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辱 ...... 地在21世主已全王求发展占戈略的富度来审、视世界矿业, 可以清楚地看到,矿业作为国民经济的基础产业,与其他 f专统产业一样,在现代科学扶术灾飞猛涟的推动下.也正 逐步走庐1现代化。就金属,矿床开JR领域币亏.现今的未 矿工程料学扶术与20世主巳90年代以菊的相比,已经不可 用日加语。为Ji主应矿业快速发展的形势,国家冉冉要大 队具有现代末矿知识的专业人才,因此,咋为优秀专业人 才培养的重要基础建设,之一一一一教材建设就显海至关 重要。 在2006-2010年地矿学科教学指导委员舍(以下简 称地矿学料教指4-)的成立大舍上,委员们一致认为,抓 教材建设是本届数学指导委员舍的重要任务在一,持别 是金属矿禾矿工程专业的教材,现在多是20世统90年代 出版的,教材夏新己走在眉睫。2006年10月18~20曰 在中南大学召开歹第一衣地矿学科教指委会体舍议,舍 主委员们就开始酝酿禾矿工程专业系列教材的编写拟皇军. 之后,中审太学吕d版社主云力吞t担该烹歹-教材的占岛版工丁乍’ 并积极协鸟力土也矿学料教指委r2007年6月22~24曰在 中商太学召开歹H全固习L矿工寿呈专业学料友展与教材主走设 研τ才舍 程专业口部二步煤矿开禾专业的领导及开干教师代表善k力口 歹舍议,舍议拟定歹未矿工程专业系列教材的选题和主编单位;从那队后,地矿 学科教指委和中南大学出版社又万别在昆明和长沙召开立两衣禾矿工程专业烹 列教材编写大纲的审定工作舍议。 本主欠新规划出版的未矿工程专业系列教材侧重金属矿床开未领域。编审、 套员舍通过充莎的沟通和研讨.在总结队3主教学和教材编才真经验的基础止,以推 动新世皇之禾矿工程专业教学改革和教材建设为费旨.提出歹未矿工程专业系列 教材的编写原则和要求①教材的体累、知识层式和结构要舍理,要遵i盾教学去见 津,既要有利组织教学又要有利学立学习;②教材卢l容要体现科学性、系统 性、新颖悦和实用性,并做到有机结舍.③要重视基础,又要强调禾矿工程专业 的实践性和针对中立.④娶体现咛代拷性和创新精神,反映未矿工程学料的新统 术、新方法、新规范、新标准筝。 未矿料学执术在不断发展.禾矿工程专业的教材需要不断完善和更新。希望 全国参与未矿工程专业教材编写的专家们共用努刁.写出灵乡、更好的禾矿工程 专业新教材。我们相僧,本系列教材的出版对我国未矿工程专业京级人才的培养 和未矿工程专业教育事业的发展将起到十二步积极的推涟得用,对我国矿山要全、 经济、京放开禾,保障我国矿业持续、健康、中失速提展也有着十万重要的意义。 2 占2纠 中南大学教授 中国工程院院士 教育部地矿学科教指委主任 2008年8月 l子 ‘ T - w ...... 随着中国经济的飞速发展.中国的矿业也Z角国际 化、全球化方舟1发展。国外矿业企业不断地涌入中国和 中国矿业企业实汗走出奇的发展战略.火将给中国的矿 业发展带来新的机遇和挑战。用时,也彰显出立我国在 国际化经济大背接下.社舍对国际化矿业人才的迫切幕 束。对培养矿业人才的富等院校来说,火须先短时代脉 搏,培养出走应社舍发展的国际化矿业人才。正是在这 样的背景下,我们编写歹该书,该书全部卢1在均遥自国 外权威的专业书刊和F苟地,全书贯穿歹金属、矿山(包括露 天和地下矿)从地质勘探开始,到可汁中生研究、矿山设 计、涟度计划编排、生产施工、矿业企业运营管理和未来 未矿扶术等谷个方面的卢l容。 在编写本书的过程中,编者精心挑二是歹(些概括中主 较强的文章.尤其是一些工艺步骤的介绍。全书中每篇 文章卢);客约1000笋,长度运中为使读者支好地理解 课文用容.每篇文章后还列出歹主词和注释。通俗品中董, 能让读夺中央速地学导和掌娃禾矿专业知识的英文表达方 式,提富专业英语扶艇。用时.希望能笛抛砖引玉,让读 者可结舍自己实际情况,各蛊J泪和掌握更多的未矿专业 英语。 本书的卢1容包持歹矿山地质勘探、矿床资源坪怡、可汗性研究、露天/地下 矿山的设计和进度计划、露天未矿扶术、地下矿山开如系统、地下矿未矿方法、 矿山岩7o;少学、矿山附属设施、矿山企业运营管理、未来禾矿扶术孚专业知识。 可以说.该书相当-本简明的英语版金属矿采矿概讼,通过阅读和学习,读寺 能够掌娃最基本的未矿专业英语词汇。 本书既可咋为有色工业京等院校采矿工程专业的英语教材也可供矿山企 业管理、工程扶术人员以及从事矿产资源开发的人员自学参考。 由编者的水平有限,错菇、不足足二处在所难免,足请读者如坪指正l本书 在编写过程中吾尔阅歹大量的国外资料,在此谨角有关丈献的T乍寺表示衷心的 J冒i1尉 编者 2010年4月 2 . 目录 目录Contents Introduction to Mining前言......... 1 Unit 1 Geology, Surveying and Feasibility Studies地质、测量及可行性研究(5 1 . 1 Mineral Exploration地质勘探........................ 5 1. 2 Mine Valuation Studies矿床资源评估......................... 10 1. 3 Mine Feasibility Studies矿山可行性研究........ 13 1. 4 Mine Surveying矿山测量 Unit 2 Surface Mining露天采矿 2. 1 Introduction简介........ 2. 2 Open Pit Blasting Technology露天爆破技术........... 2. 3 St巾pingand Pit Development露天矿剥离与生产....... Unit 3 Mine Design and Scheduling矿山设计及进度计划 3. 1 Open Pit Mining Design露天采矿设计 3. 2 Open Pit Planning and Scheduling露天采矿进度计划...... 3. 3 Underground Mine Planning and Scheduling地下采矿设计与计划 ....................................... 3. 4 Location and Design of Vertical Shafts竖井的设计 3. 5 Mining Equipments矿山设备 Unit 4 Underground Mine Development System地下采矿开拓系统 4. 1 Underground Mine Development开拓掘进 4. 2 Underground Mine Drilling and Blasting井下凿岩爆破 4. 3 Hoisting Systems运输提升系统 4. 4 Ventilation Systems通风系统 4. 5 Drainage Systems排水系统 16 21 21 25 30 34 34 38 40 44 48 55 55 59 65 69 J 采矿工程专业英语MiningEngineering English 4. 6 High-Density Backfill Systems充填系统.....................(78 4. 7 Mining Radio Communication Systems通讯系统 82 Unit S Underground Mining Me曲创s地下矿采矿方法 86 5. 1 Introduction简介................................... 86 5. 2 Room and Pillar Mining s房柱法..............................89 5. 3 Caving -Sublevel Caving s崩落法......... 92 5. 4 Waste Fill Mining s充填法侈的 Unit 6 Rock Mechanics矿山岩石力学............(101 6. 1 Rock Mass Classification岩石力学分类.............. 101 6. 2 Slope Engineering边坡工程.............. .. .. .. .. .... .. 104 6. 3 Ground Control岩层控制................ 109 6. 4 Shotcrete Support喷浆支护.............................................III Unit 7 AuxiliaηOperations矿山其他设施................. 117 7. 1 Waste Dump排土场 II 7. 2 Tailing Pond尾矿库............... I22 Unit 8 Mine Opera“m Management矿山运营管理125 8. I Safety Management安全管理....... 125 8. 2 Importance of Environmental Planning环境保护............... I28 8. 3 Mineral Economics矿业经济....................................... 13I 8. 4 Operation Management of Mining Industry Company矿山企业运营管理 .. 137 Unit 9 Future Mining Technology未来采矿技术139 9. 1 Technologies Required for Deep Mine深井开采技术......... 139 9. 2 Digital Mine数字化矿山................................ 144 9. 3 Automation Mining Technology元人采矿技术........................147 9. 4 Virtual Reality VR Mining虚拟采矿技术...............(151 Referenc四参考文献................................... I56 的troductionto Mining前言 Introduction to Mining前言 1. Mning’s Contribution to Civilization Mining may well have been the second of humankind’s earliest endeavors- granted th础agriculturewas the first. The two industries ranked together as the primary or basic industries of early civilization. Little has changed in the importance of these industries since the beginning of civilization. H we consider fishing and lumbering as part of agriculture and oil and gas production as part of mining, then agriculture and mining continue to supply all the basic resources used by modem civilization. From prehistoric times to the present, mining has played an important part in human existence. Here the term mining is used in its broadest context as encompassing the extraction of any naturally occurring mineral substances一-solid, liquid , and gas-from the earth or other heavenly bodies for utilitarian purposes. 2. Mning Terminology There are many terms and expressions unique to mining that characterize the field and identify the user of such terms as a“mining person”. The student of mining is thus advised to become familiar with all the terms used in mining, particularly those that缸epeculiar to either mines or minerals. Most of the mining terminology is introduced in the sections of this book where they are most applicable. Some general terms are best defined at the outset; these are outlined here.币1efollowing three te口m are closely related. Mine An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals Mining the activity, occupation , and industry concerned with the extraction of minerals Mining engmeenng the practice of applying engineering principles to the development , planning, operation, closure and reclamation of mines. Some terms distinguish various types of mined minerals. Geologically , one can distinguish the following mineral c剖egories A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly 仁 采矿工程专业英语MiningEngineering English internal structure and a characteristic chemical composition, crystal , and physical prope时ies. Rock Any naturally ed aggregate of one or more types of mineral particles. Economic differences in the nature of mineral deposits are evident in the following terms I Ore A mineral deposit that has sufficient utility and value to be mined at a profit. 2 Gangue The valueless mineral particles within an ore deposit that must be discarded. 3 Waste The material associated with an ore deposit that must be mined to get at the ore and must then be discarded. Gangue is a particular type of waste. A further subdivision of the types of minerals mined by humankind is also common. These terms are often used in the industrγto differentiate between the fuels, metals and nonmetallic minerals. The following are the most common terms used in this differentiation Metallic ores Those ores of the ferrous metals iron , manganese , molybdenum and tungsten , the base metals copper, lead and tin , the precious metals gold, silver, the platinum group metals and the radioactive mjnerals uranium, thorium and radium . Nonmetallic minerals also known as industrial minerals The nonfuel mineral ores that are not associated with the production of metals. These include phosphate, potash, halite, trona, sand, gravel, limestone, sulfur, and many others. Fossil fuels also known as mineral fuels The organic mineral substances that can be utilized as fuels, such as coal , petroleum , natural gas, coalbed methane, gilsonite and tar sands. The essence of mining in extracting mineral wealth from the earth is to drive an excavation or excavations from the sudace to the mineral deposit. Normally, these openings into the earth are meant to allow personnel to enter into the underground deposit. However, boreholes are at times used to extract the mineral values from the earth. These fields of boreholes are also called mines , as they are the means to mine a mineral deposit, even if no one enters into the geologic realm of the deposit. Note that 21 when川叫川bi川al仰ω山bω Introduction to Mining前言 confidence ,。reor ore deposit is preferred as the descriptive term for the mineral occu盯ence.However, coal and industrial mineral deposits are often not so designated, even if their profitability has been firmly established. If the excavation used for mining is entirely open or operated from the surface, it is termed a surface mine. U the excavation consists of openings for human entry below the earth’S surface, it is called an underground mine. The details of the procedure, layout and equipment used in the mine distinguish the mining . This is determined by the geologic, physical, environmental, economic and legal circumstances that pertain to the ore deposit being mined. prehistoric [ 1 prihis1t,rik J adj. mineral [ 1mincrc] n. terminology [ 1tmi1 n,ld3i] n. excavation [ 1eksk1veiJ;m J n. fuel [ f]ul] n. metal [’metl J n. nonmetallic [ 1n,nmi1trelik] adj. ferrous [ 1 fers]adj. ferrous metals iron [ 1 ain] n. manganese [ 1mreIJg1niz] n. molybdenum [ m1libdinm J n. tungsten [ 1lAIJSln] n. precious metals platinum [ 1 plretinm J n. uranium [ ju1reinjm] n. thorium [ 10,由m]n. radium [ 1reidj。m]n. phosphate [ 1 bsfeit J n. potash [ 1p,tref] n. halite [ 1hrelait J n. trona [ 1t用una]n. gravel [ 1grr] n. 史前的 矿物;矿石;矿物质 专门用语,术语 发掘;挖掘;开凿 燃油 金属 非金属的 铁的,含铁的 黑色金属 铁 锤 4日 鸽 贵金属 铀;白金 铀 仕 错 磷酸盐 碳酸饵,苛性饵 岩盐 天然碱 沙砾,砾石 尸L J 采矿工程专业英语MiningEngineering English n n 吨EE,at n可 IJE 阳du1」 丙 EE1A t - MU MEn - H3 nahu 啤陆、llJQG BM3 叶 U3 1EguD I ιA尸L「L sdeu m尸L 怡,旧 1崎 协”“四川剧’ m m幽 hmm - usosιMLU 石灰岩 硫磺,硫黄 硬沥青 沥青砂 孔,炮[井]眼;矿井;钻井 一-un忧1Geology , Surveying and Feasibility Stud阳地质、测量及可行性研究 Unit 1 Geology, Surveying and Feasibility Studies 地质、测量及可行性研究 1. 1 Mineral Exploration地质勘探 Mineral explora“on is出eprocess undertaken by companies, partnerships or corporations in the endeavour of finding ore comme陀iallyviable concentrations of minerals to mine. Mineral exploration is a much more intensive, organised and professional of mineral pros严ctingand though it frequently uses the services of prospecting , the pre陀essof mineral exploration on the whole is much more involved. Stages of mineral exploration are includes 1 . /vea Selection Area selection is a crucial step in professional mineral exploration. Selection of the best, most prospective,缸eain a mineral field , geological region or terrain will assist in making it not only possible to find ore deposits, but to find them easily, cheaply and quickly. Area selection is based on applying the theories behind ore genesis, the knowledge of known ore occurrences and the of由eiration, to known geological regions via the study of geological maps , to determine potential缸easwhere the particular class of ore deposit being sought may exist. Oftentimes new styles of deposits may be found which reveal opportunities to find lookalike deposit styles in rocks and terranes previously though unprospective, which may result in a process of pegging of leases in similar geological settings based on this new model or ology. This process applies the disciplines of basin modeling, structural geology, 阴阳hronology,petrology and a host of geophysical and 醉如chemicaldisciplines to make predictions and draw parallels between the known ore deposits and their physical d川川entialof叫a“lookalike m白山areaselected. 「s 采矿工程专业英语MiningEngineering English Area selection is also influenced by the commodity being sought, exploring for gold occurs in a different manner and within different rocks and areas to exploration for oil or natural gas or iron ore. Areas which are prospective for gold may not be prective for other metals and commodities. Area selection may also be influenced by previous finds, a practice affectionately named nearology , and may also be determined in part by financial and taxation incentives and tariff systems of individual nations. The role of infrastructure may also be crucial in area selection, because the ore must be brought to market and infrastructure costs may render isolated ore uneconomic. The ultimate result of an area selection process is the pegging or notification of exploration licenses, known as tenements. 2. Target Generation The target generation phase involves investigations of the geology via mapping, geophysics and conducting geochemical or intensive geophysical testing of the surlace and subsurface geology. In some cases , for instance in areas covered by soil , alJuvium and plat cover, drilling may be perlormed directly as a mechanism for generating targets. 3. Geophysical s Geophysical instruments play a large role in gathering geological data which is used in mineral exploration. Instruments are used in geophysical surveys to check for variations in gravity, magnetism, electromagnetism resistivity of rocks and a number of different other variables in a certain area. The most effective and widespread of gathering geophysical data is via flying airborne geophysics. Airborne magnetometers are used to search for magnetic anomalies in the Earth’s magnetic field. The anomalies are an indication of concentrations of magnetic minerals such as magneti旬,pyrrhotiteand ilmenite in the Earth’s crust. It is often the case that such magnetic anomalies are caused by mineralization events and associated metals. Ground-based geophysical pros醉ctingin the target selection stage is more limited, due to the time and cost. The most widespread use of ground-based geophysics is electromagnetic geophysics which detects conductive minerals such as sulfide minerals within more resistive host rocks. 6 1 川材。叫 -一-一-un们Geo Ii啕y, Surveying and Feasibility Studies炮质、测量及可行性研究 prospecting for tungsten mineralisation.




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