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万方数据 中图分类号 TD421 学校代码 10424 UDC 622.2 密 级 公开 山东科技大学 工程硕士学位论文 采煤机试切滚筒截割动力学分析采煤机试切滚筒截割动力学分析 Cutting Dynamics Analysis of Shearer Trial Cutting Drum 作 者 文立堃 入学时间 2017 年 9 月 导 师 王 亮 职 称 副教授 副 导 师 郭金星 职 称 高工 申请学位 工程硕士 所在学院 机械电子工程学院 学科(类别) 工程硕士 方向(领域) 机械工程 答辩日期 2020年6月 提交日期 2020年6月 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 学位论文审查认定书学位论文审查认定书 研究生 在规定的学习年限内,按照培养方案及个人培养计划,完成了课 程学习, 成绩合格, 修满规定学分; 在我的指导下完成本学位论文,论文中的观点、 数据、 表述和结构为我所认同,论文撰写格式符合学校的相关规定,同意将本论文作为申请学位 论文。 导师签名 日 期 万方数据 摘摘 要要 本文围绕采煤机试切滚筒煤岩识别的研究背景,将采煤机试切滚筒作为研究对象,为 解决煤岩识别效率低下及被动式煤岩识别方法的问题,基于相似理论提出了试切滚筒进行 煤岩界面识别的方法,通过理论分析及数值模拟相结合的方式,对单片式试切滚筒、螺旋 式试切滚筒截割不同岩石含量煤岩壁时产生的截割力进行了详细研究。 以 MG300/700-QWD 型号采煤机为基础, 根据相似理论建立了直径为 300mm、 450mm、 600mm、750mm 和 900mm 的试切滚筒,且通过 SOLIKWORKS 建立了单片式和螺旋式试 切滚筒三维模型,后联合 Hypermesh、LS-Prepost 以及 LS-DYNA 软件进行了试切滚筒的 有限元分析。 通过单截齿截割不同截深煤和石灰岩得到的截割力与 Evans 理论模型、 Roxborough 理 论模型、Goktan 理论模型、高魁东模型以及李雪峰模型计算结果进行对,发现与 Evans 理 论模型结果相似,进一步分析单片式试切滚筒截割力发现,当滚筒直径固定时,单片式试 切滚筒均值截割力和峰值截割力随滚筒直径增大呈线性增长,当岩石含量固定时,单片式 试切滚筒均值截割力随滚筒直径增加呈指数增长,而峰值截割力随滚筒直径增加呈线性增 长。而螺旋式试切滚筒与单片式试切滚筒截割力增长规律存在一定差距,当滚筒直径固定 时,螺旋式试切滚筒均值截割力和峰值截割力随滚筒直径增大呈线性增长,当岩石含量固 定时,螺旋式试切滚筒均值截割力和峰值截割力随滚筒直径增加呈指数增长。 单片式试切滚筒和螺旋式试切滚筒在均值截割力和峰值截割力上的最小差距是直径 为300mm试切滚筒截割岩石含量10煤壁时产生的截割力之差, 分别为0.1kN和0.77kN, 最大差距为直径为 900mm 试切滚筒截割岩石含量 50煤壁时产生的截割力之差,分别为 3.73kN 和 20.81kN。 试切滚筒截割截割力的变异系数在直径为 750mm 时,随岩石含量增加呈现单调下降 趋势,且所有变异系数中最小值为直径 900mm 单片式试切滚筒截割岩石含量为 30煤壁 时得到的截割力信号,其值为 0.333;变异系数最大值为直径 600mm 螺旋式试切滚筒截割 岩石含量为 10煤壁时得到的截割力信号,其值为 0.9,变异系数值越大说明其截割力相 对波动程度越大,反之相反,后通过截割信号的 EMD 分解,得到的趋势项中变异系数小 的信号其趋势项更稳定,刚好验证变异系数越小信号越稳定的结论。 关键词关键词煤岩识别;相似理论;试切滚筒;截割力;变异系数 万方数据 Abstract This paper focuses on the research background of coal-rock identification of the shearers trial-cut drum, and takes the shearers trial-cut drum as the research object. In order to solve the problems of low coal-rock identification efficiency and passive coal-rock identification , a trial-cut drum is proposed based on the similarity theory The of identifying the coal-rock interface, through a combination of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, has conducted a detailed study on the cutting force generated when the single-piece trial cutting drum and the spiral trial cutting drum cut coal rock walls with different rock contents . Based on the MG300/700-QWD shearer, based on similar theory, the trial cutting drums with diameters of 300mm, 450mm, 600mm, 750mm and 900mm were established, and the three-dimensional model of single-piece and spiral trial cutting drums was established through SOLIKWORKS , And using Hypermesh, LS-Prepost and LS-DYNA software for finite element analysis. The cutting force obtained by cutting coal and limestone with different cutting depths by a single pick is compared with the calculation results of Evans theory model, Roxborough theory model, Goktan theory model, Gao Kuidong model and Li Xuefeng model. The cutting force of the single-piece trial cutting drum found that when the diameter of the drum was fixed, the average cutting force and peak cutting force of the single-piece trial cutting drum increased linearly with the increase of the diameter of the drum. When the rock content was fixed, the single-piece The average cutting force of the trial cutting drum increases exponentially with the increase of the drum diameter, while the peak cutting force increases linearly with the increase of the drum diameter. However, there is a certain gap between the cutting force of the spiral trial cutting drum and the single-piece trial cutting drum. When the diameter of the drum is fixed, the average cutting force and peak cutting force of the spiral trial cutting drum increase linearly with the increase of the diameter of the drum. When the rock content is fixed, the average cutting force and peak cutting force of the spiral test cutting drum increase exponentially with the increase of the drum diameter. The minimum difference between the average cutting force and the peak cutting force of the single-piece test cutting drum and the spiral test cutting drum is the cutting force when the 300mm diameter test cutting drum cuts the rock content of 10 coal wall, They are 0.1kN and 0.77kN, respectively, and the maximum gap is the cutting force when the diameter of the 900mm trial cutting drum cuts the coal wall with a rock content of 50, which is 3.73kN and 20.81kN, respectively. The minimum difference between the average cutting force and the peak cutting force of the single-piece test cutting drum and the spiral test cutting drum is the cutting force when the 万方数据 300mm diameter test cutting drum cuts the rock content of 10 coal wall, They are 0.1kN and 0.77kN, respectively, and the maximum gap is the cutting force when the diameter of the 900mm trial cutting drum cuts the coal wall with a rock content of 50, which is 3.73kN and 20.81kN, respectively. Keywords Coal rock identification; Similarity theory; Trial cutting drum; Cutting force; Coefficient of variation 万方数据 目 录 图清单 .............................................................................................................................................. I 表清单 ............................................................................................................................................ V 变量注释表 ................................................................................................................................... VI 1 绪 论 ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 引言 ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 问题的提出及研究意义 ......................................................................................................... 7 1.4 主要研究内容及安排 ............................................................................................................. 8 1.5 论文主要创新点 ...................................................................................................................... 9 2 煤岩特性及采煤机煤岩截割理论分析 ................................................................................. 10 2.1 煤岩特性 ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 截齿截割理论分析 ....................................................................................................... 13 2.3 采煤机滚筒截割理论分析 ........................................................................................... 17 2.4 本章小结 ....................................................................................................................... 19 3 采煤机试切滚筒模型建立及单片式试切滚筒仿真分析 ..................................................... 20 3.1 基于相似理论的采煤机试切滚筒三维模型建立 ....................................................... 20 3.2 试切滚筒三维模型建立 ............................................................................................... 25 3.3 试切滚筒有限元模型建立 ........................................................................................... 29 3.4 单片式试切滚筒截割动力学分析 ............................................................................... 32 3.5 本章小结 ....................................................................................................................... 44 4 螺旋式试切滚筒截割煤岩分析 ............................................................................................. 45 4.1 螺旋式试切滚筒截割受力分析 ................................................................................... 45 4.2 螺旋式试切滚筒煤壁应力及截槽分析 ....................................................................... 50 4.3 单片式和螺旋式式试切滚筒截割力对比分析 ........................................................... 51 4.4 本章小结 ....................................................................................................................... 53 5 试切滚筒截割信号处理 ......................................................................................................... 53 5.1 经验模态分解 ............................................................................................................... 55 5.2 小波包变换 ................................................................................................................... 57 5.3 本章小结 ....................................................................................................................... 59 6 结论与展望 ............................................................................................................................. 60 万方数据 6.1 结论 ............................................................................................................................... 60 6.2 展望 ............................................................................................................................... 60 参考文献 作者简历 致 谢 学位论文数据集 万方数据 Contents List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. I List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. V List of Variables .......................................................................................................................... VI 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Foreword ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research status at home and abroad ................................................................................. 2 1.3 Project advancing and research meaning .......................................................................... 7 1.4 Main research contents and chapter arrangement ............................................................. 8 1.5 Main innovation point of the thesis .................................................................................. 9 2 Coal and Rock Characteristics and Coal and Rock Cutting Theory Analysis of Shearer ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Coal Rock Characteristics ............................................................................................... 10 2.2 Analysis of pick cutting theory ....................................................................................... 13 2.3 Theoretical Analysis of Shearer Drum Cutting .............................................................. 17 2.4 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 19 3 Model establishment of shearer trial cutting drum and simulation analysis of single piece trial cutting drum .............................................................................................................. 20 3.1 Establishment of 3D Model of Shearer Trial Cutting Drum Based on Similarity Theory ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Establishment of 3D Model of Trial Cutting Drum ........................................................ 25 3.3 Establishment of finite element model of trial cutting drum .......................................... 29 3.4 Analysis of cutting dynamics of single-piece trial cutting drum .................................... 32 3.5 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 44 4 Analysis of Cutting Coal and Rock by Spiral Trial Drum ................................................ 45 4.1 Analysis of the cutting force of spiral trial cutting drum ................................................ 45 4.2 Analysis of Coal Wall Stress and Cutting Groove of Spiral Trial Cutting Drum .......... 50 4.3 Comparative analysis of cutting force of single-piece and spiral test cutting drum ....... 51 4.4 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 53 5 Signal processing of trial cutting drum cutting .................................................................. 53 5.1 Empirical mode decomposition ...................................................................................... 55 万方数据 5.2 Wavelet packet trans ............................................................................................... 57 5.3 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 59 6 Conclusion and Prospect ...................................................................................................... 60 6.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 60 6.2 Prospect ........................................................................................................................... 60 Reference Author’s Resume Acknowledgements Thesis Data Collection 万方数据 I 图清单 图序号 图名称 页码 图 1.1 滚筒采煤机结构 1 Fig.1.1 Drum shearer structure 1 图 1.2 Evans 镐型截齿截割模型 3 Fig.1.2 Evans pick type cutting model 3 图 2.1 截割阻抗测量系统 12 Fig.2.1 Cutting impedance measurement system 12 图 2.2 煤岩破碎变形阶段 13 Fig.2.2 Coal rock crushing deation stage 13 图 2.3 截齿截割煤岩体裂纹源 14 Fig.2.3 Cutting teeth cut coal rock crack source 14 图 2.4 密实核形成 14 Fig.2.4 Dense nucleus ation 14 图 2.5 煤岩体崩落阶段 14 Fig.2.5 Coal and rock caving stage 14 图 2.6 滚筒截齿安装位置 15 Fig.2.6 Installation location of drum cutting pick 15 图 2.7 截齿示意图 15 Fig.2.7 Pick cutting diagrammatic drawing 15 图 2.8 单截齿截割煤岩过程图 16 Fig.2.8 Cutting process of coal and rock with signal pick 16 图 2.9 单截齿任意角度安装图 16 Fig.2.9 Single cutting pick installation at any angle 16 图 2.10 截齿受力图 16 Fig.2.10 Diagram of pick force 16 图 2.11 采煤机滚筒井下工作图 17 Fig.2.11 Underground working drawing of shearer drum 17 图 2.12 截齿齿尖运动轨迹图 17 Fig.2.12 The trajectory of the pick tip 17 图 2.13 滚筒受力图 18 Fig.2.13 Force diagram of drum 18 图 2.14 滚筒力矩图 18 Fig.2.14 Drum moment diagram 18 图 3.1 试切滚筒安装图 20 Fig.3.1 Trial cutting roller installation diagram 20 图 3.2 单片式试切滚筒三维图 26 Fig.3.2 Three-dimensional view of single-piece trial cutting drum 26 图 3.3 螺旋式试切滚筒叶片展开图 27 万方数据 II Fig.3.3 Expanded view of blades of spiral trial cu




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