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国家重点基础研究发展计划项目973 计划 2013CB227904 教育部科技项目资助(113030A) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD) 国家自然科学基金面上项目资助(51574224) 博士学位论文 巷道快速掘进空顶区顶板破坏机理 及稳定性控制 Failure Mechanism and Stability Control of Empty Roof in Roadway Rapid Excavation 作 者马 睿 导 师张 农 教授 中国矿业大学 二〇一六年十二月 万方数据 中图分类号 TD353 学校代码 10290 UDC 622 密 级 公开 中国矿业大学 博士学位论文 巷道快速掘进空顶区顶板破坏机理 及稳定性控制 Failure Mechanism and Stability Control of Empty Roof in Roadway Rapid Excavation 作 者 马 睿 导 师 张 农 教授 申请学位 工学博士 培养单位 矿业工程学院 学科专业 采矿工程 研究方向 巷道围岩控制 答辩委员会主席 许家林 评 阅 人 二〇一六年十二月 万方数据 学位论文使用授权声明学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解中国矿业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意本人所撰 写的学位论文的使用授权按照学校的管理规定处理 作为申请学位的条件之一, 学位论文著作权拥有者须授权所在学校拥有学位 论文的部分使用权,即①学校档案馆和图书馆有权保留学位论文的纸质版和电 子版,可以使用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编学位论文;②为教学和 科研目的,学校档案馆和图书馆可以将公开的学位论文作为资料在档案馆、图书 馆等场所或在校园网上供校内师生阅读、浏览。另外,根据有关法规,同意中国 国家图书馆保存研究生学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 。 作者签名 导师签名 年 月 日 年 月 日 万方数据 论文审阅认定书论文审阅认定书 研究生 马睿 在规定的学习年限内, 按照研究生培养方案的要 求,完成了研究生课程的学习,成绩合格;在我的指导下完成本学位 论文,经审阅,论文中的观点、数据、表述和结构为我所认同,论文 撰写格式符合学校的相关规定, 同意将本论文作为学位申请论文送专 家评审。 导师签字 年 月 日 万方数据 致致 谢谢 终于完成了论文的撰写和初步修改。轻松与压力,快乐与苦楚,一起涌上心 头,百感交集。在职攻读博士,有工作,有家庭,有社交,挤时间学习,做实验, 跑现场,不易。经历过才能真正体会“博士”这两个字的含义与份量,付出了心 血和汗水,非常值得。 首先,能够师从于品格高尚、治学严谨、悉心教诲的张农教授,是我求学生 涯中的荣幸。回想起读博以来的点点滴滴,导师给予我很多帮助,不仅仅是在专 业方面,还有在工作和生活方面的关怀。 每次都会对导师说这么一句话 “给老师添麻烦, 让您费心了” 。 这句心里话, 既体现出导师对我的全心教诲,耐心辅导,真心关爱,热心帮助,也表达出自己 对导师的感恩之心,感动之意,感激之情。通过论文研究与撰写的全程指导,自 觉得学到了不少真本领,相信会让我在工作与生活中受益终身。 论文选题和撰写过程中,得到李桂臣教授、许兴亮副教授、阚甲广副教授、 郑西贵副教授、 韩昌良、 赵一鸣等多位老师的指导和帮助, 在此表示衷心的感谢 特别感谢田素川博士在数值模拟和工程实践研究中给予的大力支持和帮助。 最后,感谢我的父母对我无私的付出与关爱;感谢夫人薛莲同志对我的包容 与体谅,主动承担起所有家务和教育孩子的重任,给予我鼓励和安慰;感谢两个 乖巧的女儿马宁泽和马芸泽,是她们给予了我强劲的动力。 论文研究过程中, 我主持的 “沿空留巷充填墙体稳定性及围岩控制结构研究” (2010QNB22)获得中国矿业大学青年科技基金资助,获得江苏省 2011 年度普通 高校研究生科研创新计划项目立项,均为论文试验研究、数值模拟和工程实践等 提供了有力支撑。在此一并致以诚挚的谢意 感谢各位专家、教授在百忙中对论文的评审与指教 万方数据 I 摘摘 要要 煤巷快速掘进是矿井提高单掘速度、保障生产接替、提高煤矿机械化水平的 重要支撑技术,在我国矿井应用十分广泛。受掘进工艺流程影响,煤巷掘进作业 人员经常处于空顶区边缘或内部, 施工安全受空顶区顶板稳定性严重影响。 同时, 空顶区稳定性规律是设备、 工艺及支护设计的基础,煤层伴生顶底板岩层多为性 质软弱的泥质岩性, 不及时支护或受掘进施工扰动易破碎垮落,所以空顶区顶板 安全问题严重困扰着快速掘进技术的现场应用。 论文以快速掘进煤巷空顶区顶板为主要研究对象, 采用理论分析、 数值模拟、 现场实测等方法,以空顶区顶板岩梁结构为切入点,研究了快速掘进煤巷空顶区 顶板稳定性规律及主要影响因素, 揭示了空顶区顶板变形破坏规律及与迎头结构 的相互作用关系,在此基础上对煤巷空顶区顶板围岩控制技术、快速掘进工艺问 题以及配套设备问题等几方面进行了研究。主要成果如下 (1)分析了顶板结构特征,得出了空顶区顶板稳定性机理。随顶板厚度增 加,其抗弯模量逐渐增大;随顶板岩梁深跨比增大,其挠度逐渐减小,煤壁内支 承压力逐渐降低。帮部岩体变形会增加顶板岩梁的有效跨度,削弱其稳定性;顶 板可承载自身和冒落范围岩体的载荷时,帮锚可显著提高锚固体抗压和抗剪强 度、减小破碎区及塑性区宽度、优化顶板受力,有效控制顶板下沉。 (2)得出了帮部刚度、循环步距及顶板支护强度等因素对空顶区顶板稳定 性的影响规律空顶区塑性区为椭圆形,其长轴由迎头岩体性质决定,短轴受帮 部刚度影响;循环步距对空顶区顶板垂直应力分布影响极小,但对后方已支护顶 板的二次下沉影响较大; 增加后方顶板支护强度对空顶区顶板下沉量减小效果微 弱,但能改善其承载状态,为迎头提供较好的推进基础。 (3)揭示了迎头支撑结构和滞后支护对空顶区顶板稳定性的影响规律。滞 后支护与迎头“C”型支撑结构的组合状态决定了空顶区顶板的下沉量及破坏状 态,随着空顶距离增大,组合状态演化过程可分为叠加支撑、协同支撑、独立支 撑三个阶段;以此为基础,形成了滞后支护与迎头支撑结构“C”耦合支护的技 术思路。 (4) 得到了顶板弯曲下沉易诱发直接顶岩层发生拉伸破坏失稳的本质规律。 空顶距离增大使得迎头支撑和滞后支护仅能限制悬空顶板两端的竖向位移, 空顶 区中部的无约束状态导致该处的拉应力分布,且拉应力峰值位置偏向空顶区后 部,成为顶板破坏垮落的突破区域。 (5)借助主成分分析法分析了影响快速掘进的人、机、物料、作业方法、 环境五大要素。截割头的截割效率是制约巷道掘进速度的一个薄弱环节,通过对 万方数据 II 比分析“S”型切割轨迹和螺旋线切割轨迹围岩应力分布特征,得出采用自下而上 推进方式的“S”型切割轨迹更有利于保持巷道围岩的稳定。 结合济宁三矿的工程条件, 开展了针对性的实践探索,取得了良好的控制效 果,进一步验证和诠释本文理论研究工作的合理性和有效性。 该论文有图 78 幅,表 22 个,参考文献 146 篇。 关键词关键词快速掘进;顶板结构;“C”型结构;稳定性规律;工艺优化 万方数据 III Abstract The rapid excavation of coal roadway is an important supporting technology to improve the speed of single driving, to ensure the production replacement, to improve the mechanization level of coal mine, and is widely used in China. Workers often in the edge or the interior of the empty roof due to the excavation process, so the construction safety is affected by the roof stability. At the same time, law of the empty roof stability is the foundation of equipment and process and supporting design. Roof and floor of coal seam always associated with weak mudstone is easily broken and collapse because of untimely support or excavation disturbing. So the application of rapid excavation technology is troubled seriously by safety problems of empty roof. Aimed at the empty roof of coal roadway rapid excavation, using the s of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field measurement, starting with the roof beam structure of empty roof, study stability law of empty roof and its main influence factors of coal roadway rapid excavation were studied, the deation law of empty roof and the interaction relationship of head on structure and empty roof were revealed. Problems such as rapid excavation process, control technology of empty roof and corollary equipment were explored. The main results are as follows 1 The stability mechanism of empty roof was studied by the roof structure the bending modulus increases with the increase of the thickness, the roof deflection increases with the deep span ratio of the beam, and the support pressure in the coal wall also decreases. The roof stability would be weaken and the effective span of beam would increase due to the deation of two sides. When self-supporting force of roof can bear the weight of itself and collapsing rock, sides anchor can significantly improve the compression and shearing capacity resistance of anchorage, reduce the span of broken zone and plastic zone, optimized roof stress, effectively control the deflection and subsidence of roof. 2 The influence factors of empty roof stability were analyzed The plastic zone in the empty roof is elliptical whose long axis determined by head-on properties and short axis affected by stiffness of two sides. Vertical stress of empty roof is influenced mildly by circular distance which affect obviously continuing sinking of backside supporting roof. Increasing supporting strength cannot significantly reduce the subsidence of empty roof, but can improve the bearing condition to provide a better 万方数据 IV foundation for head-on advancing. 3 The evolution law of empty roof stability affected by head-on support structure and lagging support was revealed the coupling state of lagging support and head-on “C“ type supporting structure determines the subsidence and damage state of empty roof, its influence is divided into three stage overlapping support, collaborative support, independent support. Technical ideas of “C“ coupling support of lagging support and head-on structure was ed on the basis. 4 The bending and sinking of roof easily lead to the tensile failure of immediate roof. Increasing empty roof distance makes head-on support and lagging support can only limit the vertical displacement of two ends of floating roof. Tensile stress distributes due to the unconstrained state in the middle of empty roof, and the peak value position posterior to the rear of empty roof where is the breakthrough zone of roof collapse. 5 Factors that affect the rapid excavation were analyzed by the principal component analysis human, machine, material, working and environment. Efficiency of cutting head is a weakness in restricting the speed of roadway excavation. By comparing “S“ type cutting trajectory and spiral cutting trajectory, the “S“ type cutting trajectory of bottom-up path is more conducive to maintaining the stability of surrounding rock. Engineering exploreration was carried out with the rapid excavation case in Ji Ning 3rd Coal Mine。 The essay has 78 pictures, 22 tables and146 references. Keywords rapid excavation; roof structure; “C“ type structure; stability rule; process optimization 万方数据 V Extended Abstract With the progress of comprehensive mechanized mining technological and the innovation of equipment in coal mine workface, the speed of coal mining continuously improves, and the length of tunnel consumption is growing, however, some problems are not solved efficiently, such as tunneling technology relatively develops very slowly, the level of the mechanization of tunneling is not high, the craft organization is not reasonable enough, the ratio of mining and digging in the face is imbalance, the phenomenon of ”pay more attention to mining than tunneling “ is not effectively improved, and so on. In our country, underground mining is the main , of which the quantities of excavation and supporting of roadway is very large, the speed of mine roadway excavation directly affects the mines mining rate, because of the complex continuity of the construction technology of tunneling, the tunneling speed is not only affected by the modernization degree of the tunneling equipments, and the closely connection of each process also has a big impact, therefore, relying on advanced technology and scientific management s, by speeding up the rock tunneling speed and improve the quality of the rock ing, it has important significance in guaranteeing the normal development of mining and digging, and promoting the sustainable stable development of production of the coal industry. This article solved the comprehensive mechanized technical problems in rapidly excavating the heavy section tunnel through theory and application, and actively searched for complete sets of craft and technology of comprehensive mechanized rapid excavation suitable for different rock, and solved some problems such as the key construction technology, process and equipment problem existed in hydraulic drill car and mechanization digging lines, and improved the production process, optimized the labor organization, studied safety high quality and high efficiency tunneling construction system on the deep roadway, realized high quality and efficiency excavation of the rock tunnel, and made a beneficial exploration about improving the security tunneling level for the use of complete technology of rapid tunneling on the similar condition. The papers study would improve the level of rock mechanized excavation, and had important reference value and theoretical basis for rock rapid excavation under complex geological conditions of deep well in Xingtai mine as well as other mines in our country. The mainly research contents and the conclusions of this thesis are as follows 万方数据 VI 1Optimization technology research of bolting support quickly According to the geological conditions, combined with the data measured in deep rock gangway and the FLAC numerical simulation results, this paper discussed the reasonable parameters and process of bolt-shotcrete support and corollary equipments of drilling, on the basis of the experimental study and numerical analysis, combined with the needs of fast excavation in rock tunnel, we proposed the design parameters and the construction technology of bolt-shotcrete support fitted for surrounding rock of rock tunnel, and determined the reasonable selection of drilling equipment, improved the efficiency and quality of the surrounding rock supporting, solved the key technology of bolting support in deep rock tunnel, realized quick and timely support, provided security for comprehensive mechanized rapid excavation in rock tunnel under complex condition. Secondary bolt-shotcrete support technology is the combination of active and passive support, well adapted to the big rheological deation of deep surrounding rock, the supporting effect is better than once support. The first bolt-shotcrete support allows the surrounding rock to release deation energy with control and to produce a certain deation on the condition of ensure the safety of roadway; the second bolt-shotcrete support is put into force after deation of surrounding rock is almost stable, and it emphasizes that the supporting structure should have great strength in order to provide enough support strength and stiffness finally for the surrounding rock, and ensure the roadway is stable for a long time and its service period. Secondary bolt-shotcrete support technology realizes the homogenization of stress load on the bolt of the support structure as well as the homogenization of surrounding rock stress field, makes full use of the matching and dynamic coupling between support structure and surrounding rock in the following areas such as the stiffness, strength, deation and structure, to guarantee the stability of tunnel for a long time and the service period. 2The key technology of rock mechanized excavation and equipment selection research Integrated and absorbed the mature tunneling technology, the paper solved the key technical problems in application of tunneling equipments used in mines including hydraulic drill machine, spray machine and rock loading machine; optimized the reasonable length of cutting, temporary support and the assistant tunnel, and the construction technology of round tunnel, improve the applicability of 万方数据 VII comprehensive mechanized roadheader under complicated geological conditions, ensure that the comprehensive mechanized roadheader excavates rapidly in complicated geological conditions. Based on the application practice of mechanical equipment of drilling, the paper pointed out that the lithology of the tunneling rock and the drilling length and the area of roadway were the main basis of equipment selection, and gave full play to the efficiency of drilling equipment use, and solved the allocation problem of configuration equipment in following key technologies such as broken rock, discharging the gangue and support. 3The mechanization supporting and construction technology of the roadheader line research Turning the scraper chain into belt drove by original motor, could solve the fault that the chain was struck easily when original roadheader discharged the gangue; by increasing the depth of crawler slot and changing the direction, the grade ability of roadheader was improved; Installing dust removal fan of 50-meter long with high-power on the roadheader, would improve the dust cleaning effect and the work environment. 4 New combination system of rock continuous discharging the gangue research Researching the efficient system of discharging the gangue to solve the suitable technical problem of gangue transportation after the gangue was quickly dug up and packed in the rock workface, and to ensure that excavation of the working face and discharge of the gangue could be done at the same time, is the key of rock rapid excavation on complicated geological condition. The application of mobile stacking-raking machine in digging and loading gangue quickly ahead of the tunnel during rock excavation of coal mine, had characteristics of high security and universality and high reliability when drilling without supporting the roof, the application of assorted systems of gangue discharging adapted to different rock, which were ed of belt conveyor combined with horizontal gangue storehouse, mobile shuttle gangue and horizontal temporary storehouse etc, of which the transportation was discontinuous or continuous, helped to solve




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