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铜酸洗废水 液 处理及铜质回收工程应用 赵济强 南京市环境科学学会, 江苏 南京 210024 顾小明 林西华 台州盛世环境工程有限公司, 浙江 玉环 317604 摘要 以某金属表面处理有限公司为例, 介绍铜酸洗表面处理行业生产废水处理与中水回用零排放工艺。 经过多年 的运行及实践证明, 该工艺技术先进、操作性强, 实现了废水零排放 , 且回收的铜质品位高, 具有很大的社会效益、环境 效益和经济效益, 是一种非常实用的废水处理与中水回用技术。 关键词 铜酸洗 零排放 铜质回收 铜制品在生产过程中 ,将产生大量有毒有害重金 属离子废水,不仅严重污染,破坏水域、土壤等生态环 境,而且极大地浪费了废水 液 中宝贵的铜金属 资源 。 1 工艺设计 1. 1 酸洗工艺与水质特征 铜制品首先在三酸的混合酸中浸洗 ,利用 HNO3 的强氧化性 ,破坏铜件表面氧化皮, 然后将铜件产品 清洗后投入到含 Cr 6的钝化液中, 使其产生光亮装 饰保护层的铜制品 , 而产生的废水主要含有 Cu 2 、 Cr 6 、 Zn 2 、 Pb 2等有毒重金属离子的强酸漂洗水 。 1. 2 设计思路及工艺选择 鉴于该类废水呈强酸性、腐蚀性大 、 高浓度重金 属一类污染物六价铬等, 常规处理为化学法 ,一般能 达到国家一级排放标准, 如果回用于铜酸洗前处理用 水,酸洗过后的铜件色彩不一 , 对产品有直接影响。 再者 ,该企业新建前提,不允许废水排放 ,政府审批控 制污染非常严格 。因此, 对废水的深度处理是工艺设 计的关键。 在经过几年的研究和大量试验的基础上 , 从小 试、 中试成功后 ,应用到实际生产,并解决了废水 液 处理零排放最关键的运行成本问题 。如果运行费用 过高 ,企业负担重,又没有经济效益 ,零排放也就难以 实现 。 针对该类废水特点与环保要求 ,其工艺设计为化 学法 - 反渗透-蒸发三级深度处理 。 1. 3 废水 液 处理及中水回用零排放工艺 废水处理工艺流程见图 1。 图 1 废水处理工艺流程 1. 4 处理单元功能及工艺说明 工艺流程主要分为四大部分 1 化学法处理; 2 膜法反渗透处理; 3 废水的蒸发浓缩结晶 ; 4 铜 质回收。 1. 4. 1 化学法处理 酸漂洗水经反应器将 Cr 6还原成 Cr3 , 加碱调 整pH ,通过沉淀池泥水分离,上清液经过滤器至中间 池,处理后的水清晰透明 ,经环境监测站 2 d 4次 d 采样化验分析见表 1。 表 1 废水监测结果mg L pH 值除外 项目pHCr6Cu2 COD 漂洗废水范围0. 60~1. 87126. 19~ 314.63124.44~ 239. 88117. 85~184. 72 均值1. 26239.88186.53143. 37 中间池出水范围7. 15~8. 320~0. 060.03~ 0. 2017. 78~75. 62 均值0.0130. 0949. 86 排放标准6~9≤0. 50≤0. 50≤100 1. 4. 2 膜法反渗透处理 由表1 可以看出,经化学法处理后,出水达到了较 67 环 境 工 程 2008年 6 月第26 卷第3 期 好的水质,再进入反渗透系统处理 ,经过膜法深度处理 后的产水电导率由5 500~ 7 500 μ s cm, 下降到 150~ 400μ s cm,去除率达94. 55~ 97. 27,符合城市污水 再生利用工业用水水质要求, 产水率达 75,回用于 工艺用水,剩余 25高浓度废水进入蒸发浓缩器。 1. 4. 3 浓水蒸发浓缩结晶 为降低蒸发浓缩结晶的处理成本, 将上述剩余的 25浓水通过高效蒸发浓缩器进行蒸发 ,产生的蒸馏 水回用于生产 , 蒸发结晶产生的盐份 , 进行无害化 处置 。 1. 4. 4 铜质及污泥回收利用 铜酸洗废液中含有大量的铜离子 经测定浓度为 30~ 40 g L ,通过铜质提取装置, 回收溶液中的铜离 子,具有可观的经济效益 。提取后的废水汇集至漂洗 废水集水池 ,进入化学法处理, 产生污泥中的含铜量 较高, 将此污泥卖给专业的回收厂家, 既解决了污泥 固废处理, 无二次污染问题,又使污泥变废为宝,产生 较好的经济及环境效益。 2 技术经济指标 技术经济指标见表 2。 表 2 铜酸洗废水 液 处理经济效益分析元 m3 项目药剂电耗膜等更换浓液处理人工费铜质回收中水回用污泥销售合计 运行费用7. 952. 653. 7329. 212. 3445. 88 经济收益35. 081. 8011. 0747. 95 盈 亏 - 额2. 07 3 结论 1 该工艺经济收益与运行费用相抵 ,略有盈利, 实现了废水处理真正意义上的零排放。 2 该工艺设备操作维护简便,运行稳定, 自动化 程度高。 3 该工艺解决了一直困扰铜酸洗行业中废水零 排放问题, 本项目建设完成后, 大大削减污染物排放 总量, 节约自来水需用量 ,将有利于企业与区域经济 建设的可持续发展。 4 本项目的实施 , 将在周边地区起到水资源循 环利用 ,尤其在玉环缺水严重的区域 , 缺水紧张季 节,水费上涨 ≥12 元 m 3 , 起到很好的示范作用, 具 有很大的社会、环境和经济效益。 5 本项目的实施在治理废水和中水回用的同 时,能有效地利用了废水 、 废液中的宝贵的铜资源 ,变 废为宝 ,实现了废水 液 资源化, 促进了企业的持续 发展 。 参考文献 [ 1] 张自杰. 环境工程手册, 水污染防治卷. 北京 高等教育出版社, 1996 [ 2] 李进, 许兆义, 于海琴. 微滤 反渗透处理、回用循环冷却水. 中国 给水排水, 2004, 20 9 47 -49 [ 3] 张赞红. 超滤作为反渗透预处理的探讨. 净水技术, 2003, 22 4 29-31 作者通信处 赵济强 210024 江苏省 南京市鼓楼区虎丘路 9 号 3 栋 304 电话 025 83736970 E -mail linjun0598yahoo . com. cn 2007- 10-09 收稿 上接第 41页 4 回流比是影响 AOMBR 系统脱氮的主要参 数,试验中回流比为 3 时可实现稳定生物脱氮 。 5 AOMBR系统当MLSS 10 000 mg L时 ,膜污染 严重 ,采用酸洗、碱洗、 NaClO 溶液清洗的方式,不能彻 底恢复膜的性能,出水膜通量为原来的 75 左右。 参考文献 [ 1] 周吉林, 周少奇. 垃圾填埋场渗滤水的处理技术. 环境污染与 防治, 2001, 23 4 187 -189 [ 2] 黄霞, 桂萍. 膜 -活性污泥组合工艺的污水处理特性研究 资源 发展与环境保护. 第三届海峡两岸环境保护学术研讨会论文 集, 1995 95 -102 [ 3] 申立贤. 高浓度有机废水处理技术. 北京 中国环境科学出版 社, 1991 [ 4] 胡刚. 王里奥. 上流式厌氧污泥床处理垃圾渗滤液的效果研究. 中国给水排水, 2007, 23 13 56 -59 [ 5] 李军, 王保贞. 生活垃圾渗滤液处理中试研究. 中国给水排水, 2002 18 3 作者通信处 刘海涛 101102 北京市通州区马驹桥镇国家环保产 业园区 北京桑德环境工程有限公司技术研发部 E -mail liuhaitao1203yahoo . com. cn 2007- 09-28 收稿 68 环 境 工 程 2008年 6 月第26 卷第3 期 XingpingZhonglongTieluqiao, and the most serious factors contributed to pollution are pointed out. According to which this paper can provide references for water pollution control and water environment protection. Keywords grey cluster relation analysis water environmental quality assessment Weihe River in Xianyang CHARACTERISTICS OF SLUDGE AND DISCUSSION ON TREATMENT S Liu Hong Cui Suping Tian Wei et al 63 Abstract Municipal sludge and several electroplating sludges were selected,whose components, composition, thermal characteristic and the distribution of different heavy metals Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, Hg, Co, Ni and Aswere studied. The results of experiment show that the components of municipal sludge are closed to clay s, so the clay may be replacedwith municipal sewage sludge. They have highmass loss at lower temperature and the tend of weight loss is moderate at higher temperature; Zn,Ni and Cr are easy to remain in the bottom ash; Cu, As and Hg are difficult to enrichment, they are easy to volatilize. Treatment suggestion is given according to the characteristic of sludge at last. Keywords municipal sludge electroplating sludge thermal analysis heavy metal THE ENGINEERING USE OF COPPER PICKLING WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND COPPER RECOVERYZhao Jiqiang Gu Xiaoming Lin Xihua 67 Abstract A metal surface treatment limited company is taken as an example, it introduced that the treatment of production wastewater and water reuse zero emission technology for the copper acid surface treatment industry . It is proved by many years of operation and practice that the technology is advanced and feasible can achieve wastewater zero emission; and the grade of the recycling copper isvery high. It has great social, economic and environmental benefits. So it is a very practicalwastewater treatment and water reuse technology. Keywords copper pickling zero emissions copper recovery RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF CORN STARCH WASTE WATER BY AEROBIC BIOLOGICAL PROCESSLi Zhanchen YuKai Li Xinyan 69 Abstract It is introduced that the present situation of study on treatment of starch waste water in our country and abroad, and the experimental research is done on the waste water of one firm in Xiongxian County of Baoding . After increaseing flocculant for recycling protein, this waste water enters into biochemical treatment, which then undergoes activated carbon adsorption. The total removal rate of COD is more than 95 and the water quality meets the local discharge standard. Keywords starchwaste water biotreatment of waste water activated carbon adsorption STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF OILY SEWAGE FROM OIL FIELDSJiang Haiyang Chen Jinfu 71 Abstract Integrative reactor filledwith bio -membrane cultured and enriched spontaneously was employed to dispose oily wastewater from oil field.The main influencing factors are investigated in experiments, such as temperature, HRT, mineralization, COD volumetric load and packing material. Experiment results show that the microorganisms cultured and enriched using this can endure high temperature and high mineralization. The ideal effluent can be achieved under the temperature 45~ 65℃, HRT 10 h, COD volumetric load 0. 38~ 0. 49 kg m3d, oil concentration 22. 1~ 78. 3 mg L and mineralization 15 000 mg L, respectively.Study shows the average concentration of COD and oil in disposed wastewater is reduced to 67. 9 mg L and 3. 6 mg L respectively , which could meet the first-order of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-1996. Keywords oily -wastewater bio -membrane hydrolysis-acidification biological aerated filter BAF AN EXAMPLE OF TREATING HIGH -CONCENTRATION METHANOL WASTEWATER WITH HYDROLYTIC ACIDIFICATION -TWO PHASE ANAEROBIC PROCESS Ma Wencheng Han Hongjun QuJiang et al 75 Abstract Hydrolytic acidification-two phase anaerobic processwas taken to treat the high -concentration methanolwastewater. Tests showed that this process presented well perance in the treatment of high-strength methanol wastewater.When the inflow COD of this process was between 7 000~ 11 000 mg L, its effluent COD was lower than 600 mg L. In addition, this process presented advantages such as quick start -up and well ability of resisting shock loading. Keywords high-concentration methanol wastewater hydrolytic acidification two-phase anaerobic process COMPARISON STUDY ON NITROGEN REMOVAL EFFECT OF TWO BIOFILM REACTORS WITH DIFFERENT PADDINGSShi Lejun Cao Wenping Zhang Yongming 78 Abstract Two biofilm reactors No. 1 and No . 2with different paddingswere used to investigate the capacity of removing organic pollutant and nitrogen of the reactors and analyse the effect factors. The results show that COD and ammonium average removal rate of No . 2 reactor is 29. 88 and 19. 68 higher than No. 1 reactor on the same conditions, whose cause is that ceramisites have more surface area than ceramic honeycomb, while nitrogen removal rate of No. 2 reactor is 7. 11 lower than No. 1 reactor. Moreover, the concentration of nitrite and nitric and biological phase are further researched of two bioreactors and found out greater difference Keywords ceramic honeycomb ceramisites removal nitrogen nitrite and nitric biological phase hydraulic property PRACTICESANDCONSIDERATIONSOFCHENGDUIMPLEMENTINGTHEWATER 5 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26, No. 3, June ,2008




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