改进的灰色关联投影法在大气 环境质量评价中的应用 张启义 王文涛 汽车管理学院, 安徽 蚌埠 233011 摘要 大气环境质量评价具有多指标的特点, 且各指标的属性、重要程度和可比性都不相同, 使得方案比选具有明显 的不确定性。 通过采用适应不同环境的分辨系数和基于信息熵的权重计算, 来改进灰色关联投影方法, 使得大气环境 质量评价更加客观、公正和准确。 最后用实例论证该方法是有效可行的。 关键词 灰色关联投影法 大气环境 信息熵 质量评价 0 引言 大气环境质量评价涉及若干指标, 它们各自的属 性、 重要程度和可比性都不相同。由于大气环境污染 程度由轻到重是逐渐过渡的, 没有明确的界限 ,导致 各指标不能完全明确 ,指标之间的关系不完全清楚, 因此 ,环境质量评价系统属于灰色系统范畴。目前模 糊综合评判模型应用较为普遍 ,但评价时易使评价结 果分级不清甚至背离实际情况 ,为此本研究提出了一 种改进的灰色关联投影法 。 1 改进的灰色关联投影法 灰色关联投影法是一种多因素统计分析法,它以 各子因素时间序列与母因素时间序列的有关数据为 基础计算母子因素的关联关系 ,综合运用模和方向余 弦来描述母子因素间关系强弱 、 大小和次序。它们的 几何含义为指标比较序列与理想参考序列曲线的相 似程度以及距离和方向的一致程度 ,如果两序列曲线 形状相似 ,方向基本一致 ,距离接近 ,两者关联程度就 大,反之, 两者关联程度就小。 1. 1 建立评价指标集与指标值矩阵 设有评价方案集 A { 方案 1 , 方案 2, 方案 n} { A1, A2, , An} 。 记 V 是评价指标集 , V { 指 标1 ,指标 2, ,指标 m}{ v1, v2, ,vm} . 方案 Ai 对指标vj指标的指标值记为Yij i 1, 2, , n ; j 1, 2, , m , 则可以构造 n 方案m 个指标的评判矩阵 即指标值矩阵 R R Y11Y1m Yn1Ynm 由于各个评价指标的目的和含义不同,导致其值 的量纲和数量级也不一定相同 。为了便于分析,保证 各数据具有等效性和同序性 , 需对原始数据进行处 理,使之无量纲化和归一化。不妨设上述评判矩阵 R 为均值化处理后的指标值矩阵 。 1. 2 理想参考指标的确定 将经过无量纲处理后的各种指标的最佳值作为 理想对象的参考指标 ,便可构造理想指标序列 。即从 指标值矩阵 R 每列中找出最优值, 组成理想指标序 列 Y0 Y01, Y02, ,Y0n ,Y0j为Yij i 1,2, , n 中最优值, 当 vj为效益型指标时 ,Y0jmax Y1j, Y2j, ,Ynj , 当 vj为成本型指标时, Y0jmin Y1j, Y2j, ,Ynj 。 1. 3 关联度 记 S , F 为灰色关联空间, θ 为关联映射, rij为 子因素Yij i 1,2, , n ; j 1,2, , m 关于母因素 Y0j j 1,2, , m的关联度 ,rijθ Y0j, Yij , 则根 据邓式经典灰色理论得出 rij Δ minρ Δ max |Yij-Y0j| ρ Δ max 1 ΔYij | Yij-Y0j| , i 1,2, , n ; j 1,2, , m 最大差 Δ max max 1≤i ≤n max 1≤j ≤m{ Δ Y ij} , 最小差 Δ min min 1≤i ≤n min 1≤j ≤m{ Δ Yij} 式中 ρ 称为分辨系数 , 通常在 0 与 1 之间取数, 它的 作用是为削弱最大绝对差数值太大而失真的影响 ,提 高关联系数之间的差异显著性 。通常取 ρ 0. 5。 88 环 境 工 程 2007年 10 月第 25卷第 5 期 1. 4 分辨系数 ρ 的确定方法 考虑到关联度 rij不仅与参考序列Y0j和比较序列 Yij有关, 而且还与其他比较序列 Y′hj h 1,2, , n ; h ≠i 有关。这是由于关联度通过差值绝对值的最 大值表征了整个系统的整体性; 而分辨系数 ρ作为 最大值的系数, 应充分体现系统各子因素对关联度的 间接影响, 同时其应具有抗干扰作用, 即能够削弱观 测序列中的异常值对整个关联空间的误差影响。 确定分辨系数 ρ 的方法如下 Δk 1 4m∑ 4 i 1 ∑ m j 1 |Y0j-Yij| 2 同时记 φ Δk Δ max ,则 ρ 的取值范围为 φ ≤ρ ≤ 2, 且应满足 Δ max 3Δk时 , φ≤ρ≤1. 5φ 3 Δ max ≤3Δk时 ,1. 5φ≤ρ≤2φ 4 1. 5 基于熵的指标权重计算 熵的概念源于热力学, 表示做功能力的损失, 它 是物质 的状 态 参数 , 也是 系 统无 序 度的 量 度。 1948 年,申农 C . E. Shamion 将熵引入信息论, 用来度 量信息量与不确定性 。大气环境质量评价中 ,不同指 标所处的地位是不同的, 传递的信息量也是不同的, 按照熵的思想, 各个指标的信息量可以用其熵值 ej 来表示为 ej-k∑ n i 1 YijlnYij 5 式中 ,k 1 lnn , 一旦确定备选方案的数目 ,即为常数 。 第 j 个指标的评价值数据的分散程度 dj可表示 为 dj1 -ej j 1,2, , m 6 第 j 个指标对应的评价值越分散, 相应的 dj也 越大, 表明第 j 个指标的重要程度越高 。因此用熵测 度来表示第 j 个指标的权重因子为 wj dj ∑ n j 1 dj 7 1. 6 计算各规划方案的投影值 1 构造灰色关联度判断矩阵。定义 F 为 n 1 m 个r 组成的灰色关联度判断矩阵 。由于 1 个规 划方案是由 m 个因素指标所确定的 ,它构成 m 维因 素指标空间V 中的一个离散的方案点 ,进行多目标决 策,就是比较空间 V 中各方案点与理想方案点的关 联度 。则 F r01r02r0m r11r12r1m rn1rn2rnm 很显然 , r01r02r0m 1。 设评价指标间的熵权向量为 w w1, w2, , wm T 0,在熵权向量 w 的作用下构造而成的增广型 矩阵为熵权灰色关联决策矩阵 F′ ,且满足 F′ F *w 2 灰色关联投影及模数。将每个决策方案看成 1 个行向量 ,则称每个决策方案 Ai与理想方案 A *之 间的夹角余弦为 ri AiA * ‖AI‖ ‖A * ‖ ∑ m j1 wjFij*wj ∑ m j1 [ wjFij] 2 ∑ m j 1 w 2 j i 1,2, , n 8 很显然 ,夹角余弦 0ri 1, 且总是愈大愈好 , ri 愈大 ,表示决策方案 Ai与理想方案A *之间的变化方 向相一致。称决策方案 Ai的模数为di,则 di ∑ m j 1 [ wjFij] 2 9 3 计算灰色关联投影值。将模的大小与夹角余 弦结合考虑 ,就可全面准确地反映决策方案与理想方 案之间的接近程度。称决策方案 Ai在理想方案 A * 上的投影为灰色关联投影值 Di,且满足 Didiri ∑ m j 1 [ wjFij] 2 * ∑ m j1 wjFijwj ∑ m j1 [ wjFij] 2 ∑ m j 1 w 2 j ∑ m j1 Fijw 2 j ∑ m j 1 w 2 j 10 经过上述步骤, 得到各比选方案的投影值 。根据 这些投影值的大小, 对多指标的比选方案做出科学的 排序比较和分析 。 2 应用实例 以文献[ 1] 中的贵阳市 1991 年 ~ 1995 年大气环 境监测数据为例 ,阐述改变的灰色关联投影法在大气 环境质量评价中的应用。 89 环 境 工 程 2007年 10 月第 25卷第 5 期 2. 1 建立评价指标集与指标值矩阵 选取 SO2,NOX,TSP ,作为指标集构建指标值矩阵 并进行均值化处理。 R 0. 84280. 75610. 9444 1. 17401. 26831. 4634 1. 07270. 90240. 8565 0. 96140. 92680. 8962 0. 94911. 14630. 8395 ΔYij 000. 1049 0. 33120. 51220. 6239 0. 22990. 14630. 0170 0. 11860. 17070. 0567 0. 10630. 39020 很显然,理想方案 A * 0. 8428,0. 7561,0. 8395 Δ maxmax 1≤i ≤n max 1≤j ≤m{ Δ Yij}0. 6239 Δ min min 1≤i ≤n min 1≤j ≤m{ Δ Yij}0 2. 2 计算关联度 依据公式 2 ~ 4 ,可以确定分辨系数 ρ 的取值 范围 0. 4630≤ρ ≤0. 6174, 在此取 ρ 0. 54; 由式 1 和 3 可求出关联度, 进而得出关联度矩阵 F 111 1. 00001. 00000. 7626 0. 50430. 39680. 3506 0. 59440. 69720. 9520 0. 73960. 66370. 8559 0. 76020. 46341. 0000 F′F W 0. 32380. 33390. 3422 0. 32380. 33390. 2610 0. 16330. 13250. 1172 0. 19250. 23280. 3182 0. 23950. 22160. 2860 0. 24620. 15470. 3422 2. 3 指标权重计算 利用 公式 5~ 7求得 各指标 权重 w 0. 3238,0. 3339,0. 3422 ,则增广型矩阵 F′ 如上 。 2. 4 投影值计算 依据公式 8 ~ 10 求得各年份环境质量评价的 灰色 关 联投 影值 Di 0. 5293, 0. 2393, 0. 4356, 0. 4361,0. 4304 。 可见, 1992 年环境污染最为严重, 评价所得结果 与文献[ 1] 一致。 3 结论 1 该方法对经典的灰色关联分析法进行了改 进,主要的改进之处为 分辨系数 ρ 的确定 , 基于熵 的指标权重计算 ,方向余弦和模的综合考虑 ,建立了 改进的灰色关联投影法的数学模型 ,科学地表征不同 观测序列中不同因子对关联空间的直接影响程度大 小,从最大程度上保证预测、 评价的准确性和客观性。 2 引入适应不同环境的分辨系数 ρ 充分考虑了 系统各子因素对关联度的间接影响 ,同时使系统具有 抗干扰作用 ,即能够削弱观测序列中的异常值对整个 关联空间的误差影响 。保证了评定的公正性 ,避免了 随意性。 3 在灰色关联投影法中,以决策方案 Ai的模乘 以Ai与理想方案A *之间的夹角余弦 r i, 得各决策方 案投影值 ,既反映 Ai与A *的变化方向的一致性, 又 反映决策方案的距离 ,全面体现了各决策方案与理想 方案之间的接近程度 。 总之, 将灰色关联投影法应用于环境质量的评定 中,克服了评价过程中主观性和不充分性 ,具有较好 的适用性和针对性。实例表明 , 该方法可行有效, 并 可推广应用 。 参考文献 [ 1] 刘康兰, 袁浩. 模糊综合评判在环境质量评价中的应用. 环境工 程, 2000 2 55-57. [ 2] 罗剑, 李旭宏, 李新发. 灰关联分析与变权排序法在公路网规划 方案比选中的应用. 交通与计算机,2006 1 21 -24. [ 3] 邓聚龙. 灰理论基础. 武汉 华中科技大学出版社, 2002. [ 4] 刘钟莹, 卜龙章, 李泉. 灰色关联投影法在工程项目评标中的应 用. 扬州大学学报 自然科学版 ,2003 2 57 -60. [ 5] 周丽萍, 宋早雪. 信息熵在建筑工程管理中的应用. 西安建筑科 技大学学报, 2006, 38 4 590 -592. 作者通讯处 王文涛 233011 安徽蚌埠汽车管理学院训练部 E -mail zqysnmsina . com 2007- 04-24 收稿 90 环 境 工 程 2007年 10 月第 25卷第 5 期 Abstract It was designed that the impermeable system, leachate -collecting system and waste gas-collecting system according to the geographic and hydrologic conditions, as well as the composition of the refuses inQingtongxia City. The problems of the designswere analyzed and the corresponding suggestions were also proposed, which can provide experience for design of refuse landfill sites in similar regions. Keywords sanitary landfill, impermeable layer, leachate of refuse and process design SCREENING OF CATALYSTS FOR PHOSPHINE CATALYTIC OXIDATION IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONQu Guangfei Ning Ping Li Junyan 70 Abstract Traditonal s for purifying low concentration phosphine were always costly or low-efficient, and this limited the utilization of gaseswhich containing phosphine. By testing purification efficiency of PdⅡ, FeⅢ , CuⅡ, PdⅡ -CuⅡand Pd Ⅱ -FeⅢsolutions on low concentration phosphine, PdⅡ , PdⅡ -CuⅡand PdⅡ -FeⅢwere selected as catalysts for purifying low concentration phosphine. The results showed that the purification efficiency of PdⅡaqueous solution on low concentration phosphine 850mg m3could reach 60 at lower temperature 80℃ and under normal pressure. When using PdⅡ -CuⅡor PdⅡ -FeⅢaqueous solutions as catalysts, the purification efficiency could reach 100. Keywords catalytic oxidation, transition metallic ion, catalyst screening, phosphine and purification RESEARCH ON DREDGING SLUDGE DEWATERING TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DREDGINGHuo Shouliang Xi Beidou Jing Yifeng et al 72 Abstract During environmental dredging, a lot of contaminated sludge was produced and deposited in the confined disposal facilities CDFof dredged materials. This sludge dewatering is very difficult, especially in rainfall abundance area, occupying a lot of land for a long time, increasing the cost of environmental dredging engineering. This paper summarized and analyzed the sludge dewatering technologiesof environmental dredging, and presented the characteristics and application of different technologies. Some disadvantages and study trend of these technologies were also discussed in the end. Keywords environmental dredging, contaminated sludge and sludge dewatering DETERMINATION OF CODCrWITH MICROWAVE DIGESTION -SPECTROPHOTOMETRY Yuan Yingxian Ding Shaojun Chen Hanyu 76 Abstract A new analytical of chemical oxygen demand COD microwave digestion-spectrophotometry was put forward. The precision and accuracy of the new meet the correlative standard and are very close to that of traditional standard . The new is characterized by operating easily and curtailing the digestion and very fit for the analysis onwastewater in environmental monitoring. Keywords chemical oxygen demand, microwave digestion -spectrophotometry , recovery efficiency , precision and accuracy CHARACTERISTICS AND SOURCE APPORTIONMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PARTICULATES IN AMBIENT AIR AT BEIJING RAILWAY STATIONSNiu Muchen Ren Fumin ZhouYusong et al 78 Abstract Scanning Electron Microscopy -Energy Dispersive X -ray analytical s were used to study chemical composition and size distribution characteristics of the atmospheric particulates samples collected from three different railway stations in Beijing. Enrichment factor and correlation of the elements were also used for studying sources of the particulates. Results showed that, particles which were smaller than 2μ m were dominant in particulates samples, and S, Br and Zn were obviously enriched. Such instance was caused by combustion process of diesel-fuel. So it is important for ascertaining sources of the particulates to improve air quality at railway stations in Beijing. Keywords particulates, source apportionment, enrichement factor and correlation DESIGN OFMEASUREMENTEQUIPMENTUSEDFORINSPECTINGUNREGULATED EXHAUST FROM METHANOL-FUELED VEHICLESQiang Tiangang 82 Abstract According to the Lambert-Beer s laws and the selective absorption of gas on infrared, the infrared to examine the unregulated exhaust from methanol -fueled vehicles is put forward. The measurement equipment of unregulated exhaust from methanol -fueled vehicleswas designed and the controlling electrocircuit board was designed. The system is mostly used to analyze the concentration of methanol, aldehyde, ic acid and benzene to rectify the result caused by environmental temperature and air pressure. The inspection results are displayed and printedwith the measurement equipment finally. Keywords methanol vehicle, unregulated exhaust and measurement equipment COMPREHENSIVE UATION OF WATER QUALITY USING INDEX CLASSIFICATION WEIGHTPang Yanjun Zhou Shaoling Yang Zhu et al 84 Abstract It is proved that the best choice for water quality uation is to use membership as similarity measurement. Index classification weight is defined. Topological space structure, algebraic properties and normalization of the membership function are normalized. Then the water quality uation model using index classification weight is proposed. Keywords water quality uation, classification standard, similarity measurement, index classificaitonweight and membership conversion APPLICATION OF IMPROVED GRAY RELATIONPROJECTION TO UATION OF ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT QUALITYZhang Qiyi Wang Wentao 88 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 25, No. 5,Oct. , 2007 Abstract Each index consists of atmosphere environment quality and it hasits ownattribute, importance and comparability, which makesthe process of scheme s selection gray. The gray relation projection is improved through differentiate coefficient introduced that is suitable for different situation and weight accounting based on ination entropy , which makes uation of atmosphere environment quality much more objective, equitable and accurate. In conclusion, instance demonstrates that the is efficient and feasible. Keywords gray relation projection , atmosphere environment, ination entropy and quality uation COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT ON SURFACE WATER ENVIRONMENT APPLYING THE IMPROVED OSCULATING VALUE HuangYue Zhang Jiangshan 91 Abstract In view of the practical problem of the osculating value , this essay introducesthe target dispersion rate and the concept of suppositional strengths and weaknesses, and further improves the osculating value . By applying the improved osculating value to the comprehensive assessment on surface water environment, the result proves that the is clear and easy to follow, and is also convenient and practicalin calculating. The result of the assessment can also provide much potential ination. The research suggests that the is an effective way of carrying out the comprehensive assessment on surface water environment. Keywords water environment quality uation , osculating value and target dispersion rate CLEAN PRODUCTION PRACTICE OF 502Luo Guogen Xiang Zhaobang 95 Abstract It is analyzed the conditions of the clean production of two 502 enterprises in Taizhou City , summarized their experience and achievement. It is also put forward the clean production potentialities to advance conservation of energy and raw materials, reduction of pollution. Keywords 502, clean production, conservation of energy raw materials and reduction of pollution RESEARCH ON SLUDGE REDUCTION DURING INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSChen Xi 97 Abstract Based on the properties of wastewater treatment techniques it is a important for reducing sludge from the source of treatment unit. It was proved that sludge production could be reduced by controlling the temperature of anaerobic reaction, enhancing the height of UASB reactor and adjusting the route of sludge circumfluence during alcohol wastewater treatment process without a decrease in wastewater treatment efficiency. The research results could be applied on technics designing of wastewater treatment to reduce the sludge production of whole treatment system. It is also worthwhile to carry out well -balanced running of wastewater treatment system by depressing the sludge treating fees through sludge reduction. Keywords wastewater treatment, sludge treatment and sludge reduction APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICAL CONTACT OXIDATION PROCESS IN REING SHOPPING CENTER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER TREATMENTWang Weigang Guan Xijun 100 Abstract Biological contact oxidation process and regulation of aircapacity were used to modify the er process so as to dispose shopping center comprehensive wastewater. Whose design capacity was400m3 d. CODCrcontained in influentwas 1 083~ 1 146 mg L, SS 315~ 436mg L, after debugging , CODCrin effluent was 126~ 145 mg L, SS 65~ 83 mg L, the removal rates of CODCrand SS were 87~ 93 and 79~ 81. The effluent quality could reach the standard of the national second class discharge. Keywords biological contact oxidation process, shopping center, comprehensive wastewater, debugging and operation ENGINEERINGPRACTICEOFHIGH -CONCENTRATIONAMMONIACWASTEWATER TREATMENT OF NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER PLANT BY AIR -BLOWINGA O PROCESS Wang Xianping Li Ren 102 Abstract Through the successful practice of high -concentration ammoniac wastewater treatment of a nitrogenous fertilizer plant in Henan Province by air -blowingA O proces