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408 岩 土 工 程 学 报 2012 年 Geotechnical Engineering, 1997, 192 39 – 48. in Chinese [7] ANDERSEN K H.Behavior of clay subjected to undrained cyclic loading[C]// Proceedings of the International Conference on the Behavior of Off-Shore Structures, BOSS76. Norway [s.n.]. 1976 392–403. [8] HYDE A F L,WARD S J. The effects of cyclic loading on the undrained shear strength of silty clay[J]. Marine Geotechnology, 1986, 63 299–324. [9] 王淑云, 鲁晓兵, 赵 京, 等. 粉质黏土周期荷载后的不排 水强度衰化特性[J]. 岩土力学, 2009, 3010 2991–2995. WANG Shu-yun, LU Xiao-bing, ZHAO Jing, et al. Post-cyclic loading undrained strength degradation characteristics of silty clay[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2009, 3010 2991–2995. in Chinese [10] 王淑云, 楼志刚. 原状和重塑海洋黏土经历动载后的静强 度衰减[J]. 岩土力学, 2000, 211 20–23. WANG Shu-yun, LOU Zhi-gang. The degradation of undrained shear strength of undisturbed and remolded marine clay after cyclic loading[J]. 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Beijing Tsinghua University Press, 2004. in Chinese The 4th International Conference on Problematic Soils ((21~~23 September 2012Wuhan, China Call for Papers To identify and address the difficult ground conditions encountered; To present s through case studies of in-situ treatment of problematic soils, and to develop a more sound engineering approach for problematic soils. The conference welcomes contributions from all areas related to geomorphology, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering including modeling, laboratory and field assessment, footing design and remediation techniques, soilstructure interaction, ‐ building and infrastructure problems and others, associated with the many problematic soils encountered across the globe. Such soils have and continue to present challenges to engineers the world over. The ultimate aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different disciplines and countries to provide a forum to exchange idea and discuss latest development. Call for Papers Invite submission of abstracts in any of the following topics Peat and organic soils; Volcanic Soils; Expansive Soils; Collapsible soils; Carbonate rich soils; Lateritic soils; Residual soils, Tailings; Deep fills, Dispersive soils; Unsaturated soils. (下转415页) 第 3 期 邵龙潭,等. 土工三轴试验试样全表面变形测量的实现 415 of soil specimen from planar images[J]. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructhre Engineering, 2001, 166 415–421. [7] PHILIPPE J, FRANCOISE G, LYESSE L, et al. Automated digital image processing for volume change measurement in triaxial cells[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2006, 302 98 –103. [8] 邵龙潭, 王助贫, 韩国城, 等. 三轴试验土样径向变形的计 算机图像测量[J],岩土工程学报, 2001, 233 337–341. SHAO Long-tan, WANG Zhu-pin, HAN Guo-cheng, et al. Digital image processing technique for measurement of the radial deation of specimen in triaxial test[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2001, 233 337–341. in Chinese [9] 王助贫, 邵龙潭, 孙益振. 基于数字图像测量技术的粉煤 灰三轴试样剪切带研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2006, 289 1163 – 1167. WANG Zhu-pin, SHAO Long-tan, SUN Yi-zhen. Study on shear band of fly ash triaxial specimen based on digital image processing technique[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2006, 289 1163– 1167. in Chinese [10] 邵龙潭, 董建军, 刘永禄, 等. 基于亚像素角点检测的试 样变形图像测量方法[J]. 岩土力学, 2008, 295 1329– 1333. SHAO Long-tan, DONG Jian-jun, LIU Yong-lu, et al. Digital image measurement of measuring triaxial specimen deation based on sub-pixel accurate corner locator[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2008, 295 1329– 1333. in Chinese [11] 董建军. 基于数字图像测量的非饱和压实土应力–应变 特性研究[D]. 大连 大连理工大学, 2007. DONG Jian-jun. Study of stress-strain characteristics of unsaturated computed soil based on digital image measurement[D]. Dalian Dalian University of Technology, 2007. in Chinese [12] 王 春. 土工三轴试验试样表面变形场的测量[D]. 大连 大连理工大学, 2008. WANG Chun. Measurement of soil specimen surface deation field in tri-axial test[D]. Dalian Dalian University of Technology, 2008. in Chinese [13] 程 丽. 三轴试样表面应变场测量的应用研究初步[D]. 大连 大连理工大学, 2008. CHENG Li. Preliminary application study on strain field measurement of triaxial specimen[D]. Dalian Dalian University of Technology, 2008. in Chinese [14] 孔 斌, 方廷建. 一种简单而精确的径向畸变标定方法[J]. 中国图像图形学报, 2004, 94 429–434. KONG Bin, FANG Ting-jian. A simple and precise for radial distortion calibration[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2004, 94 429–434. in Chinese [15] 杨必武, 郭晓松. 摄像机镜头非线性畸变校正方法综述[J]. 中国图像图形学报, 2005, 103 269–274. YANG Bi-wu, GUO Xiao-song. Overview of nonlinear distortion correction of camera lens[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2005, 103 269–274. in Chinese (上接 408 页) Technical papers should deal with Identification of problem soils; Test s; Engineering geological aspects; Avoiding distress to infrastructure; Case studies. Please email to the Secretariat at cip the ‐ title, the abstract in 300400 words in ms word and keywords, ‐ and the list of authors, please identify the name of the corresponding author. The abstract will be sent for review, classification and acceptance. The language of the conference is English. Important Dates Abstract received by 15 May 2012. Text for review by 15 July 2012. Final text deadline by 30 July 2012. Conference Dates 21~23 September 2012. Conference Secretariat Ci-Premier Pte Ltd 150 Orchard Road 07-14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore 238841, Tel 065 67332922. Fax 065 62353530. E-mail ci-p. Website http //www.cipremier.coz.




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