一种高效的MAPGIS数据转换方法 苗小利 航测勘查分院,陕西 西安 710054 摘要本文以阳泉矿区数据转换为例,探讨了DGN与MAPGIS两种格式数据间的直接转换问题,寻 求一种高效的数据转换方法和途径。 关键词数据转换; DGN; MAPGIS 中图分类号 P208 文献标识码B 文章编号 1001 - 358X2007 01 - 0045 - 03 MAPGIS是一个集图形、 图像、 地质、 测绘、 计算 机科学为一体的GIS软件系统,MAPGIS已广泛应用 于城市规划、 测绘、 地质勘查、 矿山测量等领域,并受 到国内越来越多的用户青睐。 美国Bentley公司开发Microstation J软件,在国 内也广泛应用于测绘等领域。这样必然存在着Mi2 crostation DGN数据格式如何转换成MAPGIS数据格 式的问题,与以往MAPGIS数据转换不同,本文将讨 论通过MAPGIS的明码格式,将Microstation DGN数 据直接转换成MAPGIS数据的方法。 1 设计思想与数据转换思路 与其它数据格式转换一样,首先需要透彻了解 两种数据格式,找到沟通两者的方法和桥梁,形成设 计思想,制定设计方案。 MAPGIS的明码格式数据接口是一个开放式的 软件数据接口,用户用其它软件获取的数据只要按 照明码格式写成图形文件,就可以由MAPGIS系统 读取。其明码数据格式是ASCII码的文件,较全面、 清晰,且以点、 线、 面分开的方式存储空间实体,易于 读写。 下面以线文件为例,分析其明码数据格式的构 成。线文件结构如下 逻辑结构文件头 线数 1号线 2号线 ⋯⋯ 具体为 文件头, 8个字节WMAP9021 线数n 1号线 线型号 辅助线型号 颜色 线宽x系数 y系数 辅助色 图层透明输出 线点数m1 x x1y1; x2y2;⋯; xm1ym1 I D线长度 2号线 线型号 辅助线型号 颜色 线宽x系数 y系数 辅助色 图层透明输出 线点数m2 x x1 y1; x2y2;⋯; xm2 ym2 I D线长度 ⋯⋯ n号线 线型号 辅助线型号 颜色 线宽x系数 y系数 辅助色 图层透明输出 线点数mn x1 y1; x2y2;⋯; xmn ymn I D线长度 通过了解MAPGIS软件,我们可以确定,以 MAPGIS的明码交换文件3. wal,3. wat为桥梁, 是DGN数据直接转换成MAPGIS数据一种高效的 方法,因此其基本思路参见图1。 图1 基本思路 2 数据转换过程 211 制定设计方案 了解了MAPGIS软件后,才能确定数据转换的 设计思想,为了进行两种数据的无损转换,必须在工 程生产前制定DGN数据与之相应的层色设计方案, 即数据采集中使用UCM 用户命令和数据编辑中 使用图例文件,继而形成数据的转换方案,具体参见 图2。 54 第1期 2007年3月 矿 山 测 量 M I NE SURVEYI NG No11 Mar12007 图2 转换方案 DGN数据层色方案的制定,是基于对两种软件 了解的基础上,也是后期能否顺利进行两种数据转 换的最根本的保障,它直接影响到数据转换的工作 量和质量,是数据转换前期最重要的工作,也是数据 转换开发程序的重要思路。 数据层色方案确定后,与其相配套的程序开发 也随之而定,程序开发是根据数据层色方案和MAP2 GIS明码文件的要求进行的,其目的是将DGN格式 提取为MAPGIS的明码文件。 212 MAPGIS的明码文件的提取 制定好DGN数据的层色方案后,进一步要制定 DGN与MAPGIS明码文件提取的对应表,分别为点 表、 线表、 注记表,见图3所示。编程人员据此利用 MDL开发相应的程序MAPGIS . MA。 当然表中的各项内容的制定,均建立在对 MapGIS软件的透彻的了解,诸如,子图的编号、 XY系数、 子图尺寸等等,由于MAPGIS的符号库 与线型库是基于图纸尺寸mm建立,而DGN数 据中的符号、 线型均为实际尺寸。因此,表中有关 尺寸的数据,应根据比例尺换算成实际尺寸,以便 与DGN的尺寸相一致。这时制定对应表时特别 要注意的一点。 图3 DGN与MAPG IS明码文件提取对应表 213 数据处理 两种软件对每种元素的定义必然存在着差异, 数据处理则是解决这一问题必须的工作。 1符号、 线型的定位方向 为了完全一一对应的转换,必须了解两软件符 号库、 线型库之间的差异,否则符号、 线型转换后会 发生位移,无法保证原数据的精度。例如,斜井符 号,在DGN中为符号底部中点,而在MAPGIS中为 符号的中央,见图4。 图4 MAPG IS中符号 线型库同样存在定位的问题,如铁路线型,在 64 第1期 矿 山 测 量 2007年3月 DGN中为了便于数据采集的准确定位,一般定位线 在符号的右边,而MAPGIS中的铁路线型定位线为 中间,因此,在工程开始前必须了解这些差异,制定 相应的符号库和线型库,参见图5。 图5 MAPG IS中的线型 2其它处理 线文件提取时,线条数应加一,最后一条的坐标 要重复一遍,如下列数据所示 WMAP9021 2 96, 10. 00, 10. 00, 999, 0, 7, 21, 0, 2 564313. 314, 417266. 374 564373. 314, 417266. 374 1, 60. 000000 96, 10. 00, 10. 00, 999, 0, 7, 21, 0, 2 564313. 314, 417266. 374 564373. 314, 417266. 374 2, 60. 000000 另外,由于DGN的线型库已经远远优于其它软 件的线型库,因此两线型库中无法对应的线型符号 应击碎处理。 214 数据转换 经过数据处理、MAPGIS明码文件的提取后,可直 接利用MAPGIS“ 文件转换 ” 模块,将提取的MAPGIS明 码文件3. WAL,3. WAT输入,保存后完成。 3 结 论 在阳泉测区中,以MAPGIS明码文件为桥梁,较 好的解决了Microstation J DGN数据与MAPGIS两种 数据格式之间的转换问题,并与其它方法相比,具有 以下特点1速度快,符号、 线型转换一次完成,不 需要逐个缩放; 2不需要通过中间其它格式,如 DWG格式; 3较好解决了DGN数据实际尺寸与 MAPGIS符号线型图上尺寸的问题。 参考文献略 作者简介苗小利1962 - , 女,汉族,山西永济人,1986年毕 业于武汉测绘科技大学,学士学位,现在西安煤炭航测勘查 分院工作,高级工程师,从事测绘工程生产技术设计工作。 收稿日期 2006 - 08 - 21 上接第49页 4 结 语 森林火灾的频发严重威胁着人民生命、 生活财 产的安全,为了尽快减少或杜绝森林火灾的发生,森 林火险预报工作显得尤为重要。但是由于森林火灾 的发生机理较为复杂,目前很多火灾预警模型还处 于实验阶段,随着科学技术的不断发展和创新,我们 也将会找到解决问题的新思路和新方法,森林火险 预报也正向智能化、 实时化、 形象化、 网络化和集成 化方向发展。本文基于“3S” 理论对森林火险预报进 行了初步研究,对大连市森林火险预报工作具有一 定辅助作用,很多技术方案还需要在实践中不断进 行论证。 参考文献 [1] 万鲁河,刘万宇,臧淑英 1森林防火辅助决策支持系统 的设计与实现[J ]1管理科学, 2003, 163 22 - 231 [2] 文定元,文东新 1关于我国森林火灾预报某些问题的 商讨[J ]1森林防火, 20011 37 - 381 [3] 徐爱俊,李清泉,方陆明等 1基于GIS的森林火灾预报 模型的研究与探讨[J ]1浙江林学院学报2003, 203 286 - 2881 [4] 张贵,曹福祥,杨志高 1基于3S技术的广州森林防火 信息系统的建立[J ]1中南林学院学报, 2004, 24 2 97 - 98 作者简介卜玉坤1973 - , 女,满族。籍贯黑龙江呼玛。 辽宁工程技术大学测绘与地理科学学院工程师,在读硕士。 收稿日期 2006 - 09 - 25 74 第1期 苗小利一种高效的MAPGIS数据转换方法 2007年3月 ENGL ISH ABSTRACTS OF MA IN ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE Probe into the Students Cultivation Mode with Double Teachers in the Specialty“Surveying Engineering”in Vo2 cational Colleges - In the light of the education target stressed in vocational colleges, i . e.taking disposition ed2 ucation as the key, focusing on the ability cultivation and emphasizing the mergence bet ween knowledge and techni2 cal ability to foster talented personswith high - level tech2 nical ability, and based on the characteristics of the spe2 cialty“Surveying Engineering”, the paper discusses some new approaches to cultivate talented persons . And then the cultivation mode with double teachers in the specialty “Surveying Engineering”in vocational colleges is crea2 tively put for ward in the paper, which will not only pro2 mote the scientific research levelof teachers, but also pro2 vide broader development space for students .Liu Wen2 long et al . Refor m and Innovation of the Teaching System in the Spe2 cialty“Civil Engineering Surveying”-In the paper, based on application of modern surveying and mapping techniques and requirement of production practice for sur2 veying ability of talented persons in the specialty“Civil engineering”, a probe is made into the construction of teaching system of the specialty“Civil Engineering Sur2 veying”, and a surveying teaching system that is more suitable for learning of civil engineering is also given. Wang Hanxiong et al . Research on Establishment and Application of the DE M in a School - In view of greatly - wavy construction site planed in a school, a deep probe is made into establish2 ment of the DE M Digital ElevationModel in producing three - di mensional visualized scene of the virtual cam2 pus, and somemajorproblems and corresponding counter2 measures during this course are also put for ward for refer2 ence in the paper .Jia Baofeng et al . Design and Realization of the ASP - based Experimental Items Submission System Done by Experi mental Teachers - In the paper, an online experimental items submission system is developed on the basis of such languages as ASP and VBScript and related techniques, which makes the submission, management and use of the experimental items realized through establishment and link of theweb2 site and database.Ma Chunyan et al . Pre - processing of the Three - dimensional Finite Ele2 mentAnalysis of Slopes based on GIS - The three - di2 mensional finite element is a quantitative analyt2 ical newly developed to analyze the slope stabil2 ity, but its pre - processing is time - consuming and miscellaneous,thus affecting overall efficiency of the .In the paper, based on the GIS technology, the whole process from determination of the slope range to automatic generation of the finite element grid is real2 ized, and efficiency of the pre - processing of three - dimensional finite element computation of slopes is im2 proved greatly .Liu Qingyuan et al . Research on theOptimum Experiment based on the GPS Leveling Polynomial Surface FittingModel - There are many s to fit curved surface of the GPS height . In the paper, based on basic principle of moving poly2 nomials to make surface fitting, a probe is made into the law that different models affect numbers of given points and the position relation bet ween given points and fitting points affects the accuracy . Through practice in actual engineering in Dalian Wafangdian Nuclear Power Plant,some valuable and practical conclusions are obtained, which is instructive for GPS actual pro2 duction to some degree. Meanwhile, based on statistics and comparison of the processed data,the optimum model of a certain region is also given in the paper . Wang Chenghua et al . Application of the Combined Operating Mode of the GPS and the Surveying Robot in Defor mationMonitoring in an Open - pit - In order to solve the problems inclu2 ding accuracy and real time occurred in deation monitoring in the open - pit,the combined operating mode of the GPS and the surveying robot TCA2003 Total Station is tested in an open - pit . Based on anal2 ysis and research on error resource of the GPS positio2 ning, use of the surveying robot and the APS W in sys2 tem and the test results etc. , some techniques related to data acquisition and processing and selection of the GPS surveying station are illustrated in the paper .Sim2 ultaneously, the detailed and experience how to obtain deation accuracy in millimeter and real - time observation achievement are also summarized in the paper .Ma Zhenli et al . Use of a Group of Broadcast Ephemeris to Determine Ti mely the Position of the GPS Satellite - In the paper, a research ismade on the of using the broadcast ephemeris to determine the position of the satellite in the case that only one group of broadcast ephemeris of the GPS satellite are received, and then the positioning accuracy of the satellite position is described based on comparison to the precise ephemeris . Tang Junbo et al . A Highly - effective ofMAPGIS Data Transfor2 mation - Taking the data transfor mation in Yangquan mining district for example, the paper elaborates direct data transfor mation between the DGN and theMAPGIS, which can be said to be a kind of highly - effective data transation .Miao Xiaoli Probe into the High - precision Through Technology on the Ultra Long - distance Face - In the paper, the esti2 mation of through errors and precision assessmenton the ultra long - distance face in a highly - effective modern mine is described. Due to use of the high - precision through survey, the li mitprecision of the instru2 ment is developed,realizingthehigh -precision through of the roadway .Zhao Baoji Study on CoalMining in Pillars under theVillageBuild2 ings in Zhenxing Coal ming - How to realize safe coal mining under village buildings is one of main problems encountered bymany mining enterprises .In the paper, in the light of detailed geological mining condition in Zhenxing Coalmine ofDengfeng City in Henan Province and the status - quo of surface village buildings, analysis and research are made on the coal mining technology in strips under village buildings based on the analysis of theoretical computation, surface movement and defor ma2 tion estimation, and then the scheme and related param2 etersof the strip mining are given. What’smore, the fea2 sibility of using such technology under these buildings is also illustrated in the paper .Han Hongxue et al .