记事本、Excel在Mapsource和Mapgis 数据转换中的应用探讨 宋丙剑 1 ,张艳军 2 1 1武警黄金第三支队,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150069; 21中国冶金地质总局第三地质勘查院,山西 太原 030002 摘要Mapsource和Mapgis是目前地质工作中较为实用的软件,笔者利用记事本、Excel成功地完成 了Mapsource和Mapgis间的数据转换,拓展了记事本、Excel、Mapsource、Mapgis在地质工作中的应用 空间,极大方便了野外地质人员减少人为误差,提高了工作效率。 关键词Excel; Mapsource; Mapgis;记事本;数据转换 中图分类号 P209 文献标识码B 文章编号 1001 - 358X2008 02 - 0027 - 04 Mapsource和Mapgis是目前地质工作中较为实 用的两种应用软件,但其数据格式转换各不相同,一 些专业人员主要是利用一些小软件进行数据转换, 但大多数地质工作者却因无法得到或不会使用这些 软件而苦恼。笔者成功利用Excel2003完成了Map2 source615和Mapgis615之间的数据转换,减去了不 会编程的苦恼。下面以1∶1万土壤测量已知测线 方位30,测点间距20 m,测线长3000 m,测线起始 点100 /100横坐标314053100,纵坐标56621251 00 为例,详细介绍了Excel在与Mapsource和MAPGIS 间数据转换的过程及方法。 1 Excel和Map source数据转换 111 数据准备 11111 Excel数据准备 1111111 测点经纬度坐标生成 打开Excel程序,建立土壤测量测点坐标生成器 1xls,在表格第1、2行输入如图1数据,在E3单元格 输入公式 [1] E$2 G33COS303PI /180 ,在 F3单元格输入公式 F$2 G33SI N 303PI / 180 ,利用Excel序列功能可生成如下表格其中点 号从100至150,表格数据共151列 , 也就是由给定 的100点坐标314053100, 5662125100 ,可依次自 动生成100线102点至152点150个测点的公里网 坐标图 1 。 利用相关坐标转换软件本文采用中海达公司 Coord410坐标转换软件 [2 ] 将图1中E2 - E152、F2 - F152列公里网坐标转换为经纬度坐标,具体方法 这里不作介绍。如已知经纬度坐标,此步骤可以省 略。 图1 公里网坐标生成 1111112 航点属性生成 在Excel程序创建航点属性生成器 1xls文件,在 表格第1行输入如图2数据,将经纬度坐标复制至 F2 - F152列中。在A2单元格中输入 “ “ 刚性措施采取了圈梁和构造柱;柔性 措施设置了基础水平滑层和变形缝。2004年末,也 就是新村搬迁工程结束的第三年开采影响结束 , 新村址观测站的资料显示,原预测结果正确,回填设 计符合实际情况,新村抗变形民房经受住了地表新 的移动与变形的考验。目前新村民房完好,村民安 居乐业。 4 结 论 利用非稳定采煤沉陷区进行村庄搬迁,对安徽 省来说尚属首次。从复垦工艺设计、 村庄规划设计、 抗变形设计,到最终完成村庄搬迁并经受住了地表 新的移动与变形的考验,实践意义巨大,对全国类似 条件下的矿区在充分利用采煤沉陷区,尤其是未稳 定的采煤沉陷区方面,具有很好的参考和推广应用 价值。 参考文献 [1] 笪建原 1浅谈采煤塌陷与矿区可持续发展,可持续发 展与煤炭工业论坛报告文集[C]1北京煤炭工业出版 社, 1998 70 - 741 [2] 国家煤炭工业局 1建筑物、 水体、 铁路及主要井巷煤柱 留设与压煤开采规程 1北京煤炭工业出版社, 20001 作者简介高亚桐1976 -女,内蒙古赤峰市人,1997年毕业 于华北矿业高等专科学校、 地籍测量与土地管理专业,安徽 恒源煤电股份有限公司坑代科助理工程师。 收稿日期 2008 - 01 - 23 上接第30页 再利用Excel将坐标转换到Mapgis中,可直接供地 质及化探图件编制使用,这样极大方便了地质人员 野外作业,减化了手工作业,同时降低了劳动强度, 提高了工作效率,减少人为误差,这将使地质资料更 加准确。 参考文献 [1] 全国专业技术人员计算机应用能力考试专家委员会 1 中文电子表格Excel2003实用教程M1沈阳辽宁人 民出版社, 20041 [2] 中海达公司 1Coord410使用说明书[R ]1广州中海达 公司, 2004 1 - 301 [3] GARM I N公司 1Mapsource使用说明书[ R ]1 北京 GARM I N公司, 2004 1 - 251 [4] 武汉中地信息工程有限公司 1Mapgis地理信息系统实 用教程[M ]1武汉中国地质大学出版社, 20021 [5] 刘凡珍,郭玉军,孙萍等 1GPS与Excel、Mapgis相结合 在化探工作中的应用[ J ]1吉林地质, 2007, 26 1 61 - 651 作者简介宋丙剑1974 - , 男,辽宁铁岭人,毕业于桂林工 学院资源工程系,学士学位,地质工程师,现从事黄金地质普 查与勘探工作。 收稿日期 2007 - 12 - 13 17 第2期 高亚桐等非稳定沉陷区村落重建技术与实践 2008年6月 ENGL ISH ABSTRACTS OFMA IN ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE The GeneralAlgorithm and Application Test of Positive and Negative Calculation of Arbitrary Composite Curve Coordi2 nate W ith constant development of highways and high - speed railways, using only the clothoid as single transi2 tion curve has not already been able to meet actual require2 ments completely, so it is necessary to add some high - or2 der curves or other types of transition curves with gradual change curvature.In the paper, a general algorithm of ex2 pansion in series when the coordinate calculation of arbi2 trary point on various types of transition curves ismade and the using the tangent iterative to calculate inversely mileage of different types of transition curves are summarized, which are proved to be practical and reliable through actual practice of developing the survey and design application system.Feng Xiao et al . A Measuring of Deation of the Runway Girder and Rail In the paper, a practical and feasible survey scheme is introduced based on technical characteristics of the engineering projects, which could ensure the accuracy of using the results obtained from analysis of deation - surveying data as reference for leaders’decision making and work in related departments .Xiao Shengsheng Application and Analysis of the Internet - based RTK in Cadastral Survey W ith gradual establishment of the continuous operational satellite positioning reference station systems in different regions, application of the internet - based RTK in cadastral survey is bound to become more and more popular . At present some cadastral survey work has to be carried out by the aid of the electronic total sta2 tion or other surveying instrument due to some deficiency existed in the internet - based RTK.In the paper, the op2 eration of cadastral survey using combined internet - based RTK and the electronic total station is illustrated, the er2 rors possibly occurred in this survey is also analyzed theo2 retically .Simultaneously the actual application is intro2 duced based on actual - measured data as well in the pa2 per .Lu Xiandong et al . Discussion on Application of the Notebook and Excel in DataConversionbetweentheMapsourceandthe Mapgis The Mapsource and Mapgis are comparatively practical software in geological work currently .In the pa2 per, the Notebook and Excel are used to accomplish suc2 cessfully the data conversion between the Mapsource and the Mapgis, which could expand application space of the Notebook,Excel, Mapsource and Mapgis in geological work, provide great convenience for field geological staffs, reduce artificial errors and improve working efficiency . Song Bingjian et al . The Technique and of Building the Symbol Data2 base of the TopographicMap and Symbolizing the Graphs in the Software of ArcGIS Taking establishment of the symbol database of national topographic maps with scale of 1 500, 1 1000 and 1 2000 respectively for example, the paper highlights the technique and know - how of building the symbol database of the topographic map and symboli2 zing the graphs in the software of ArcGIS, illustrates key links of creating symbols of point, line and plane, and in2 troduces procedures of symbolizing the graphs as well . Xiang Hongmei Design of the GIS - based Comprehensive Surveying and MappingManagement System In the paper, the com2 prehensive surveying and mapping management system based on the SQL - Server2000 database and the ArcGIS plat is designed by applying advanced GIS and comput2 er techniques according to management characteristics of surveying and mapping industry . What’s more, the design target, principle, structure, composition of function mod2 ules and R D of the system are also illustrated in the paper, which is of great reference value to actual appli2 cation.Cao Biwu et al . Study and Discussion on Data Quality Control of the Mine GIS The quality of the data affects directly the preci2 sion and correctness of various kinds of analysis results of the mine GIS, and is also closely related to the success or failure of the system to be established.In the paper, based on different development stages of the mine GIS, the data quality control is discussed in the course of data produc2 tion, data processing, building of database and share on Internet, which isof certain value to correctnessof decision making and analysis of the mine GIS.Fan Yuru et al . Research on Depth of the Covering Layer on Reclaimed Cultivated Land Backfilled with Coal Refuse in Subsidence Area In the paper, a research ismade on depth of the covering layer on reclaimed cultivated land backfilled with coal refuse in coalmining induced subsidence area by using the of simulation test in the field based on theories related to some subjects, such as agriculture, pedology and plant nutriology etc.The results obtained show that growth of the crops, under the same condition, is limited when the depth of the covering layer is 30cm,is better than that when the depth is30cm and worse than thatwhen the depth is 70cm, and has no obvious disparity when the depth is between 70cm and 100cm.Further comprehensive analysis indicates that 70cm is relatively economic and rational depth of the covering layer for soil reconstruction in coal mining - induced subsidence area.Guo Youhong et al . Research on the Law of Surface Movement Caused by Par2 tial Extraction under Thick Alluvium at the Liangbaosi Coal Mine Based on the observation data of ground move2 ment of three strip mining faces in the first mining area of the Liangbaosi Coal Mine,the curve figures of surface movement and deation are drafted and the parameters of ground movement are also derived in the paper . What’s more, the characteristics of surface movement caused by wide strip extraction under the condition of thick alluvium are discussed aswell in the paper .Zhang Yuqing et al . Discussion on Setup and Teaching of the Computer Course in the Specialty of Surveying Engineering In the pa2 per, based on features of the surveying engineering special2 ty, the setup,links between courses and arrangement of course content of the computer course are discussed respec2 tively fromthe viewpoint that modernsurveying staffs should have four basic skills, i . e.surveying, calculating, mapping and managing.DaiWujiao et al .