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高效聚磷菌 TP16 强化除磷 * 陈立伟 蔡天明 殷红兰 霍秀兵 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院, 南京 210095 摘要 采用 SBR 反应器, 以合成废水作为反应器进水, 研究高效除磷菌 TP16 厌氧聚 PHB 及释磷, 好氧分解 PHB 和吸 磷能力。 试验结果表明 TP16好氧培养时, 可以好氧聚集 PHB, PHB 浓度上升与乙酸的浓度下降呈负相关, 乙酸吸收 量与 PHB VSS的比值呈明显负相关关系; TP16 厌氧培养时, 底物乙酸浓度下降与菌体 PHB 的上升呈显著的负相关关 系。 磷释放试验表明, 以乙酸作为底物, TP16厌氧培养时上清液中乙酸浓度的下降与磷浓度的增加呈负相关关系。 关键词 好氧吸磷 厌氧释磷 乙酸吸收 PHB 聚集 *国家自然科学基金项目 50308011 ; 江苏省省级环保科技项目 2007023 。 0 引言 活性污泥聚磷菌特点是具有体内好氧合成 poly- P 或厌氧贮藏 PHAs 类化合物的能力 [ 1- 2] 。Brodisch 和 Joyner 1983 等人对几个大规模的 EBPR工厂研究发 现 [ 3- 4] , Aeromonas 和Pseudomonas 属的细菌是主要的微 生物种群 。Fuhs 和 Chen 1975 等人最早分离的 Acinetobacter 属的大量研究表明 , 在好氧条件下能吸 收正磷酸盐 、 降解 PHB, 厌氧条件下能释放可溶性磷 酸盐但不能厌氧吸收乙酸聚集 PHB [ 5] 。Deinema 等人 观察到菌体内有较多的 poly- P 贮藏物 [ 6] ,但并无乙酸 的吸收 。Ohtake 等人认为在乙酸吸收和磷的释放间 通常没有任何关联 [ 7] 。迄今为止报道具有典型 PABs 特征的聚磷菌及生物聚磷的研究很少 。本文对筛选 的高效聚磷菌 TP16厌氧、 好氧特性进行了研究,旨在 了解菌株好氧培养时磷的聚集和 PHB 的分解, 以及 厌氧培养时底物乙酸的吸收与 PHB 形成的关系, 为 高效聚磷菌的工程化应用打下良好基础 。 1 试验部分 1. 1 材料 SBR 反应器的材质为有机玻璃 ,有效容积4 L, 好 氧采用自动曝气装置曝气 流量为4 L min , 厌氧持 续通氮气 2~ 3 L min , 维持装置中的氧化还原电位 在- 150 mV。 试验所用合成废水组份 葡萄糖 0. 6 g L , 蛋白胨 0. 1 g L, 酵 母 粉 0. 01 g L, 乙 酸 钠 0. 50 g L , NaCl 0. 05 g L , K2HPO4 3H2O 0. 09 g L , MgSO4 7H2O 0. 40 g L ,NH4Cl 0. 18 g L 。 1. 2 试验方法 1 好氧培养时乙酸浓度与 PHB VSS 的关系。 将菌株 TP16 在Mod.GTA 培养基 [ 8] 中好氧培养 ,取不 同时间的上清液分别测定乙酸浓度 、 培养液的VSS 及 菌体的PHB 含量 。 2 厌氧培养时菌体 PHB 贮藏与底物乙酸吸收的关 系。将TP16接种于 Mod. GTA 中好氧培养离心洗涤, 以 获得厌氧培养所需的菌体加入ADM 培养基 [ 11] 厌氧培 养,厌氧条件采用吹灭菌氮气,温度为20℃。间隔测定 培养基上清液中乙酸浓度及菌体的PHB 浓度。 3 厌氧培养时菌体释磷与底物乙酸浓度的关 系。以乙酸作为底物, 将菌体 TP16 接种于 Mod. GTA 中好氧培养离心洗涤以获得厌氧培养所需的菌体 ,菌 体洗涤后重悬在2 L的装有 0. 3~ 0. 5 L的无磷的ADM 培养基的玻璃瓶中培养, 间隔测定培养基上清液中乙 酸浓度及磷浓度 。 4 厌氧培养时乙酸吸收和磷的释放关系 。将菌 体TP16 接种于 Mod . GTA 中好氧培养离心洗涤以获 得厌氧培养所需的菌体, 菌体厌氧培养不同时间采样 分析上清磷浓度和乙酸浓度。 2 结果与分析 2. 1 好氧培养时乙酸浓度与 PHB VSS 的关系 TP16 好氧培养时底物与 PHB VSS 的关系见图1。 测定结果表明 TP16 在好氧培养时 ,菌体中可以好氧 聚集 PHB。TP16 以乙酸为底物好氧培养时, 随着对 乙酸的吸收 ,菌体不断贮藏 PHB ,菌体的 PHB 浓度随 着上升,与乙酸的浓度下降呈负相关 。 2. 2 厌氧培养时菌体 PHB 贮藏与底物乙酸吸收 TP16 厌氧培养时乙酸吸收与 PHB 贮藏的相关性 见图 2。 24 环 境 工 程 2008年 12 月第 26卷第 6 期 图1 TP16好氧培养时底物与 PHB 贮藏关系 图2 TP16厌氧培养时乙酸吸收与 PHB 贮藏的相关性 由图 2可知, 当菌体 TP16 由好氧转至厌氧培养 后,培养基中的乙酸被菌体吸收和利用 , 菌体中不断 贮藏 PHB ,PHB 浓度不断增加 , 乙酸浓度与 PHB 浓度 呈线性相关 ,线性方程为 y 0. 337 -397. 5x ,回归系 数为 r -0. 997,说明在厌氧条件下底物乙酸浓度下 降与菌体 PHB 的上升呈显著的负相关关系 。 2. 3 厌氧培养时菌体释磷与底物乙酸浓度的关系 TP16厌氧条件下释磷与底物乙酸浓度的关系见图3。 由图3 可知 ,当菌体 TP16 由好氧转至厌氧培养 后,培养基中的乙酸被菌体吸收和利用,上清液中乙酸 浓度不断下降,磷的浓度不断增加 ,上清液中乙酸浓度 的下降与磷浓度的增加呈显著负线性相关,线性方程 式为 y 40. 3- 0. 132x ,回归系数为 r- 0. 9920。 图 3 菌体TP16 释磷与底物乙酸浓度的关系 2. 4 厌氧培养时乙酸吸收和磷的释放关系 TP16 厌氧培养乙酸吸收与磷释放的关系见图 4。 由图 4 可见 ,TP16 在起始1 h内, 乙酸的吸收及磷的释 放速度较快; 随后乙酸的吸收和磷的释放速度降低, 乙酸和磷的浓度变化不大; 总体上, 随着菌体对乙酸 的吸收和菌体 poly-P 的分解 , 上清液中乙酸浓度下 降,磷的浓度上升,两者呈负相关。 3 结论 1 获得了具有典型 EBPR 特征的高效 PAB, 图 4 TP16 厌氧培养乙酸吸收和磷释放的关系 TP16 不仅聚磷能力强 , 而且厌氧释磷 、 吸收乙酸、聚 集PHB 的能力也很强 。 2 TP16 以乙酸为底物好氧培养时, 随着对乙酸 的吸收,菌体不断贮藏PHB, 菌体的 PHB 浓度的上升 与乙酸的浓度下降呈负相关。 3 当TP16 厌氧培养时 ,培养基中的乙酸被菌体 吸收和利用 ,菌体中不断贮藏 PHB,PHB 浓度不断增 加,乙酸浓度与 PHB 浓度呈线性相关 ,PHB 的平均产 生量为0. 337 mg mg 。 4 当菌体TP16 由好氧转至厌氧培养后, 培养基 中的乙酸被菌体吸收和利用, 上清液中乙酸浓度不断 下降 ,磷的浓度不断增加 。在厌氧条件培养时底物乙 酸的去除与磷的释放呈负相关关系 。 参考文献 [ 1] Comeau Y, Hall K J, Hancock R E W, et al. 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The result of experiment indicating When cultured in acetic acid under aerobic conditions, TP16 could accumulate PHB. Ascending of PHB concentration in the strainswas negatively correlated with descending of acetic acid concentration.While TP16 grew under anaerobic conditions, descending of acetic acid concentration in the supernatant was negatively correlatedwith ascending of PHB and P concentration. Keywords biologic phosphate accumulation biological phosphate release absorbing acetic acid accumulating PHB PROCESS OF FILTRATION AND DESALINATION FORCIRCULATED COOLING WATER FROM THERMAL POWER PLANTSYang Fengmin Zou Anhua Xing Yi et al 26 Abstract The circulated cooling water from a thermal power plant was treated by means of filtration and desalination, which could increase the concentration multiples of the circulated cooling water, also could reduce sewage water and fresh water supplement dosage, increasing water use rate in the power plants.The treatment process was comprised of the two filters, reverse osmosis desalination, and addition of chemical agents. After the processing, the reclaimed water could be used as supply water to the circulating cooling water. Keywords circulated cooling water desalination continuous dynamic filters reverse osmosis TREATMENT OF RAW BAMBOO FIBERWASTEWATER BY AIR -FLOATATIONA O PROCESS Li Song Shan Shengdao Chen Bin et al 29 Abstract The wastewater of raw bamboo fiber with high concentration and low bio -degradability was treated by air -floatationA O process. The results showed that the removal rates of COD, SS, NH 4-N and colority reached 92, 95. 4, 64. 7 and 90 respectively, so the efflu - ent met the wastewater discharge standard of industrial district.This process featured stable treatment effect, simple operation, as well as easy maintenance. Keywords air -floatation A O process raw bamboo fiber PRACTICAL STUDIES ON THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE TOTAL WASTEWATER REGENERA - TION AND REUSE INBAOTOU IRON AND STEEL CAMPARY Meng Yanxiao Hui Kegang Song Hua 31 Abstract It was studied on the choice of processflow and main parameters of totalwastewater regeneration and reuse project in Baotou Iron and Steel Group; itwas also summarized the operating practice of the main facilities for this project. Which provided experience in the planning, design and construction of other similar projects. Keywords iron and steel enterprise totalwastewater regeneration and reuse TREATMENT OF MUNICIPAL LANDFILL LEACHATE BY ANAEROBIC DIGESTION -SBR PRO- CESSGao Feng Li Chen 33 Abstract Biological nitrogen and organic matter removal of municipal landfill leachate by ASBR -SBR system was investigated. The cycle length of both reactors was 12 h.Raw wastewater was fed to ASBR for anaerobic digestion. Four sorts HRT of ASBR from 28. 8 h to 72 h were tested. The result indicated that the COD removal achieved 41. 2 and the effluent BOD5 COD and BOD5 NH 4-N ratio was 0. 41 and 4. 6 re - spectively when the HRT of ASBR was 36 h, it was in favor of aerobic biological treatment of organic matters and nitrogen. The effluent of ASBR whose HRT was 36 hwas added to SBR for further treatment. And the effluent NH 4-N of SBR was about 11 mg L, but the effluent COD concen - tration couldn t meet the discharging standard. The effluent COD could be lowered to less than 100mg L after coagulating sedimentation by PFS. Keywords municipal landfill leachate anaerobic digestion ASBR SBR TN THE TREATMENT OF LANDFILL LEACHATE BY COMBINATIONOF TWO-PHASE ANAEROBIC AND OZONE ACTIVATED CARBONHuang Guoxin Huang Jiguo Jin Aifang 36 Abstract According to the propertiesof landfill leachate, the combination process of two -phase anaerobic system, which is composedof UBF acidification reatorand UASB mechanization reator, and ozone activated carbon is used to treat landfill leachate. The results show that the optimum HRT of the UBF is 10. 3h, the acidification phenomenon of the acidification phase is not occurring and the activity of the acid-producing bacteria being better; the optimum sludge loadof the UASB is 0. 122 g gd, the function of resisting the changing load of the mechanization phase being better; the two -phase anaerobic system can stably and high efficiently remove organics, but the NH3-N removal is not ideal; the optimum dosage of activated carbon is 4. 510- 2g mL wastewater; the optimum reaction time is 120 min; the ozone activated carbon can handle organics better, de - colors prominently and has a defoaming function. Keywords landfill leachate two -phase anaerobic ozone activated carbon STUDY ON PARTICLE COD ADSORPTION AND CLOGGING IN CONSTRUCTED SOIL INFIL - TRATIONSun Zongjian Ding Aizhong Teng Yanguo 39 Abstract The percent of particle COD in total COD of domestic wastewater isbetween30~ 60, of whichonly 20~ 35 can be re - 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26, No. 6,December,2008




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