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68 煤田地质与勘探 第 44 卷 加速产气,以达到增产目的。 需要说明的是,通过改善煤层环境实现煤炭转 化为甲烷的技术方法目前仅在室内模拟阶段,应用 到现场仍存在很多问题,但其潜力巨大,将是未来 煤层气产业化发展的主要方向之一。 参考文献 [1] AHMED M,SMITH J W. Biogenic methane generation in the degradation of eastern Australian Permian coals[J]. Organic Geochemistry,2001,32809-816. [2] ALI V M. Worldwide distribution and signifi cance of sec- ondary microbial methane ed during petroleum biodegrada- tion in conventional reservoirs[J]. Organic Geochemistry,2011, 42 (2)184-207. [3] STRĄPOĆ D,MASTALERZ M,DAWSON K,et al. Bio- geochemistry of microbial coal-bed methane[J]. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences,2011,39617-656. [4] ZEHNDER A J B. Biology of anaerobic microorganisms[M]. New YorkWiley Series in Ecological and Applied Microbiol- ogy,19882-5. [5] 王爱宽. 褐煤本源菌生气特征及其作用机理[D]. 徐州中国 矿业大学,201012-24. [6] 王爱宽, 秦勇. 生物成因煤层气实验研究现状与进展[J]. 煤田 地质与勘探,2010,38 (5)23-27. WANG Aikuan,QIN Yong. Research status and progress of biogenic coalbed methane experiment[J]. Coal Geology Ex- ploration,2010,42 (5)23-27. [7] OURISSON G,ALBRECHT P,ROHMER M. The microbial origin of fossil fuels[J]. Scientific American,1984,25144-51. [8] 李明宅,张洪年,刘华,等. 生物气模拟试验的进展[J]. 石油 与天然气地质,1996(2)42-51. LI Mingzhai,ZHANG Hongnian,LIU hua,et al. The progress of biogas simulation experiment[J]. Oil and Gas Geology, 1996(2)42-51. [9] WALTER B. AYERS J. Coalbed gas systems,resources,and production and a review of contrasting cases from the San Juan and Powder River basins[J]. AAPG Bulletin,2002(86)1853-1890 [10] CHENG Lei,RUI Junpeng,LI Qiang,et al.Enrichment and dynamics of novel syntrophs in a methanogenic hexadec- ane-degrading culture from a Chinese oil field[J].FEMS Mi- crobiology Ecology,2013,83(3)757-766. [11] WIDDEL F, BOETIUS A, RABUS R. Anaerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbons including methane[J]. The Prokaryotes Ecophysiology and Biochemistry,2006(2)1028-1049. [12] 秦勇. 国外煤层气成因与储层物性研究进展与分析[J]. 地学 前缘,2005,12(3)289-298. QIN Yong. Research progress and analysis of CBM ation and reservoir property abroad[J]. Geological Front, 2005, 12(3) 289-298. [13] 陶明信. 煤层气地球化学研究现状与发展趋势[J]. 自然科学 进展,2005,15(6)648-652. TAO Mingxin. Current situation and development trend of CBM geochemical research[J]. Progress in Natural Science,2005, 15(6)648-652. [14] 秦勇. 中国煤层气产业化面临的形势与挑战(Ⅰ)当前所 处的发展阶段[J]. 天然气工业,2006,26(1)4-7. QIN Yong. Situation and challenges faced by Chinese CBM in- dustrialization(Ⅰ)the current development stage[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Industry,2006,26(1)4-7. [15] KOTARBA M J,LEWAN M D. Characterizing thermogenic coalbed gas from Polish coals of different ranks by hydrous py- rolysis[J]. Organic Geochemistry,2004,35(5)615-646. (责任编辑 晋香兰) (上接第 63 页) [18] 赵发军. 吸附过程中甲烷分子和煤表面的作用[J]. 河南理工 大学学报(自然科学版),2015,31(2)158-161. ZHAO Fajun. Action of methane molecules and coal surface during adsorption process[J]. Journal of Henan Polytechnic Uni- versity(Natural Science Edition),2015,31(2)158-161. [19] 陈昌国, 魏锡文, 鲜学福. 用从头计算研究煤表面与甲烷分子 相互作用[J]. 重庆大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 20(3) 77-79. CHEN Changguo, WEI Xiwen, XIAN Xuefu. AB Intio study on the interaction between CH4 and the coal surface[J]. Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition), 2000, 20(3) 77-79. [20] 张丽萍, 苏现波, 曾荣树. 煤体性质对煤吸附容量的控制作用 探讨[J]. 地质学报,2006,80(6)910-915. ZHANG Liping, SU Xianbo, ZENG Rongshu. Discussion on the controlling effects of coal properties on coal adsorption capac- ity[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica,2006,80(6)910-915. [21] 简阔, 张玉贵, 赫少攀, 等. 构造煤甲烷吸附表面能研究[J]. 煤 田地质与勘探,2014,42(1)31-39. JIAN Kuo,ZHANG Yugui,HE Shaopan,et al. The surface energy of methane adsorption of tectonic coal[J]. Coal Geology Exploration,2014,42(1)31-39. [22] 聂百胜,何学秋,王恩元. 煤的表面自由能及应用探讨[J]. 太 原理工大学学报,2000,31(4)346-348. NIE Baisheng, HE Xueqiu, WANG Enyuan. Surface free energy of coal and its calculation[J]. Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology,2000,31(4)346-348. [23] 吴俊. 煤表面能的吸附法计算及研究意义[J]. 煤田地质与勘 探,1994,22(2)18-23. WU Jun. Coal surface energy adsorption and the research significance[J]. Coal Geology Exploration,1994,22(2) 18-23. [24] KRONIMUS A,BUSCH A,ALLES S,et al. A preliminary uation of the CO2 storage potential in unminable coal seams of the Munster Cretaceous basin,Germany[J]. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control,2008,2(3)329-341. (责任编辑 晋香兰) ChaoXing




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