催化 剂量较小, 实验中有可能存在短路, 催化剂利用率不 高,导致了我们实际测得的吸附容量只有4~ 5倍 。 表 3 本地活性炭与浸渍后活性炭吸附容量比较 mg g 进气 PH3浓度本地活性炭吸附容量浸渍后活性炭吸附容量 1 0000 . 0130. 020 2 0000 . 0180. 029 3 0000 . 0190. 038 4 0000 . 0200. 040 5 0000 . 0210. 040 6 0000 . 0210. 040 4 反应机理分析 吸附净化的机理为 首先, PH3气体和分子态的 P4穿过吸附剂表层进入活性炭微孔 , 被浸渍的盐酸 与其反应 , 生成活性很高的 PH3Cl和 P4Cl, 被吸附 到活性炭微孔, 停留时间得以延长, 与进气中的氧气 有足够的时间发生化学反应, 进一步生成 P2O3和 P2O5, 同时氯原子被释放, 进行更多的吸附反应,最终 PH3和P4在催化剂的催化作用下完全氧化为P2O3和 P2O5, 由于催化剂 P2O3和 P2O5的选择吸附量远远大 于对 P4和 PH3的吸附量,因此,所制备的催化剂提高 了活性炭的吸附容量 ,解决了黄磷尾气净化困难的课 题,使得尾气得以净化。主要机理方程如下 ① PH3 Cl※ PH3Cl P4Cl※ P4Cl ② PH3Cl O2※P2O3 Cl H2O g PH3Cl O2※P2O5 Cl H2O g P4Cl O2※ P2O3 Cl P4Cl O2※ P2O5 Cl 5 结论 1 得到了最佳的试验条件为 氧含量 1. 5, 反 应温度70 ℃,浸渍液浓度 1. 5 ; 2 采用酸性物质浸渍后的活性炭吸附净化 PH3,在进口中 PH3的含量在很大范围内变化的情况 下,出口 PH3的浓度保持在 8~ 12 mg m 3之间 ; 3 该吸附催化氧化法净化 PH3不需要对黄磷尾 气进行预处理, 当进口PH3的浓度在 1 100 mg m 3 时 , 出口 PH3的含量在 93以上 , 满足一碳化工对原料 气的要求; 4 催化氧化脱磷过程中的反应温度及气体中的 氧含量是影响净化效率的关键因素 ,增加气体中的氧 含量或提高反应温度可显著提高净化效率,但增加到 一定值后净化效果无显著提高 ; 5 用蒸汽气体法可以实现催化剂的再生 ,回收 蒸汽中的磷化物 ,达到废物利用的目的 , 有很好的经 济和社会价值。 参考文献 1 陈中明. 变温和变压吸附法从黄磷尾气净化回收一氧化碳. 天然 气化工, 2003. 26 3 24~ 26. 2 邓丛, 王学谦, 宁平等, 黄磷尾气净化脱硫模拟工艺试验. 云南化 工, 2003. 30 1 21~ 23. 3 宁平, 任丙南. 黄磷尾气的综合利用及净化途径探讨. 云南环境科 学, 2003. 22 增 149~ 151. 4 吴满昌, 宁平. 黄磷尾气的净化方法探讨. 磷肥与复肥, 2003. 18 4 41~ 43. 5 杨云, 张林勇, 殷文华. 黄磷尾气的净化及应用. 气体净化, 2003. 3 4 129~ 132. 6 陈善继. 我国黄磷工业的发展前景. 磷肥与复肥, 2002. 17 5 43~ 46. 7 游成树. 黄磷炉气综合利用途径探讨. 贵州化工, 1999. 1, 10~ 12. 8 熊辉. 次氯酸钠脱除黄磷尾气中的硫磷杂质. 化工环保, 2002. 22 3 161~ 164. 9 魏玺群, 郑才平, 张杰等. 黄磷尾气净化回收新工艺探讨. 化肥工 业, 2001. 28 6 29~ 32. 10 褚森泉. 黄磷尾气的综合利用. 化肥工业, 24 3 55~ 57. 作者通讯处 李彬 650093 昆明理工大学莲华校区男 5 栋227 室 电话 13888037149 E -mail Break. litom. com 2004- 11-08 收稿 推荐新书 ISO14001 新版 标准在企业中的贯彻实施 ISO14001 -2004 新版标准已正式颁布实施, 其增加了新内容和新要求 。 由国家注册审核员培训教师孙永军编制了ISO14001 新版 标准在企业中的贯彻实施一书。 作者充分考虑我国环境管理的特点, 借鉴国内外企业实施 ISO14001标准的经验, 针对新 标准条款中各项要求进行了解析, 强调理论与实践密切结合, 浅显易懂。 这对于国内企业 包括已认证的企事业单位 能更好地 理解和运用新标准, 少走弯路, 顺利通过认证或转版认证工作, 是一本指导性的工具书。 全书约 42万字, 定价 56 元, 已于 2005 年 7 月由冶金工业出版社出版发行。 欢迎订购。 联系电话 010 64027929 传真 010 64013877 联系人 朱华英 43 环 境 工 程 2005年 8 月第23 卷第4 期 Keywords artificial marsh system, municipal sewage and ecological treating system APPLICATION OF ANAEROBIC PROCESS OF TWO-STAGE UPFLOW ANAEROBIC SLUDGE BED IN PHARMACEUTICAL WASTEWATERPang Yan et al 25 Abstract It is very difficult for a normal process to treat an antibiotic pharmaceuticalwastewater with CODCrof 39 000 mg L and sulphate concentration of about 6 500 mg L. Two -stage anaerobic process is suggested and used for a pharmaceutical factory in Shangdong Province. Excellent effect and economic benefit have been obtained. Keywords pharmaceuticalwastewater, two -stage anaerobic process and biodesulphuration REGULATION OF INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR A O PROCESS IN TREATING AIRLINE FECAL SEWAGEZhang Zhiguang et al 27 Abstract In addition to treatment of routine domestic sewage from airport zone, Capital Airport Sewage Treatment Plant still treats airline fecal sewage. There was a loading shock on the sewage treatment system in the first half year of 2004 due to many causes. It is introduced how to regulate the process and restore a normal operation of the sewage treatment system on condition of a loading shock. Keywords airline fecal sewage, activated sludge and regulation RESEARCH ON SIMULTANEOUS NITRIFICATION AND DENITRIFICATION IN SBR SYSTEM Zhang Long et al 29 Abstract A single stage SBR system fed with a synthetic municipal wastewater containing organics and ammonia was investigated. By the additionof glucose as carbon source and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source, the influences of varieties of C N and DO concentration on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification SNDwere also investigated. The results showed that when the influent concentrations of CODCrand NH3-N were 244~ 550 mg L, 45. 4~ 52. 2 mg L, DO1. 0-3. 0 mg L and CODCr NH3-N 5~ 10 respectively , the removal rates of CODCrand NH3-N reached 87. 1~ 91. 0, 75. 1~ 94. 7 respectively. Considering the research results, one typical cycle of SND was analyzed simultaneously. Keywords biological nitrogen removal, simultaneous nitrification and denitrification and SBR system THE EFFECT OF OZONIZATION ON DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER IN SECONDARY EFFLUENT AND ANALYSIS OF REACTION KINETICSWang Lei et al 33 Abstract A study on ozonization of secondary effluent was conducted with different retention time, and the organics presented different molecular size distribution characteristics, which provided a theoretical basis for choosing the right process of ozone combination. The results showed that ozonization raised the biodegradability of organics, which could be divided into three phases, each of which was the first order reaction, then the dynamic equation of ozonization of secondary effluent could be obtained, which provided theoretical proof for choosing the appropriate ozone retention time, and realizing high efficiency and low energy consumption treatment of municipal wastewater. Keywords ozonization, secondary effluent, ozone reaction kinetics and sewage recycling RESEARCH ON PRETREATMENT OF REFINERY ORGANIC ALKALI WASTEWATER WITH HIGH CONCENTRATIONZhang Dongmei et al 36 Abstract It is compared that the degradation of refinery organic alkali wastewater with high concentration by UV O3, UV H2O2and UV TiO2 H2O2systems. The results show that three s all have good degradation effect. On condition of the experiment, UV TiO2 H2O2process has an obvious effect of oil removal. In the UV O3system ultraviolet light makes the degradation rates of CODCr, oil and phenol in the watewater increase by 24, 31 and 28 respectively , and particularly let the average of BOD CODCrraise by 0. 45. Thus the biodegradability of the wastewater is improved effectively. Keywords pretreatment and refinery alkali wastewater EFFECT OF NEGATIVE IONS GENERATOR ON REDUCING EXHAUST GAS FROM INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINEWei Gang et al 39 Abstract In this paper, based on the combustionexperiment on a diesel engine, the mechanisms of reducing harmful exhuast gas NOX, CO etc from the engine by negative ions, electrons and active free radicals released from the negative ion generator were discussed. Keywords negative ion generator and reduction of exhaust gas EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON PURIFICATION OF PH3BY LOAD ACTIVATED CARBON Ning Ping et al 41 Abstract Activated carbon adsorption is usedto purify PH3. It is examined the effect of oxygen, liquid of dipping, and reaction temperature on the adsorption efficiency. Under the condtion of 1. 5 of oxygen volume, 5hydrochloric acid dipping and reaction temperature 70℃, 90 of PH3has been removed when the concentration of PH3is 1 100 mg m3at inlet, and the mechanism anlysis is conducted. 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 23,No. 4, Aug . , 2005 Keywords activated carbon, adsorption, PH3 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON PURIFYING DUST-BEARING WASTE GAS BY VORTEX LIQUID - GAS REACTORLuo Peng et al 44 Abstract A design of a novel vortex liquid -gas reactor was presented. Experimental studies were carried out in lab. The effects of temperature, the ratio of liquid gas and the concentration of HCl in the solution on HCl adsorptivity R were investigated. The experimental results showed that the vortex liquid -gas reactor can be used for removing the solid particles and hydrogen chloride gas in the carrier gas stream efficiently. It was also found that in the suitable conditions the HCl absorptivity could be as high as 99. 5 and there were no solids found in the discharged gas stream. Keywords reactor, waste gases treatment and hydrogen chloride EXPERIMENT RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF ALDEHYDE POLLUTION BY TEA Wang Jinquan et al 47 Abstract In order to reduce the volatilisation content of aldehyde in the material of furniture, it is a experiment research that three plywood boardswere dealt separately with the extraction by liquid of teas and its mixed liquid with other reagents. The research results indicated that the extraction by liquid of teas could reduce the volatilisation conent of aldehyde from 400. 4μ g to 315. 4μ g, relative decrease about 21. 2; itsmixed liquidwith other reagents could reduce the volatilisation contnet of aldehyde from 390. 1μ g to 94. 6μ g, relative decrease about 75. 7. Keywords air pollution, tea, aldehyde and treatment RESEARCH ON MECHANISM OF SEVERAL SEMI-DRY DESULPHURIZATION PROCESSES GeJielong et al 49 Abstract In order to contrast and research the mechanism and perance of the desulphurization processes such as recycle semic -dry process, gas duct fluidized bed, lime spray in boiler and humidification activation behind boiler, semi -dry sprayer etc it is synthetically contrasted and analysed the inds of the desulphurization processes including react time, operating temperature. Ca S value, reliability, fuel applicability, equipmentfloor area, perance price ratio and so on. The result shows that novel integrated desulphurization technology NIDhas predominance on the inds such as fuel applicability, operating remperature, perance price ratio, operating reliability and so on by contrasting with other semi-dry desulphurization processes. So NID is well worth to be expanded and applied. Keywords semi -dry process, desulphurization, mechanism, inds and research THE FUNDAMENTAL STUDY ON THE REUTILIZATIONOF ELECTRONIC SCRAP BY PASSIVE PULSE AIR CLASSIFIERSDuan Chenlong et al 53 Abstract The mechanical separation of electronic scrapESwill benefit both the environment and the society. According to the characteristicsof ES, a passive pulse air -classifier was used to recover valuable components from ES at laboratory stage. The results of the laboratory experiments indicate that the passive pulsing classifiers achieve more effective results of separation and get a wider range of operating velocities of the airflow than the traditional ones. Keywords electronic scrap, mechanical separation, air -classifier, pulse air and separation efficiency CHARACTERISTICS OF BY -PRODUCTS FROM MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE INCINERATOR He Pinjing et al 56 Abstract Incineration has become one of the major municipal solidwaste MSWtreatment processes in some cities of China. As a result, secondary pollution of by -products from the MSW incinerator is of increasing concern. According to the monitoring results over more than 2 years covering various seasons, the generation and typical characteristics of the leachate from the waste pit and the MSWI residues air pollution control residues and bottom ashare presented, taking a typicalMSW incinerator inShanghai as a case. Thereby the distribution of th heavy metals in the MSW incineration plant is discussed. Keywords municipal solid waste incineration, leachate, fly ash, bottom ash and properties of pollutants generation source RESEARCH STATUS AND PROBLEMS OF MODERN MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL Li Zhibin et al 60 Abstract Modern municipal solid waste landfill isa most effective and safe in delaing withmunicipalwaste. A great deal of research work has been done by home and overseas scholars on geotechnical problems of landfill, but there are still some problems that have not