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第 4 期 魏迎春等 深部煤炭资源探采对比与勘探方法探讨 29 上,应增加水压致裂法对深部地应力进行测量,才 能更好地满足开发的需要。 参考文献 [1] 魏迎春,曹代勇,夏永翊,等.复杂地质条件区煤炭资源勘 查方法探讨[J]. 煤炭工程,2014,46(3)115-117. WEI Yingchun, CAO Daiyong, XIA Yongyi, et al. Discussion on exploration s of coal resources in areas with complex geologic conditions[J]. Coal Engineering, 2014, 46(3) 115-117. [2] CAO Daiyong, LIN Zhongyue, WEI Yingchun, et al. Types and models of coal-deposit exploration in China [J]. Energy Explora- tion and Exploitation,2011,29(4)495-515. [3] 曹代勇,李小明,宁树正,等. 中国东部深化找煤的思路和方 法[J]. 现代地质,2009,23(2)347-352. CAO Daiyong,LI Xiaoming,NING Shuzheng,et al. Thoughts and s for strengthening coal prospecting in the eastern China[J]. Geoscience,2009,23(2)347-352. [4] 曹代勇,李小明,占文峰,等. 深部煤炭资源勘查模式及其构 造控制[J]. 中国煤炭地质,2008,20(10)18-20. CAO Daiyong, LI Xiaoming, ZHAN Wenfeng, et al. Exploration mode and structural control of deep coal resources[J]. Coal Ge- ology of China,2008,20 (10)18-21. [5] 林中月,曹代勇,李小明,等. 邯峰矿区深部煤炭资源勘查方 法与模式[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2012,40(2)15-18. LIN Zhongyue, CAO Daiyong, LI Xiaoming, et al. Exploration s and models for the deep coal resources of Han- dan-Fengfeng mining area[J]. Coal Geology Exploration, 2012,40(2)15-18. [6] WEI Yingchun, JIA Zongkai, CAO Daiyong, et al. Development trend of the coal bed exploration type division[J]. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,2012,1419-15. [7] 魏迎春,夏永翊,张傲翔,等. 潘集煤矿外围深部煤炭资源勘 查策略[C]//2013 中央高校基本科研业务费项目研究成果论文 集. 北京煤炭工业出版社,2013499-504. WEI Yingchun,XIA Yongyi,ZHANG Aoxiang,et al. Explo- ration strategy for the deep coal resources of Panji peripheral area[C]// The Proceedings of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. BeijingChina Coal Industry Pub- lishing House,2013499-504. [8] 贾建称, 张妙逢, 吴艳. 深部煤炭资源安全高效开发地质保障 系统研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2012,40(6)1-7. JIA Jiancheng,ZHANG Miaofeng,WU Yan. The geological guarantee system for exploiting deep coal resources in safety and high efficiency[J]. Coal Geology Exploration,2012,40(6) 1-7. [9] 曹代勇,陈江峰,杜振川,等.煤炭地质勘查与评价[M].徐 州中国矿业大学出版社,2007. [10] 倪兴华. 地应力研究与应用[M]. 北京煤炭工业出版社, 2007. [11] 蔡美峰. 地应力测量原理和技术[M]. 北京科学出版社, 2000. [12] 彭华,马秀敏,姜景捷,等. 赵楼煤矿 1 000 m 深孔水压致裂 地应力测量及其应力场研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2011, 30(8)1638-1645. PENG Hua, MA Xiumin, JIANG Jingjie, et al. Research on stress field and hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurement of 1 000 m hole in Zhaolou coal mine[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Me- chanics and Engineering,2011,30(8)1638-1645. (责任编辑 晋香兰) (上接第 24 页) QI Qingxin,JI Wenbo,YUAN Jihong,et al. Theory,In-situ observation on the floor connected crack field and its effects on methane extraction[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2014, 39(8)1552-1558. [7] 王兆丰,田富超,赵彬,等.羽状千米长钻孔抽采效果考察 试验[J].煤炭学报,2010,35(1)76-79. WANG Zhaofeng, TIAN Fuchao, ZHAO Bin, et al. The testing of gas drainage efficiency about feather-veined 1000 m length-drillhole [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2010,35(1)76-79. [8] 李泉新, 石智军, 史海岐. 煤矿井下定向钻进工艺技术的应用 [J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2014,42(2)85-88. LI Quanxin,SHI Zhijun,SHI Haiqi. The application of direc- tional drilling technology in coal mine[J]. Coal Geology Ex- ploration,2014,42(2)85-88. [9] 钱鸣高,石平五.矿山压力与岩层控制[M].徐州中国矿业 大学出版社,201061-63. [10] 张金才,刘天泉.论煤层底板采动裂隙带的深度及分布特征 [J].煤炭学报,1990,15(2)46-55. ZHANG Jincai,LIU Tianquan. Discussion on depth and distri- bution characteristics of crack field of coal floor[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,1990,15(2)46-55. [11] 孟召平,王宝玉,徐良伟,等.煤炭开采对煤层底板变形破 坏及渗透性的影响[J]. 煤田地质与勘探, 2012, 40(2) 39-43. MENG Zhaoping, WANG Baoyu, XU Liangwei, et al. Influence of coal mining on the deation-failure and permeability of seam floor[J]. Coal Geology Exploration, 2012, 40(2) 39-43. [12] 孙娈娈,王中华,孙燕青,等. 煤层底板破坏流固耦合数值模 拟[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2013,41(3)55-58. SUN Luanluan,WANG Zhonghua,SUN Yanqing,et al. Fluid-solid coupling numerical simulation of coal seam floor failure[J]. Coal Geology Exploration,2013,41(3)55-58. [13] 张蕊,姜振泉,于宗仁,等.煤层底板采动破坏特征综合测试及 数值模拟研究[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报,2013,30(4)531-537. ZHANG Rui,JIANG Zhenquan,YU Zongren,et al. Comp- rehensive testing and numerical analysis on the failure character- istics of mining coal seam floor[J]. Journal of Mining Safety Engineering,2013,30(4)531-537. (责任编辑 聂爱兰) ChaoXing




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