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厌氧-好氧生物滤池处理城市污水试验 * 方俊华 何 强 徐建斌 翟 俊 重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室, 重庆 400045 摘要 研究了生物滤池处理城市污水的性能特点, 结果表明 厌氧-好氧生物滤池去除城市污水中的 CODCr、SS 和 NH 4-N等具有较好的效果, 当进水 CODCr、SS 和 NH 4-N 分别为 23、112 mg L 和 56 mg L 时, 水力停留时间 8 h, 曝气强度 在0. 5~ 0 . 6 L m2s 时, CODCr、SS 和 NH 4-N 的去除率分别在 90、80和 75以上。 关键词 厌氧-好氧生物滤池 城市污水 生物膜 *“十五”攻关项目 2001BA604A01 0 引言 传统的曝气生物滤池存在着对进水 SS 要求较 高、 易于堵塞等缺点 , 严重制约了其在实际工程中的 应用 。本研究针对上述缺点, 根据曝气生物滤池的基 本原理 ,在传统曝气滤池的基础上进行了改进 ,开发 了一种集厌氧、好氧于一体的新型生物滤池。并对其 应用于处理城市污水进行了试验研究。 1 试验装置和试验条件 1. 1 试验装置及流程 试验装置及流程见图 1。 反应器由玻璃钢制成 ,其外形尺寸为 长 0. 75 m, 宽0. 55 m ,高 2. 00 m ; 其中布水系统高 0. 3 m, 厌氧层 高0. 4 m , 反冲洗和布气系统层高 0. 2 m , 好氧层高 0. 85 m ,超高 0. 25 m。在底层承托层以上每隔150 mm 处设置了取样管 , 共 7 根 ; 其中缺氧层均匀设置了 2 根 ,在布气层中部设置了 1 根 , 以便考察厌氧层的 功能 ,其余 4 根设置在好氧层。 1进水斗; 2配水区; 3厌氧层; 4曝气和冲洗装置层; 5好氧层; 6出水堰; 7取样口; 8污水入口; 9溢流口; 10高位水箱; 11转子流量计; 12空气泵; 13回流用水桶; 14回流泵; 15出水。 图 1 试验装置及流程 1. 2 填料 试验中使用的填料为酶促生物填料 专利产品 , 粒经为 10~ 15 mm ,堆积密度为 1. 56 g cm 3 ,空隙率为 0. 506,强度好。该种填料表面具有大量适合微生物 生长的微孔 ,有利于微生物形成空间网状结构, 易于 挂膜, 并具有促进各种微生物生长, 激化微生物活性 的特点。 1. 3 试验条件及过程 1. 3. 1 试验水质 试验进水取自某城市污水处理厂初沉池出水 ,进 水水质指标如表 1 所示 。 表 1 试验进水水质指标mg L pH 除外 SS CODCrBOD5 NH 4-N TNTPpH 89~ 165 195~ 411 78~ 15638~ 7545~ 80. 7 3. 5~ 7. 78 6 . 7~ 7 . 9 1. 3. 2 试验过程 试验是从 2003 年 9 月 ~ 2004 年 11 月。水力停 留时间分别控制在 4、6、7、8、9、10 h, 曝气强度在 0. 5~ 0. 6 L m 2s 的情况下进行了 6 组试验。 2 试验结果与分析 2. 1 启动期试验结果与分析 启动开始时 ,向滤池内投加少量活性污泥 取自 曝气池, 10 L , 而后连续进水, 流量控制在 65 ~ 70 L h,水力停留时间为 10 h 左右 。前 2 周进、出水 的CODCr变化如图 2 所示 。 从图 2中可以看出 ,前 3 d 的出水 CODCr较低 ,分 别为100、105、 109 mg L 。启动初期填料上的微生物 较少,CODCr的降低主要是填料对不溶性和胶体性物 质进行吸附和截留作用的结果 ; 从第 4 d 开始出水 CODCr逐渐上升 ,至第 9 d, 在光学显微镜下观察到小 口钟虫和线虫、轮虫等后生动物, 出水 CODCr又开始 23 环 境 工 程 2006年 10 月第 24卷第 5 期 图 2 启动期 CODCr变化曲线 降低 ,说明填料上的微生物发挥了主导作用。随着生 物量的增加 ,出水CODCr逐渐降低 。2 周后 ,可观察到 大量的后生动物 ,出水 CODCr稳定在 40~ 60 mg L, 可 认为反应器启动完成 。 反应器的启动是在连续进水的情况下进行的。 污水中的微生物大多附着生长在悬浮物的表面,在流 经反应器填料的过程中, 填料可将其吸附和截留在缝 隙之间,不易产生微生物的流失。试验证明这种培养 方式较快 ,本研究中 ,2周后即获得稳定的出水。 2. 2 负荷运行期试验结果与分析 2. 2. 1 HRT 对 CODCr去除率的影响 图3 反映了 6 组试验进 、 出水 CODCr平均值的变 化情况。 图 3 HRT 与CODCr去除率之间的关系 从图 3 可以看出, 随着 HRT 的增大 , 出水 CODCr 值逐渐降低, 去除率逐渐增大 。同时可以看出 , 当 4≤ HRT ≤ 7 时,去除率由 73. 2提高到 87. 8 提高 了14. 6 ,变化较快; 当 7 ≤ HRT ≤10 时, 去除率由 87. 8 提高到 94. 0 提高了 6. 2 ,变化幅度较小; 由此可知 ,在HRT 达到一定值后 ,采用较长的HRT 对 提高反应器处理 CODCr效率的贡献不大。 2. 2. 2 HRT 对SS 去除率的影响 图4 反映了 6 组试验进出水 SS 平均值的变化情 况。从图 4 可以看出 ,SS 和 CODCr的变化趋势基本相 似。当HRT ≥ 8 h 时 ,出水 SS≤20 mg L 。 2. 2. 3 HRT 对NH 4-N 去除率的影响 试验研究中发现 ,当 HRT 为 8 ~ 10 h 时 ,主反应 图 4 HRT 与SS 去除率之间的关系 器的氨氮去除率稳定在 30 左右 。这是因为主体反 应器不利于硝化细菌的生长, 使得硝化效率降低。后 续试验中, 在主体反应器后接一直径为 350 mm ,高度 为1 000 mm 的副反应器 ,氨氮去除率明显提高 ,整个 反应器对NH 4-N 的去除效果见图5。 图 5 HRT 与 NH 4-N 去除率之间的关系 从图 5 可以看出 , 氨氮的去除率与 HRT 存在较 明显的线性关系 ,且随着 HRT 的增大 ,去除率有所提 高; 当 HRT 为 9 h 主反应器 HRT 为 6 h, 副反应器 HRT 为 3 h 时, 氨氮的去除率为78. 9。 2. 2. 4 NH 4- N 容积负荷与NH 4- N 去除率的关系 图 6 反映了 不同 NH 4- N 负 荷下, 反应 器对 NH 4- N去除效率的变化情况 。 图 6 容积负荷与 NH 4-N 去除率关系 由图 6 可知 ,反应器的硝化效率随着进水氨氮负 荷率的增加而逐渐下降 。由于某些不确定因素的影 响,图 6 数据离散程度较大, 但总体变化趋势比较明 显,存在较明显的线性关系。 2. 3 填料高度对反应器处理效果的影响 将HRT 8 h、曝气强度 0. 5~ 0. 6 L m 2s 情况 下的试验,CODCr值沿流程长度逐渐降低 ,且缺氧层中 24 环 境 工 程 2006年 10 月第 24卷第 5 期 CODCr变化的趋势较大 , 40 cm 厚的滤层去除了 47 的CODCr, 这是由于大量不溶或难溶性有机物被填料 截留在滤层中, 同时缺氧层的微生物对 CODCr起到了 降解作用 。好氧层中 CODCr变化的趋势相对较小, 但 也存在明显的浓度梯度, 这为自养微生物的生长提供 了有利条件。 不同的填料高度对 SS 的去除率变化, 在填料高 度0 ~ 60 cm 范围内 ,SS 的去除率随填料层高度的增 加而增加, 且底部的 40 cm 厚填料对 SS 的去除最为 明显 ,去除率达 51,出水 SS 为47 mg L ; 随着填料的 增高 ,则去除率增加缓慢, 当填料厚度到 120 cm 时, SS 去除率趋于稳定 , 最终的出水 SS 去除率达到 83. 1, 出水 SS 为 16 mg L 。 该组试验平均进水 SS 浓度为95 mg L ,厌氧层出 水SS 浓度为 47 mg L , 去除率为 51, 可见厌氧层发 挥了较大的截污能力 。 2. 4 温度对处理效果的影响 微生物对有机质降解实质上是微生物利用体内 的酶促生化反应来实现的 ,而微生物蛋白质活性受温 度影响很大。 本试验中, 夏季水温比冬季水温高 17 ℃ 冬 季最低 水温 为 12 ℃, 夏 季最 高水 温为 29 ℃ ,在相同的水力负荷下 , 冬季温度较低时反应 器出水 CODCr明显升高。但由于冬季反应器进水有 机物浓度较高, 反应器对 CODCr的去除率与夏季相 近,表明温度较低时反应器仍有较好的处理效果。氨 氮去除效果受温度影响较大 ,HRT 同为 8 h 时, 温度 在12 ~ 19 ℃, 氨氮的去除率在 20. 2; 而当温度在 19~ 29. 8 ℃时 , 氨氮的去除率为 27. 8, 两者相差 7. 6。 3 结论 1 本试验过程中 , 曝气生物滤池采用连续进水 的方式进行启动。在水力停留时间为 10 h 的情况 下,经水质监测和生物相的观察 ,2 个星期后 , 生物载 体挂膜成功 。 2 在水力停留时间为 8 h 、CODCr有机负荷为 0. 97 kg m 3 d 、曝气强度为 0. 5 L m 2 s 情况下, CODCr、SS 的 去除率 分别 为 90. 7、83. 1; 出水 CODCr、 SS 浓度分别为 22 mg L 、 16 mg L。取得了较好 的处理效果 。 3 反应器对氨氮的去除效果与 HRT 和氨氮负 荷率均存在明显的线性关系 ; 当 HRT 为 9 h 主反应 器HRT 为 6 h ,副反应器 HRT 为 3 h 时, 主反应器对 氨氮的去除率稳定在 28. 6, 副反应器对氨氮的去 除率 50. 3 ,氨氮总去除率为 78. 9。 4 填料高度对CODCr、 SS 的去除率有密切关系。 出水 CODCr、 SS 浓度随着填料厚度的增加而逐渐降 低。当HRT 为 8 h, 填料厚度为 1. 25 m 其中缺氧层 厚0. 4 m、好氧层厚 0. 85 m 时, 出水 CODCr、 SS 均能满 足一级排放标准 。 参考文献 [ 1] Pujol P, Lemmel H, Goundsilles M. 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[ 4] “SARS”病毒污染的污水应急处理技术方案. 国家环境保护总局 文件, 2004 -04-30. 作者通讯处 吴北根 510660 广东省广州市天河区东圃车陂创业 楼 A1 栋北梯 705房 天浩环保设备科技有限公司 电话 020 33817965 E -mail wubeigen126. com 2005- 10-31 收稿 25 环 境 工 程 2006年 10 月第 24卷第 5 期 TREATMENTOFMID -STAGEWASTEWATEROFPAPER -MAKINGBYCARROUSEL OXIDATION DITCHYan Xinping Teng Hongwen7 Abstract It was introduced the design of treating mid-stage wastewater of paper -making in a paper -mill using Carrousel oxidation ditch, its running condition, the existing problems and the suggestions on them. Keywords Carrousel oxidation ditch, activated sludge and mid -stage wastewater NITROGEN REMOVAL BY AEROBIC DENITRIFICAITON WITH SBR -BAF PROCESS Wang Baoyi Huang Shaobin 10 Abstract It is experimentally studied the influence of C N ratio, higher nitrate radical and CODCr, low temperature under aerobic condition on denitrification by a SBR and a biofilm-filter filledwith porous honeycomb ceramics. The results show that DO has great effect on denitrification efficiency of this system model, The result also illustrates that the aerobic denitrification efficiency is quite well even at a low 15 ℃ temperature with DO2. 0 mg L as comparing with anaerobic dinitrification. Keywords SBR -BAF, nitrate radical, C N ratio, temperature, DO and denitrification TEST AND PROJECT PRACTICE ON TREATMENT OF HIGH NH3-N AND CO CONTAINING WASTEWATER WITH BREAK POINT CHLORINATION Song Weifeng Luo Dingfa Wang Xiaowu et al 12 Abstract High NH3-N concentration wastewater from non -ferrous chemical metallurgy isvery difficult to treat. Its NH3-N concentration and salinity are very high and is very hard to use biological technology . Breakpoint chlorination treatment is employed to treat the true wastewater in laboratory scale, according to the experimental results and parameters, a project is conducted, the main pollutantsin the effluentmeet the second -order of the national effluent standards. Finally , the matters needing attention during the project design are summarized. Keywords break point chlorination, high NH3-N containing wastewater, project practice and experimental study TREATMENT OF CHINESE TRADITIONAL PHARMACY WASTEWATER BY BIOFILTRATION OXYGENATED REACTOR BIOFORZhu Lehui Gu Rui Zhu Zhongbang 14 Abstract One stage biological filtration oxygenated reactor BIOFORwas used to treat Chinese traditional pharmacy wastewater which was mixedwith some domestic wastewater. One -year -operating data revealed that when the concentrations of CODCr, BOD5, SS of the influent were respectively 500 mg L, 230 mg L, 250mg L, the volume loading of BOD5was4. 1 kg m3d, and the gas-water ratio was 6. 6∶ 1. Only inwinter, the effluent CODCrwasoccasionally above 60 mg L, others were generally lessthan 50mg L. The water quality of finaleffluentmeets the first -order of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978 -1996. Keywords biological aerated filter, BIOFOR and pharmacy wastewater BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF TAKING SECONDARY EFFLUENT AS LANDSCAPE RUNOFF SOURCE AND COOLING WATERZhou Lǜ Huo Zhenyuan Gan Yiping et al 16 Abstract Gaobeidian Lake, as an ornamental water body in eastern Beijing, is supplied by the secondary effluent from Gaobeidian Wastewater Treatment Plant. Meanwhile the lake is also the cooling water source for the power plant. Intensive survey of water quality and preponderant algae show the lake has good aesthetics appearance, water bloom isunder the active control, and the water quality meets cooling water use, considering effective reclamation for the power plant, some suggestion is offered. Keywords wastewater treatment plant, secondary effluent, reclamation, ornamental water body and cooling water APPLICATION OF ECOTYPIC STABILIZATION POND SYSTEM IN MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENTLiu Rupeng Yu Shuili Wang Quanyong 19 Abstract Application of ecotypic stabilization pond system in Dezhou municipal wastewater treatment was presented, with an emphasis on engineering design parameters and characteristics of the design. Keywords stabilization pond, wastewater treatment and engineering design SEWAGE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY OF LAZARETTOWu Beigen Yu Zhiyong 21 Abstract According to the characteristics of waste water of lazaretto, a process of disinfectionaerobic bio -contact oxidationdisinfection was adopted to treat the sewage of Yangquan SAR S Hospital. Operation results showed that all the indsof the effluent could meet the first -order of“ National Overall Discharge Standard of Sewage” , thus obtaining good environmental and economic benefits. Keywords lazaretto, bio -contact oxidation, disinfection and chlorine dioxide TESTOFCHARACTERISTICSOFANAEROBIC -AEROBICBIOLOGICALFILTERFOR MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENTFang Junhua He Qiang Xu Jianbin et al 23 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 24, No. 5,Oct. , 2006 Abstract Characteristics of anaerobic -aerobic biological filter AABFwere studied to treat municipal wastewater in a pilot scale experiment. The experimental results showed that AABF had high efficiencies to remove organic pollutants, such as CODCr, SS and NH 4-N in municipalwatewater. The removel rates of CODCr, SS and NH 4-N are over 90, 80 and 75 respectively, when influent CODCr, SS and NH 4-N are 234 mg L, 112mg L and 56 mg L, hydraulic retention time is 8 h, and aerated intensity is in the range of 0 . 5~ 0. 6 L m 2s . Keywords anaerobic -aerobic biological filter AABF, municipal wastewater and bio -film USINGCORRUGATEDUNDERFLOWWETLANDTOTREATLOWCONCENTRATION DOMESTIC WASTEWATERZeng Xiangying Zhang Beiping Sun Gaosheng 26 Abstract It was studied the removal effect of organisms, N and P in domestic wastewater by a corrugated underflow wetland subjected to different hydraulic loadings. The low, medium and high hydraulic loadings were 0. 2 m3 m2d, 0. 4 m3 m2d and 0. 8 m3 m2d respectively. The results showed that hydraulic loading had a certain effect on the removal rate of CODCrand TP, i. e. the removal rate was decreased with increase in hydraulic loading; it almost had no effect on the removal rate of NH3-N and TN. Keywords corrugated underflow wetland, domestic sewage and hydraulic loading THE FEASIBILITY STUDY OFELECTRO-COAGULATION FOR PRETREATING LEACHATEYang Jidong ZhaoYongsheng Zhao Xiaobo 29 Abstract A study of pretreatment of leachate by electro -coagulation was carried out. Using Fe anode and stainless steel cathode, electrode spacing was 1. 5 cm, current intensity was 50 mA cm2and electrolytic time was 90minutes without adding electrolyte. The removal rates of CODCrand NH 4reached 57. 6 and 40. 1 respectively, the BOD5 CODCrratio was improved from 0. 15 to 0. 32. So this reached a good pretreatment effect. Keywords leachate, pretreat, eletro -coagulation and biochemical degradability TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC WASTEWATER REUSE AND CLEANING OF MEMBRANT BY SMBRDong Lijing Xu Gaotian Tang Fanmin 31 Abstract CASS cyclic activated sludge systemprocess and membrane filtration were combined to be a SMBR submerged membrane bioreactor. The study was onfeasibility of this SMBR usedinreclamation of domesticwastewater. The fitting operation conditionwasdetermined as HRT4 h, dissolved oxygen DOabout 4 mg L, temperature was controlled at 23~ 27 ℃, pH6. 5~ 8. 0. Under the conditions, disposal impacts to actual domestic wastewater were studied. At the same time, the of the membrane cleaning was also studied. Keywords SMBR, ultrafiltration membrane and cleaning of membrane ANALYSIS OF PARAMETER OF PLASMA DESULFURIZING TECHNOLOGY Yi Chengwu Lu Congxiang Xu Wei et al 34 Abstract SO2is removed from the simulated gas streams using non -thermal plasma which can be ed by the strong ionization discharge of dielectric barrier. The influence of these factors on desulfurization rate was analyzed. The multiple linear regression model was founded and the significance level of these influence variableswas analyzed by the of simple regression orthogonal design, the quantitative rule of experiment target and single variable is concluded. it was also found out the condition association of the optimum experiment conditions by optimization of the model. Keywords non -thermal plasma, dielectric barrier discharge, simple regression orthogonal design and desulfurization DEDUSTING RE OF SINTERING MACHINE FOR CHUXIONG DESHENG IRON AND STEEL COMPANYYang Lifang Zhang Zhiling Xu Xiaojun 38 Abstract It is introduced some technical and design problems of three -electrodes electrostatic dust catchers, which have been used in the dust -removing of the end of 19 . 6 m2sintering machine used for Chuxiong Desheng Iron andSteel Company. By analysis and summarization of use effect, it is indicated that in the case of designing parameter is suitable, the effect of dust-removing of sintering smoke is better. These potential problems of experiences and operation also provide a reference for some plants that will design sintering machines. Keywords sintering, dust -removing, treatment of flue gas, electrostatic dust catcher, sintering flue gas, re of purifying systems, electrostatic dust catcher of three -electrode and running analysis OPTIMIZATION DESIGN OF COLLECTION OF ACID MIST FOR LONG PICKLING TANK Qi Meifu Liu Yamin 42 Abstract Blowing and absorbing hood is usually used for collecting acid mist in storage battery




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