「臺灣與亞洲與福建文化的交流為中心」 Taiwan and Asia Fujianese Culture and Its Influence 臺灣傳統建築擁有的東亞古建築之特徵臺灣傳統建築擁有的東亞古建築之特徵 黃蘭翔 國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所教授 摘要摘要 因為台灣居民的祖先占有 80%以上來自閩粵,過去臺灣建築史的研究,也 著重於其移民原居地建築文化與其來臺之後所發生的轉變上。又因閩粵文化對於 東南亞與日本冲繩縣的影響,其文化圈內的建築也被視為研究的課題。然而若從 建築的起源與發展的觀點,思考台灣與閩粵的傳統建築,其屋頂燕尾起翹及內木 外土的結構特質,反應臺灣建築的起源特質。 如今可從另一角度思考分布於臺灣與福建的建築特質,亦即從唐宋以來東亞 建築空間的發展脈絡與宋代福建建築結構作法之分布範圍,似乎可以呈顯這個地 區的另一尚未被提及的建築特質。關於這方面的研究,可以根據日人對於日本建 築空間,以及他們對於日本鎌倉時期的大佛樣建築與韓國高麗時期的柱心包第二 形式建築之研究為基礎,延伸到對臺灣傳統建築特徵之分析與討論。本文即是從 福建建築文化圈的觀點,檢視在臺灣所興建的福建廣東建築與日本大佛樣、韓國 高麗建築所具有的共通特性。 關鍵字關鍵字大佛樣、高麗建築、福建建築、臺灣建築、東亞文化圈 「臺灣與亞洲與福建文化的交流為中心」 Taiwan and Asia Fujianese Culture and Its Influence Ancient Features of Taiwanese Architecture Through the Lens of East Asian Cultural Sphere Huang Lan-shiang Professor, Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University Abstract Since the majority of Taiwan’s inhabitants’ ancestors emigrated across the Taiwan Strait from Fujian and Guangdong provinces in mainland China, research subjects of Taiwanese historical architecture are always about the architectural prototype at the immigrants’ home town or the transation in buildings built by them in Taiwan. And since the traditional architecture in Southeast Asia and Okinawa had been influenced strongly by the traditional architecture of Fujian and Guangdong, to discuss Taiwan’s historical buildings as a part of the Fujian architectural cultural sphere is also a popular study theme. Besides, explanations for the historical development of warped roof and double-layer wall made of wooden system inside and mud brick outside in Taiwanese architecture also a new focus recently. However, through the lens of East Asian cultural sphere, some sophisticated issues of study on Taiwanese traditional buildings have never been mentioned yet. This paper will detect the mixed structural system of “Chuan-duo Style”(穿鬥式) a unique wooden structure system distributed among the southern China and “Tai-liang Style” (抬梁式) distributed among the northern China, and how it was applied to the architecture of Fujian in Song dynasty, Korean architecture in the late Goryeo period and Daibutuyou Temple during the Kamkura period in Japan. Since Taiwanese historical architecture were transplanted from Fujian and Guangdong province in China, we can assume that the commonality of the architecture of Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Fujian is existent. It is possible to study Taiwanese traditional architecture from a wide geographical and historical point of view, furthermore a new approach to research the relation of architectural cultures among Taiwan, Japan and Korea will be suggested. Keywords Daibutuyou Architecture, Goryeo Architecture, Fujian Architecture, Taiwan Architecture, East Asian Cultural Sphere