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湖南东山钨矿成矿地质条件及成矿猜测研究 【中文摘要】东山钨矿位于湖南省南部临武县境内,是一个以白钨矿为主的矽卡岩热液充填交代型矿床。本文捉住成矿母岩形态和容矿构造两大因素进行重点分析,以查明矿床的定位机制,分析成矿地质条件,摸清成矿规律为目的,采用各种找矿方法和手段对盲矿体进行定位猜测。通过研究分析矿床产出的地质背景、矿体的形态、产状、空间分布、矿体在剖面上的延伸与变化规律,矿体产出与构造的关系,矿体内部结构特点、容矿构造及其空间展布形式等,从中找出矿床和矿体形成的地质条件及成矿规律。研究发现矿体产出与构造关系密切,矿体一般产出在接触带由陡变缓的凹部;岩浆侵进时产出的垂向直剪作用,在岩体外接触带形成张扭性断裂,是矿区重要的导矿构造和容矿构造;与接触带相连的古岩溶构造,是矿化富集的有利场所。该矿床的形成,主要控矿因素是地层、构造、岩浆岩。地层碳酸盐岩为成矿提供了成矿元素Ca和O,构造控制着矿体的形态产状和空间分布,岩浆岩为成矿提供了主要成矿元素W。通过分析成矿地质条件和成矿规律,辅以化探原生晕法和物探中的激电测深法,在矿区猜测了找矿远景区。; 【Abstract】 Dongshan Tungsten ore deposit, lies in the Lingwu country of south of the Hunan province, is a Skarn- hydrothermal scouring replacement deposit, and scheelite is only useful mineral in this ore deposit.Basic on the host-rock and the host structure characteristics, the author determined the location mechanisms, analysised the geologic ation conditions, summarized the metallogenic regularities, then predicted the blind orebody through some kinds of s and determined the geological background, the shape, occurrence, spatial distribution, extention and variations of sections, the relationship between occurrence of orebody and structure, the inner structural characteristics of orebody, the host structure and distribution in spatial, then to discover some rules of geological conditions and metallogenic regularities.We found out that the deposit related to structers closely. Orebody always occur at the low point of touch-zone. The orebody occurred in the concave of the touch-zone from steep to gentle. The observation under electron microscope to the sample affords the ore-ing mechanism. Indicator element in the geochemical prospecting plays an important role in prospecting the blind orebody in the deep. Prospecting with the IP sounding find out the lower resistance and lower Cathode layer. Though analysise of the geological condition and metallogenic reglarities, then find out the prospecting area in the deposit.




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