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博士学位论文 申请人姓名 任建刚 指导教师 张国成教授 宋志敏教授 学位类别 工学博士 专业名称 地质资源与地质工程 研究方向 瓦斯地质与煤层气勘探开发 河河南理工大学资源环境学院南理工大学资源环境学院 二二○○一六年一六年六六月月 华北中南部中高煤级构造煤瓦斯扩散规律华北中南部中高煤级构造煤瓦斯扩散规律 及控制机理研究及控制机理研究 万方数据 河南理工大学 学 位 论 文 原 创 性 声 明 本人郑重声明所呈交的学位论文 华北中南部中高煤级构造煤 瓦斯扩散规律及控制机理研究,是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不 包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同 志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明并表示 了谢意。 本人学位论文与资料若有不实,愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。 学位论文作者签名学位论文作者签名 年年 月月 日日 河南理工大学 学位论文知识产权声明书 本人完全了解学校有关保护知识产权的规定,即研究生在校攻读学位期间 论文工作的知识产权单位属于河南理工大学。学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或 机构送交论文的复印件和电子版。本人允许论文被查阅和借阅。学校可以将本学 位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描 等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保密论文待解密后适用本声明。保密论文待解密后适用本声明。 学位论文作者签名学位论文作者签名 指导教师签名指导教师签名 年年 月月 日日 年年 月月 日日 万方数据 中图分类号中图分类号P618.11 密密 级公开级公开 UDC520 单位代码单位代码10460 华北中南部中高煤级华北中南部中高煤级构造煤瓦斯扩散规律构造煤瓦斯扩散规律 及控制机理及控制机理研究研究 Gas Diffusion Law and Its Controlling Mechanism Study on Medium and High Rank Tectonically Deed Coals in Central and Southern Parts of North China Plate 申请人姓名申请人姓名 任建刚任建刚 申 请 学 位申 请 学 位 工学博士工学博士 学 科 专 业学 科 专 业 地质资源与地质工程地质资源与地质工程 研 究 方 向研 究 方 向 瓦斯地质与煤层气勘探开发瓦斯地质与煤层气勘探开发 导师导师 张国成张国成 职称职称 教授教授/博导博导 宋志敏宋志敏 职称职称 教授教授/博导博导 提 交 日 期提 交 日 期 2016-05-20 答 辩 日 期答 辩 日 期 2016-06-04 河河 南南 理理 工工 大大 学学 万方数据 致致 谢谢 已至而立之年的我选择了攻读博士学位,这是我人生道路上的又一个新的起 点,既然做出了选择,就必须坚持。在论文完稿之际,回顾在河南理工大学十年 求学路上的压力、焦躁、拼搏和失眠煎熬,其中的痛楚和快乐、泪水和汗水历历 在目,或伴随着时间流逝这些将慢慢淡去,但那些给予我关心、帮助和支持的人, 我将终身难忘,没有他们的帮助和支持、鼓励与鞭策、我无法顺利完成论文的研 究工作。 首先衷心感谢我的恩师张国成教授、宋志敏教授。论文是在两位导师的悉心 指导下完成的,从论文选题、构思、采样、实验、分析到撰写等每个环节无不倾 注着两位导师的心血。他们要求样品采集要准确可靠,实验环节要一丝不苟,数 据处理要精益求精,理论分析要科学创新,论文撰写要字斟句酌。两位导师这种 求真务实、执着创新的科学精神,诲人不倦、严格要求的治学精神,兢兢业业、 踏踏实实的工作态度,以及宽厚仁慈的胸怀、积极乐观的生活态度更是我终生享 用的宝贵财富。在此,谨向两位恩师致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢 一直以来,河南理工大学张子戌教授在学习、工作和生活方面给予了大量的 指导和帮助,为论文的研究提出了宝贵的意见和建议,在此衷心感谢 在论文选题与写作过程中,得到了河南理工大学资环学院齐永安教授、汤友 谊教授、王恩营教授、潘结南教授、宋党育教授、陈江峰教授、郑德顺教授、金 毅副教授、武俐副教授、夏大平博士、李猛博士、代明月博士,安全学院曹运兴 教授、张明杰教授、温志辉博士、戚玲玲博士、关金锋博士、靳晓敏博士,能源 学院张小东教授、张彦宾副教授、许国胜博士、材料学院徐冰博士以及数信学院 赵延霞副教授、 尚海锋副教授等的教诲和无私帮助, 在此谨向他们致以诚挚谢意。 感谢师兄吕闰生副教授、李冰副教授、刘高峰副教授等在我博士论文写作期 间提出的诸多宝贵意见和费心指导感谢师弟(妹)孟瑶博士、王怀玺硕士、薛 景予硕士、王春硕士、曹宁硕士、李明硕士、刘度硕士等在学习中的帮助 感谢河南工程学院崔树军教授、赵保生教授、牛亚莉副教授、曲延伟讲师、 刘帅帅讲师、刘见宝博士、张建锋博士、杨晓娜讲师等在学习、生活中的关照和 支持。感谢东华大学陈晓教授、朱育平教授,中国矿业大学李明博士、王海超博 士, 哈尔滨工业大学林波博士、 同济大学朱晓军博士等在学习中教诲与无私帮助 感谢焦煤中马矿、 潞安屯留矿、 平煤十二矿领导在采样方面给予的支持帮助 万方数据 感谢河南理工大学资环学院各位领导和老师十年来对我的教导和培养 感谢我的家人,你们在我读博士期间给予的鼓励与支持是我完成学业的动力 论文中引用了许多专著和文献,在此谨向这些专著和文献的作者表示深深的 谢意感谢各位专家、教授百忙之中评审我的论文,并对论文中不足之处提出宝 贵的意见和建议由于作者水平有限,文中欠缺之处敬请指导 最后感谢参加我论文答辩的各位评委专家、教授,谢谢 任建刚 2016 年 2 月 29 日于河南理工大学 万方数据 I 摘摘 要要 扩散在瓦斯运移产出过程中发挥着重要作用,针对以往构造煤瓦斯扩散特性 研究多采用颗粒煤样和解吸扩散法进行,实验煤样和方法不能客观反映原始煤层 物性特征和储层条件,控制机理缺乏结合煤的微观结构分析内外因素的耦合作用, 现有扩散模型存在理想化程度高、准确性低、适用条件不明确等问题,从煤层在 井下的实际赋存状态出发,采用气相色谱扩散法和解吸扩散法两种扩散系数测定 方法,开展了模拟地层条件下构造煤瓦斯扩散规律实验,分析了两种方法反映构 造煤瓦斯扩散规律的差异性和适用性,探讨了围压、气压、温度、煤质、煤体结 构、微观结构等因素对瓦斯扩散规律影响及耦合控制机理,构建了反映不同地层 条件下的构造煤瓦斯扩散模型,并对新模型进行了验证和应用,论文取得了以下 主要研究成果 (1)探讨了四类煤体结构原煤柱状煤样制作方法,针对碎粒-糜棱煤柱状煤样 制作困难这一难题,提出了构造煤等静压制作柱状煤样方法。 (2)采用压汞、液氮吸附、小角 X 射线散射、扫描电镜等方法获取了构造煤 微观孔裂隙的特性,提出了构造煤全孔径分形维数定量表征方法,为揭示构造煤 瓦斯扩散控制机理奠定了基础。 ① 无烟煤、贫煤孔容主要集中在微孔和过渡孔,肥煤孔容主要集中在过渡孔 和中孔,而孔比表面积均集中在微孔;无烟煤、贫煤、肥煤的总孔容、总比表面 积、退汞效率随破坏程度增大而增大,中值孔径、排驱压力随破坏程度的增大而 减小,但在不同的破坏阶段,增加或减小的速率不同。 ② 相同孔径段, 小角 X 射线散射测定的孔比表面积明显大于液氮吸附所测结 果,高出 1.78.8 倍左右,以无烟煤增幅最大,可能由封闭孔隙含量增多导致。 ③ 定义并提出了构造煤全孔径分形维数计算方法,实现了不同有效测试范围 内压汞和液氮吸附分形维数的有效统一,便于对构造煤非均质性进行定量表征。 ④ 无烟煤、贫煤、肥煤显微裂隙发育总数随破坏程度的增大呈现先增大后减 小的变化规律,以碎裂煤最为发育。 (3)采用气相色谱法对柱状煤样和解吸法对颗粒煤样进行了扩散系数测定, 研究了两种方法反映构造煤瓦斯扩散规律的差异性和适用性, 探讨了围压、 气压、 温度、破坏程度等不同地层条件下构造煤瓦斯扩散规律。 ① 搭建了气相色谱法模拟原始地层条件瓦斯扩散系数测定试验平台。 万方数据 II ② 气相色谱法采用原煤柱状煤样进行测试,可同时施加有围压、气压、温度 影响,解吸法采用颗粒煤样进行测试,仅施加有气压、温度,未考虑围压影响, 两种扩散系数测定方法都反映了构造煤的瓦斯扩散规律,但属于不同的地层赋存 状态,两者不能简单替代;前者主要应用于原始煤层扩散速率预测与评价,后者 主要应用于瓦斯含量测定过程中损失量计算。 ③ 气相色谱法测定的无烟煤、贫煤、肥煤四类煤扩散系数随围压的增大呈现 指数关系减小;随气压的增大呈现指数关系增大;随温度的升高呈现指数关系增 大;在相同围压、气压、温度条件下,无烟煤、贫煤、肥煤四类煤扩散系数随着 破坏程度的增加呈现先增大后减小的变化规律;相同破坏程度煤样随着变质程度 增大呈现出先增大后减小的变化规律。 ④ 解吸法测定的无烟煤、贫煤、肥煤四类煤扩散系数随气压的增大呈现指数 增大;随温度的升高呈线性关系增大;在相同的气压和温度条件下,无烟煤、贫 煤、肥煤四类煤扩散系数随着破坏程度的增加而增大;相同破坏程度煤样随着变 质程度增大而增大。这与气相色谱扩散法测定的构造煤扩散规律显著不同,反映 了构造煤在不同地层条件下的瓦斯扩散规律。 (4)分析了围压、温度、气压、煤质、煤体结构、微观孔裂隙结构等内外因 素对瓦斯扩散规律的耦合影响及控制机理,构建了反映不同地层条件下的构造煤 瓦斯扩散模型,并对新模型进行了验证和应用。 ① 温度对不同地层状态下构造煤瓦斯扩散的影响基本一致,扩散系数均随着 温度升高而增大,作用机理主要通过改变气体分子的均方根速度和平均自由程。 ② 气压对构造煤扩散规律影响,宏观上均呈现扩散系数随气压升高而增大, 但控制机理不同,分两种情况,一是当扩散煤样施加有围压影响时,受力学作用、 吸附作用综合控制,其主控因素为有效应力作用;围压条件下构造煤扩散系数具 有效应力负效应。二是当扩散煤样未施加围压影响,相当于卸压状态,气压主要 改变吸附气体内外浓度差和气体分子均方根速度和平均自由程;卸压作用对煤样 本身的微观孔隙结构也会产生重要影响,可能导致部分封闭、半封闭孔隙打开。 ③ 相同温压条件下,气相色谱法测定的扩散系数随着变质程度和破坏程度的 增高呈现先增大后减小的变化规律,主要受微观孔隙结构和显微裂隙共同耦合控 制。解吸法测定的构造煤扩散系数随着变质程度和破坏程度的增高而增大,主要 受原始孔隙结构特征和原始微观结构受外界环境变化影响后再分布特征控制,其 中微孔、细颈瓶孔、部分封闭孔起主导作用。由此可见,两种方法测定的扩散系 万方数据 III 数虽然都反映了构造煤的瓦斯扩散特性,但关键控制因素不同,各有特定的适用 条件,两种方法测定的扩散系数不能简单替代使用。 ④ 依据影响构造煤瓦斯扩散规律的主控因素,选择不同的建模工具和原理, 构建了反映不同地层条件下的构造煤瓦斯扩散模型基于气相色谱法建立的构造 煤瓦斯扩散耦合数学模型,可以实现对原始煤层条件下构造煤的瓦斯扩散系数预 测与评价;基于解吸法的建立的构造煤分形-时效-Fick 扩散模型,主要应用于瓦斯 含量测定过程中损失量计算; 新模型经理论和实践检验精度较高, 满足生产要求。 关键词关键词构造煤、分形维数、扩散系数、扩散规律、控制机理 万方数据 V Abstract Diffusion plays an important role in the process of gas migration output, but now the study of the diffusion regularity of tectonically deed coal mostly adopt particle coal and desorption diffusion , which cannot objectively reflect the physical properties and reservoir conditions of original coal seam, diffusion controlling mechanism is short of the coupling analysis of internal and external factors, and especially existing diffusion model have great disadvantages of highly-idealized degree, low accuracy and unclear suitable conditions. To solve the above problems, starting with actual occurrence state of underground coal seam, by gas chromatography diffusion and desorption diffusion , the experiments on gas diffusion law of tectonically deed coal were carried out, the factors such as confining pressure, air pressure, temperature, coal quality, coal body structure, microstructure that affect the gas diffusion law and coupling controlling mechanism are discussed, tectonically deed coal gas diffusion model that reflect different stratum conditions are set up, and the new model is validated and applicable. The results show that, (1)Four types of pillared sampling s are used to process raw coal, and difficulty of sampling fragmented - mylonitic coal is solved. An isostatic pressing specimen of tectonically deed coal is prepared. (2)The experiments such as mercury injection, nitrogen adsorption, small Angle X-ray scattering and scanning electron microscope are used to analyze the microscopic pore and crack features of tectonically deed coal, and fractal dimension quantitative characterization for the whole aperture of tectonically deed coal is put forward, which lay the foundation for revealing gas diffusion controlling mechanism of tectonically deed coal. ① The pore volume of anthracite and meagre coal are mainly distributed in micro and transitional pore, while fat coal transitional pore and mesopore, but the distribution of specific surface area are all in micro pore. The total pore volume, specific surface area and mercury ejection efficiency of the three types coals increased as the damaged degree increased, while the median aperture and expulsion pressure decreased as the increase of damaged degree, but the rates of increase or decrease were not same at 万方数据 VI different stages. ② In the same aperture, pore specific surface area tested by SAXS was obviously greater than the experimental results by liquid nitrogen adsorption, about 1.78.8 times higher, and the biggest increase was anthracite. This is caused by the increase of closed pore. ③ The calculation s of whole aperture fractal dimension of tectonically deed coal was defined and put forward, and the effective unification of whole aperture fractal dimension was realized, which provided a convenient for the quantitative characterization of heterogeneities in tectonically deed coal. ④ Total numbers of microscopic cracks of anthracite, meagre coal and fat coal present a rule that increased first and then decreased as the increase of damaged degree, in which the microscopic cracks of cataclastic coal developed best. (3)The diffusion coefficients were respectively tested by s of gas chromatography to pillared coal sample and desorption to particle coal sample, difference and applicability of the two s to reflect the tectonically deed coal gas diffusion law were studied, and the factors such as confining pressure, air pressure, temperature, damaged degree that affected gas diffusion law of tectonically deed coal were discussed. ① A gas chromatography experiment plat to test gas diffusion coefficient by simulating the conditions of original stratum was set up. ② The of gas chromatography to test diffusion coefficient, by rting confining pressure, air pressure and temperature on raw pillared coal sample, while desorption only rt air pressure and temperature, no considering confining pressure. Both the diffusion coefficient determination s can reflect the gas diffusion law of tectonically deed coal, but the stratum occurrence state of samples is different, which cannot simply replace each other. The er is mainly used to predict and uate gas diffusion rate in original coal seam, the latter is mainly applied to calculate losses in the process of gas content determination. ③ In gas chromatography experiment, the diffusion coefficients of four types coal structure in anthracite, meagre coal and fat coal present an exponential relation decreased as the increase of confining pressure, but as the increase of air pressure and 万方数据 VII temperature, the diffusion coefficients of them increased by exponential relation. At the same conditions of confining pressure, air pressure and temperature, the diffusion coefficients of four types coal structure in anthracite, meagre coal and fat coal present a rule that first increased and then decreased as the increase of damaged degree, and diffusion coefficients of the same damaged degree samples first increased and then decreased as the increase of metamorphic degree. ④ In desorption experiment, the diffusion coefficients of four types coal structure in anthracite, meagre coal and fat coal present an exponential relation increased as the increase of air pressure, and as the increase of temperature, the diffusion coefficients of them increased by linear relation. At the same conditions of air pressure and temperature, the diffusion coefficients of four types coal structure in anthracite, meagre coal and fat coal increased as the increase of damaged degree, and diffusion coefficients of the same damaged degree samples also increased as metamorphic degree increased, which were markedly different from the results determined by gas chromatography . The two s reflect the gas diffusion law of tectonically deed coal in the different stratum condition. (4)The internal and external factors such as confining pressure, air pressure, temperature, coal quality, coal body structure, microstructure that affect the gas diffusion law and controlling mechanism are analyzed, tectonically deed coal gas diffusion model that reflect different stratum conditions are set up, and the new model is validated and applicable. ① The influence of temperature on the gas diffusion law of tectonically deed coal from different stratum conditions are basically identical, and the diffusion coefficients increase as the temperature rise, the control mechanism of which is the root-mean-square speed and mean free path of gas molecules were changed. ② At macro-scale, the influence of pressure on the gas diffusion rules of tectonically deed coal present the diffusion coefficient increase as the pressure rise, but the control mechanism is different. There are two situations first, when put the confining pressure on coal sample, the diffusion law is controlled by mechanical functions and adsorption, and the main controlling factor is the effective stress, and diffusion coefficient of tectonically deed coal has a negative effect to the effective 万方数据 VIII stress. Second, when there is no confining pressure on coal sample, that is a unloading state, and the air pressure is mainly to change the concentration grads of adsorption gas and the root-mean-square speed and mean free path of gas molecules. Pressure relief has an important influence on microscopic pore structure of coal sample, which may lead some closed and semi-closed pore to open. ③ Under the same condition of temperature and pressure, diffusion coefficient determined by gas chromatography first increased and then decreased as the increase of metamorphic and damaged degree, mainly controlled by microscopic pore and microscopic crack, while diffusion coefficient determined by desorption increased as the increase of metamorphic and damaged degree, mainly controlled by original pore structure characteristics and the distribution features of original microstructure changed by external environment, and micro pore, flask pore, and some closed pore play a leading role. Both the diffusion coefficient determination s can reflect the gas diffusion features of tectonically deed coal, but the key control factor and application conditions are different, which cannot simply replace each other. ④ According to main factors affecting the tectonically deed coal gas diffusion law, different modeling tools and principle were selected, and tectonically deed coal gas diffusion model that reflect different stratum conditions were set up. Tectonically deed coal gas diffusion coupling mode based on gas chromatographic is mainly used to predict and uate gas diffusion rate in original coal seam, and tectonically deed coal Fractal – Time related - Fick diffusion model based on adsorption is mainly applied to calculate losses in the process of gas content determination. The precision of new model was validated by theory and practice, which meets the requirement of production. Keywords tectonically deed coals;fractal dimension; diffusion coefficient; diffusion law;controlling mechanism; 万方数据 IX 目目 录录 摘摘 要要 ............................................................................................................................... I 目目 录录 ............................................................................................................................ IX 1 引言引言 .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状及存在问题 ................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 构造煤研究现状 ..




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