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气浮-SBR 法在缫丝废水处理中的应用 李乃炜 王礼同 安徽省六安市环境保护局, 六安 237006 石 慧 安徽省六安市三十铺中学, 六安 237006 摘要 采用气浮-SBR 法处理缫丝废水, 可使出水达到一级排放标准。 结合工程实际, 介绍缫丝废水处理工程的设计 和调试情况。 该工艺运行费用较低, 且操作简单, 易于维护, 可为缫丝厂的废水处理提供参考。 关键词 气浮-SBR 法 缫丝废水 0 引言 六安市某缫丝厂是以生产白厂丝 年产 300 t 为 主的生产企业, 企业废水中主要的污染物为丝胶蛋白 质、 蛹体蛋白质及脂肪酸等有机物质 ,是一种含 N、P 高的无毒中浓度有机废水, 若直接排放 , 会造成水体 污染。厂方投资近 85万元, 兴建了 800 t d 污水处理 设施。现该设施运行正常 , 已通过市县有关部门验 收,现介绍该污水处理工程的有关设计和调试运行 情况 。 1 工艺设计 1. 1 废水排放情况 该厂废水主要来源于煮茧 、 立缫 缫丝和复摇 和 副产品加工 汰头 等工段, 其中煮茧、立缫废水为连 续式排放 ,汰头废水为间歇性排放 。立缫废水排放量 大,有机污染物浓度较低 ; 汰头废水水量较小 ,但有机 污染物浓度非常高 ,是丝厂的主要污染源 ; 煮茧废水 水量也较小 ,有机污染物浓度较高, 是丝厂废水的重 要组成部分。各工段废水排放情况见表 1 所示 。 表 1 各生产工段废水水质及排放量 生产 工段 废水量 m3 d- 1 pH CODCrBOD5 SS氨氮 mg L-1 立缫5606. 6~ 7. 2281915112. 8 汰头1137. 3~ 10. 11059650631404822. 1 煮茧856. 8~ 7. 3538278508. 2 综合废水7586. 7~ 7. 61 848854213827. 1 设计水质8007. 32 000940235229. 8 排放标准6-9≤100≤30≤70≤15 相应处理程度 ≥ 95. 0≥ 96. 8≥97. 0≥ 49. 7 通过计算得出综合废水排放量为 758 m 3 d, 主要 污染物平均浓度分别为 CODCr 1 848 mg L 、BOD5 854 mg L 、 SS 2 138 mg L、氨氮 27. 1 mg L ; 考虑到 实际废 水排放的 波动性 , 因而 设计处理水 量取 800 m 3 d,设计废水水质见表 1。出水要求达到污水 综合排放标准 GB8978 -1996 中的一级标准 。 1. 2 工艺选择 废水中 BOD5 CODCr 0. 46,可生化性较好。与其 他活性污泥法相比 ,SBR 法具有以下优点 [ 1] ①不易 产生污泥膨胀, 污泥沉淀性能好,泥水分离效果好 ; ② 不需设置二沉池和污泥回流系统,处理构筑物的构成 简单, 占地面积少, 基建费用可节省 30; ③可有效 去除氮脱磷 ; ④耐冲击负荷强 ,氧的转移率高 ,能处理 高浓度或有害的废水 ; ⑤工艺成熟 ,运行稳定。而且 又有成功处理相似水质废水的实例 [ 2] , 故选用该工 艺。同时考虑本废水处理要求达到的去除率较高且 原废水中悬浮物浓度大 , 因而采用气浮- SBR 法。其 工艺流程见图 1。 图 1 缫丝废水处理工艺流程图 1. 3 主要构筑物设计参数 1. 3. 1 调节池 设计调节池结构尺寸为 10 m 7 m 3. 5 m, 有效 容积 200 m 3 , 水力停留时间为 6 h。 调节池内设 50 mm穿孔管进行预曝气, 防止悬浮物沉淀 , 同时 起到氧化有机物作用 。 1. 3. 2 气浮 采用加压溶气气浮法, 最大废水处理能力为 40 m 3 h, 溶气释放器为 TV-Ⅱ型 。 1. 3. 3 SBR池 设计 2 个钢混调节池 , 单池结构尺寸为 8 m 7 m 5 m ,有效容积 200 m 3 ,水力停留时间为 8 h 。曝 气系统采用罗茨风机和曝气软管。 23 环 境 工 程 2006年 4 月第24 卷第2 期 1. 3. 4 污泥浓缩池 气浮及 SBR 池中沉淀污泥排入污泥浓缩池。浓 缩池的有效容积 50 m 3 ,水力停留时间 10 h, 有效深度 3 m 。经浓缩后 ,上清液重新回到调节池内,浓缩污泥 排入干化池进行自然干化, 干化至含水率为 75左 右时外运填埋或用于厂区绿地施肥。渗滤液由底部 的渗水装置重新回到调节池进行处理。 2 调试及运行 2. 1 污泥驯化 好氧活性污泥是用合肥市王小郢污水处理厂的 污泥接种直接进行驯化的 。先是在 SBR 池内注入 1 3池清水 ,投入接种污泥后补充清水至预定水位 ,连 续鼓风闷曝气 , 当 SBR 池内出现少量活性污泥絮绒 体时, 停止曝气 ,静置澄清后 , 排放池内上清液 约为 池深的 1 10 ,投入相同量的缫丝废水 ,进入下 1个周 期的试运行。按照逐渐提高反应池内有机负荷的原 则,以后各周期的废水投入量不断递增, 直至 SBR池 满负荷为止。 在调试运行初期 ,污泥生长十分缓慢。经过重新 投加活性污泥、缩短曝气时间和提高有机负荷后, 活 性污泥生长增快 ,1~ 2 个月以后 ,SBR 池就形成了性 能良好的活性污泥, 整个废水处理系统进入正常运行 状态 。 2. 2 处理效果 经过 1 a 多的运行 ,废水处理系统运行可靠,出水 水质稳定达到 GB8978- 1996 中的一级标准 见表 2 。 表 2 出水水质情况统计表mg L pH 除外 监测项目pHCODCrBOD5SS氨氮 监测数据7. 3~ 7. 6 26. 6~ 93. 8 10 . 4~ 26. 9 34 . 2~ 56 . 5 3. 4~ 8 . 9 标准6~ 9≤100≤30≤70≤15 2. 3 运行成本 本废水处理设施正常运行的废水处理费用为 13 万元 a ,运行处理成本为 0. 57 元 m 3 。 3 结论 1 气浮-SBR 废水处理系统不会发生污泥膨胀 问题,对缫丝废水处理效果好, 出水水质稳定 , 达到 GB8978 -1996 中的一级标准 。 2 本工程运行费用较低, 操作简单, 易于维护, 适用于类似水质缫丝厂的废水处理 。 参考文献 [ 1] 刘义, 张兆昌. 水解酸化 -气浮 -SBR 工艺处理乳品废水的研究. 环境工程, 1998, 16 5 19-21. [ 2] 冯元群, 吴斌等. SBR 生化法在制革废水处理中的应用. 环境污 染与防治, 2001, 23 6 294 -296. 作者通讯处 李乃炜 237006 安徽省六安市人民路 96 号 六安市 环境保护局 电话 0564 3338274 E -mail linaiwei530 163. com 2005- 05-23 收稿 上接第 68页 3 评价结果分析 从表 4 可知 ,各评判方法得出的结果的趋势是一 致的 ,不致的是物元模型将淮海路划入了“差”, 而 模糊与灰色将滨江路划入了“良” 。淮海路的 CO、 TSP 和SO23 项指标均超过了国标中的“中”级指标 ,将其 划入“中”尚可认为是评判方法不同的结果,但滨江路 的CO 、 TSP 、 NOx和 SO24 项指标均超过了国标中的 “良”级指标,此时将其划入“中”级显然属于误判。 4 结论 1 本文应用等效数值法建立了大气环境质量评 价模型,评价结果表明是切实可行的。 2 等效数值评价模型与现有评价模型相比, 方 法简单直观、 准确可靠,具有信息利用率高的优点 ,便 于推广采用 。 参考文献 [ 1] 李胜. 交通大气环境影响评价的物元模型 二十一世纪都市交 通运输系统的可持续发展. 北京 人民交通出版社, 1999. [ 2] 邢爱国等. 煤矿区水环境质量现状评价研究. 环境工程, 1999. 17 4 . [ 3] 李爱贞. 大气环境影响评价导论. 北京 海洋出版社,1997. 作者通讯处 秦志斌 410076 湖南省长沙市 长沙理工大学公路 工程学院 E -mail zhibing 126. com 2005- 07-18 收稿 24 环 境 工 程 2006年 4 月第24 卷第2 期 BIO-TREATMENT OF AMMONIA -CONTAINING WASTE WATER FROM CHEMICAL FERTILIZER INDUSTRY WITH A MULTIPLE AIRLIFT LOOP REACTOR Mao Guozhu Wen Jianping Jia Xiaoqiang et al7 Abstract A 80m3gas-liquid-solid three -phase flow multiple airlift loop bioreactor ALRwith a low ratio of height to diameter shas been putinto practice in nitrifying the effluent in one chemical fertilizer plant in China. The influences of the air -to -water flow ratio and hydraulic residence time on ammonia nitrogen reductionare investigated and discussed. The optimum operating conditionssuch as air -to -water flow ratio of 50 and HRT of 5 hours are found. In addition, the average removal rates of CODCrand NH 4-N are respectively higher than 75 and 98. The treatment results of the effluent CODCr50 mg L and NH 4-N10mg L, which are satisfactory. Keywords ammonia nitrogen, bio -treatment, multiple airlift loop reactor and low ratio of height to diameter ANALYSIS OF PHOSPHOROUS AND NITROGEN REMOVAL BY IMPROVED DE OXIDATION DITCH PROCESSTang Minkang XuJianhong Zeng Yan9 Abstract Based on the good effect of Xindou Wastewater Treatment Plant for selecting improved DE oxidation ditch process, it is analysed the improved process and the improved DE oxidation ditch itself. Finally the improved experiments for strengthening phosphorous and nitrogen removal are summarized. Keywords DE oxidation ditch, phosphorous and nitrogen removal, process flow andwastewater treatment TREATMENT OF LEACHATE FROM MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE IN INCINERATOR WITH UASB Deng Daiqing Xia Fengyi Li Guangming et al 11 Abstract Leachate from solidwaste store -tank in municipal solid waste incinerators factory has the character of high organic contamination and low pH. The start -up perance of commercial -scale UASB reactors to treat leachate at ambient temperature was investigated. The experiment was also designed to investigate the effects of CODCrdegrading efficient on HRT and VLD. The resultsindicate that at a HRT of 6 d and the VLD of 5 kg m3d, the CODCrdegrading efficiency is above 85, and the gas produced from the organic contamination of each raw leachate is 22. 5 L. Keywords UASB, municipal solidwaste, incinerator and leachate EXPERIMENTALSTUDYONRESIDENTIALSEWAGETREATMENTBYMEMBRANE- SEQUENCING BIOREACTORGao Yulan Feng Xudong Wang Ping 14 Abstract Membrane -sequencing bioreactor was used to treat residential sewage. The stability of system was investigated without sludge discharge. The result shows that the average removal efficiency of CODCr, ammonia nitrogen and turbidity has reached 89. 8, 99. 3 and 99. 6 respectively under the conditions of air -water ratio 35∶ 1, operation period 5. 75 h. The membrane has a contribution to the removal efficiency of CODCr, ammonia nitrogenand turbidity respectively with 10. 2, 0. 1 and 9. 5. The membrane separation process can enhance the waste water treatment effect and trans -membrane pressure TMP rises slowly. The effluent quality was superior to the standards for water reuse. Keywords membrane -sequencing bioreactor, residential sewage and ammonia nitrogen TREATMENTOFLEACHATEFROMMUNICIPALSOLIDWASTELANDFILLSBY EVAPORATION INVACUUMYang Qi He Pinjing Shao Liming 17 Abstract Evaporation has been used for treatment of landfill leachate at a certain extent. After a brief summary of development of evaporation technology in treatment of landfill leachate, the emphasis is put on the introduction to a new type of technology -evaporationin vacuum, which is considered to be able to avoid the primary problem of traditional evaporations equipment erosion, and has a low demand on energy supply. The effluent of evaporation in vacuum can be discharged directly to sewage treatment plant, or can be reused after a treatment by membrane. Keywords landfill leachate, equipment erosion, evaporation in vacuum and reverse osmosis PRETREATMENT TEST OF ANTIBIOTICWASTEWATERWITH SUPERHIGHCONCENTRATION Qing Xiangchun Chen Fanzhong Ye Hengpeng et al 20 Abstract The pretreatment of the antibiotic wastewater was studied. The process is flocculation※a biochemical hydrolyzation by the acclimated bacillus anoxic hydrolyzation※re -flocculation※catalytic oxidationby Fenton reagent. Each chemicaloxygen demand CODCrremoval efficiency of the processes is 30. 31, 27. 0, 32 . 88 and33. 82. The chemical oxygen demand CODCrof the wastewater was reducedfrom over 50 000mg L to about 10 000mg L. It provided a of the pretreatment of antibiotic wastewater. Keywords antibiotic wastewater, flocculation, bacillus and Fenton reagent APPLICATIONOFAIR -FLOATATIONANDSBRINTREATMENTOFSILK-MAKING WASTEWATERLi Naiwei Wang Litong Shi Hui 23 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 24, No. 2,Apr. ,2006 Abstract The silk-making wastewater was treated by air -floatation and SBR process. The effluent quality coned to the first -order criterionof GB8978 -1996. Combining the engineering practice, itwasgivensome experience indesign andoperationof the engineering. The process featured low cost, simple operation and easy maintenance, which may provide experience in sewage treatment of similar silk-making plants. Keywords air -floatation -SBR treatment and silk-making wastewater THE TREATMENT OF FOOD -MAKING WASTEWATER USING UASB PROCESS Zhang Qunchou Tong Panrui Gao Yusong 25 Abstract The waste water from food-making starch production is a highly-concentrated organic waste water. It is treated by a biochemical treatmenttechnology using UASB reactor under normal temperature as the main treatment unit, and trickle bed as the secondary unit. These technics show that the use of the saidtechnology notonly saves investment, lowers operational cost and simplifies operation but also producesusable methane while the waste water after treatment can meet the standard before discharged so that good economic and environmental results can be obtained. Keywords food -making waste water,wastewater of starch production and UASB TREATMENTOFEXPANSIBLEPOLYSTYRENEWASTEWATERBYPROCESSOF FLOCCULATIVE SEDIMENTATION -ACTIVE CARBON BIOLOGICAL TANK Liu Xiaodong Ni Ning Li Jiansheng et al 27 Abstract Expansible polystyrene EPSwastewater involves large quantities of organism containing benzene loop such as surfactant LAS and so on with high total P index and bad biodegradability. It is hard to treat it. The process of flocculative sedimentation-active carbon biological tank is adapted to treat EPS wastewater. When average CODCrof originalwastewater is 1 800mg L, thatof the effluent can reach about 80 mg Lwith the removal rate of 95. 5. The effluent quality remains stable and several quality inds of the effluent can meet the first class criteria specified in the national discharge standard. Keywords EPS wastewater, active carbon biological tank, delayed aeration and surfactant TREATMENT OF CHEMICAL WASTEWATER BY HYDROLYTIC ACIDIFICATION -A O PROCESS Liu Bozhi Liu Faqiang Ding Xuehong 29 Abstract Hydrolytic acidification-A O process is selected to treat chemical wastewater of high concentration due to the fact that the traditional activated sludge process has a low removal rate of NH3-N and the effluent CODCrcan not be up to standard steadily . The test results show that the new process has excellent denitrifying effect with CODCrand NH3-N meeting the first-order of the national emission standard. Keywords chemical sewage, hydrolytic acidification, A O process and biodenitrogenation THE DESIGN FOR FLUE GAS ATOMIZING HUMIDIFICATION OF SEMI-DRY FLUE GAS DESULFURIZATIONShi Yingjie Wang Fan Wang Hongmei et al 31 Abstract Humidification plays a key role in SO2removal for semi-dry flue gas desulfurization FGD. In the article. the analysis is derived that perance of air atomizing is more effective than that of mechanical atomizing. The calculation results show that drop size distribution of FM10 air atomizing nozzle can meet flue gas condition in evaporation. It is deduced that atomizing contrail angle is constrained in the flue gas and laying out of the nozzle in the duct unily to avoid drop from wetting wall. Fabric filter is supposed to be nice in heat preservation and easy in ash cleaning. A smooth -surfaced filter material is selected. Keywords semi -dry process, FGD, air atomizing nozzle and humidification TREATING VOCs-BEARING EXHAUST GAS BY ACTIVATED CARBON FROM SOLID WASTES Xie Liping Lin Weigang Yang Xuemin 34 Abstract The main influence factors on the adsorption to VOCs in exhaust gas with activated carbon from solid wastes SW-ACare investigated. The results indicated that the SW-AC can certainly be used for the purification process of VOCs -bearing exhaust gas. Keywords VOCs, adsorption, activated carbon and treatment of exhaust gas TREATMENT OF ODOR POLLUTION FROM AERATIONTANK FOR REFINERY BY FIXED BED ACTIVATED CARBON ADSORPTIONLu Qingfang Guo Bingbing 37 Abstract Odor treatment in aeration tank by means of fixed bed activated carbon adsorption has been studied. The subject under study is aimed at the sewage treatment plant in Jiujiang Petrochemical Complex Refinery of SINOPEC. The activated carbon IVP for desulphurization hydrogen sulfide and methanthioland the activated carbon BPL for adsorpting VOC benzene, methylbenzene and dimethyl benzenehas been chosen in the research at the pilot plant. The technology route removing the offensive odor from pollution gas has been worked out. Keywords offensive odor, activated carbon and adsorption 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 24, No. 2,Apr. ,2006




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