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KM-09非金属、NFJ金属骨料耐磨地坪 KM-09 NONMETAL OR NFJ METAL AGGREGATE WEAR RESISTANCE FLOOR 适用范围 用于须耐磨耐 且减少灰 的混凝土地面,例如仓库、码头、厂房、停车场、维修车间、车库、货仓式商场等地面。 APPLICATION For floors where abrasion and impact resistance as well as dust-proof are required such as for warehouse,pier,workshop,park,factory garage,station etc. 性能特点 1.具有很高的耐磨性; 2.减少灰尘; 3.耐冲击; 4.施工方便. FEATURES 1.Superior abrasion-resistance; 2.Dust-proof; 3.Impact resistance; 4.Very easy to construct,and maintain. 使用年限 15年以上。 SERVICE LIFE Over 15 years. 施工工艺 1.在找平层整平未干时,将骨料均匀地撒布在找平层上; 2.地面磨平; 3.在 当地位置锯开混凝土,做伸缩缝,并填满所需填缝料; 4. 硬化地面; 5.用透明密封剂混涂; PROCESSING 1.Before the flattened layer is dry,spread the aggregate agent evenly; 2.Leveling ground; 3.Saw the cement at proper place into a fissure and fill it up with fillers; 4.Maintaining the hardened ground; 5.Rolling with transparened sealing agent. 技术指标 TECHNICAL INDEX 项目ITEM 指标INDEX 非金属骨料Nonmetal aggregate NFJ金属骨料NFJ metal aggregate 耐磨性Wear resistance齿轮法 0.03g/cm2 0.015g. cm2 抗压强度pressure strength 4d 50.2MPa 50.2MPa 8d 66.7MPa 66.7MPa 30d 78.0MPa 78.0MPa 抗折强度Bending strength 9MPa 11.5MPa 抗拉强度Bending strength 3.2MPa 3.9MPa 硬度Hardness 回弹性Elasticity value对425号水泥) 46 46 物尺Mineral measuring unit 10 10 功Impact power J小颗粒small partides 0.19J 0.19J 干缩值 Dry shrinkage value -0.751x10-3210d -0.751x 10-3210d 防滑性Anti slip 同于一般水泥地面 同于一般水泥地面 防火性Fire retard按GB50209-95国家标准) 发火地面 不发火,不爆炸 表面电阻 surface resistance 1.0 x 105-106 耐油性oil proof 三年强度不变,油渗0.3mm 抗锈性Anti corosion 标准 试验 40ds 5NaCL溶液浸泡 2年零4个月无锈斑




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