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硕士学位论文 选煤厂磁选尾矿再选磁选机磁场分布 设计及试验研究 Study on Magnetic Field Distribution Design and Test of Coal Preparation Plant Magnetic Separation Tailing Re-Magnetic Separator 作 者李琛光 导 师王大鹏 副教授 中国矿业大学 二〇二〇年七月 万方数据 学位论文使用授权声明学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解中国矿业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意本人所撰 写的学位论文的使用授权按照学校的管理规定处理 作为申请学位的条件之一, 学位论文著作权拥有者须授权所在学校拥有学位 论文的部分使用权,即①学校档案馆和图书馆有权保留学位论文的纸质版和电 子版,可以使用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编学位论文;②为教学和 科研目的,学校档案馆和图书馆可以将公开的学位论文作为资料在档案馆、图书 馆等场所或在校园网上供校内师生阅读、浏览。另外,根据有关法规,同意中国 国家图书馆保存研究生学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书) 。 作者签名 导师签名 年 月 日 年 月 日 万方数据 中图分类号 TD94 学校代码 10290 UDC 622 密 级 公开 中国矿业大学 硕士学位论文 选煤厂磁选尾矿再选磁选机磁场分布 设计及试验研究 Study on Magnetic Field Distribution Design and Test of Coal Preparation Plant Magnetic Separation Tailing Re-Magnetic Separator 作 者 李琛光 导 师 王大鹏 申请学位 工学硕士 培养单位 化工学院 学科专业 矿物加工工程 研究方向 矿物加工理论、工艺与设备 答辩委员会主席 陶有俊 评 阅 人 杨建国 徐宏祥 二〇二〇年七月 万方数据 致谢致谢 本论文是在导师王大鹏副教授的悉心指导下完成的, 在此向王老师表示衷心 的感谢。论文从选题、试验方案设计、半工业试验实施以及撰写修改各方面都得 到王老师的关照和指导。王老师渊博的学识、严谨的治学态度、精益求精的工作 作风、 循循善诱的高尚师德、平易近人的人格魅力和对学生无微不至的深切关怀 对我影响深远,使我受益终生。 转眼间,硕士研究生的学习接近尾声,三年来的经历使我受益匪浅,我从一 名科研的门外汉,逐渐对科研工作有了较深入的了解。三年宝贵的时光,完成的 不仅是硕士论文,还有自己人生的成长和对生活的阅历。 首先, 我要感谢我的导师王大鹏副教授, 感谢王老师给了我多次锻炼的机会, 无论是在校内还是校外,王老师始终关注着我。每当我对学业懈怠或者迷失方向 的时候,王老师总会及时地提醒我,给我鼓励。每次出差回来,王老师都会给我 做总结,教我为人处世,不厌其烦地解答我的疑惑。在今后的道路上,我会以王 老师为榜样,不断提高自己的知识水平和素质能力。 感谢杨建国老师在论文选题、 试验研究、 设备研制等方面提供的帮助与指导, 衷心的感谢您在生活上给予我的鼓励、 帮助和关怀, 您的帮助我将永远铭记在心 另外,课题组的张海军老师、王永田老师、苗真勇老师、桂夏辉老师、周游 博士、周济硕士、周立习硕士、胥萌硕士、张春泉硕士、李文秀硕士等在课题准 备及试验过程中都给予了多方面的指导和帮助,在此,我表示衷心的感谢在试 验和论文撰写过程中,感谢王海旭硕士、朱福智硕士等各位同学,无论是在生活 上,还是在科研上,给予的帮助和鼓励,祝愿所有好朋友和课题组的所有成员学 业有成。 感谢神东煤炭集团洗选中心朱子祺副总工程师、 哈拉沟选煤厂副厂长张佳彬 和石圪台选煤厂副厂长白小军在试验取样及半工业试验的帮助, 祝愿您们身体健 康、工作顺利,阖家幸福 再一次向恩师王大鹏副教授和所有给予作者关爱、支持和帮助的老师、同学 和朋友们表示最诚挚的谢意 万方数据 I 摘摘 要要 重介质分选工艺具有效率高、适应煤种广、分选精度高的优势,是我国选煤 厂的主导和首选工艺。 节本降耗是目前国家供给侧改革及煤炭产能供需政策改革 背景下煤炭企业实现可持续发展的必然选择和重要课题。 因此进一步降低重介质 分选过程介质消耗成为了目前选煤厂改进工艺、提高经济效益的热点。介耗是选 煤厂的主要生产成本, 大量研究文献与生产现场实践表明磁选尾矿占介质损失的 60以上。目前尚缺乏磁选尾矿针对性回收的设备与工艺。 本文系统研究了选煤厂实际生产过程介质迁移规律, 系统研究了磁选尾矿性 质及磁性组成,设计、开发了一种新型盘式磁选机并进行了半工业试验,为降低 介质消耗提供一种新的技术途径。主要结论如下 明晰了介质在选煤厂生产过程的迁移规律。 选煤厂生产过程介质迁移特征研 究结果表明重介旋流器分选过程中介质 56.39进入底流,43.61进入溢流; 脱介脱水及介质回收过程中介质 0.03进入矸石,0.04进入精煤,0.19进入磁 选尾矿。介质损失路径有两条,分别是产品带走,占入料介质 0.07,占介质 总损失的 26.92; 磁选尾矿带走, 占入料介质 0.19, 占介质总损失的 73.08。 明确了磁选尾矿物相组成及磁性组成。磁选尾矿主要元素为 Si 和 Al,Fe 含 量为 3.33。铁元素赋存形式以磁性铁为主,含量为 2.17,占比为 65.17;赤 (褐)铁矿次之,含量为 0.56,占比为 16.82。磁选尾矿中磁性物主导粒级为 -0.045mm,产率为 88.82。随着背景场强降低,磁选尾矿中磁性物含量先是稳 定在 90以上,当场强低于 0.03T 时,磁性物含量迅速下降至 84.74,要保证 磁选尾矿的磁性物充分回收,背景场强应大于 0.03T。 在明晰磁选尾矿特性的基础上,设计了永磁盘式强磁选机的磁系结构。研究 了磁系排布方式、磁块材料、相邻磁盘磁极布置、磁盘间距、导磁块宽度对磁场 分布的影响,结果表明永磁块 NS 极沿磁盘周向交替径向同极布置可减少吸附 在磁盘上的磁性物发生翻转的几率,减少因翻转而损失的磁性物,保证较高的磁 性物回收率;永磁块采用钕铁硼永磁材料可保证较高的磁场强度,磁盘表面磁场 强度可达 0.58T,相邻磁盘中心可达 0.20T;相邻磁盘相对磁极异极布置较相对 磁极同极布置可减小磁场中零磁场区的面积;随着磁盘间距的减小,设备处理量 减小, 磁场强度增加但无法消除磁场中的零磁场区,为保证设备处理量选择磁盘 间距为 90mm;导磁块布置在径向的两块磁块之间,材料为软磁材料,导磁块宽 度为 20mm 可消除磁场中的零磁场区,此时磁盘表面磁场强度可达 0.36T,相邻 磁盘中心可达 0.25T,磁场区域磁场强度全部大于 0.03T。 设计加工了永磁盘式强磁选机半工业机,开展了半工业试验。结果表明随 万方数据 II 着磁盘转速的增加,磁性物回收率先上升后下降;随着处理量的增加,磁性物回 收率先上升后下降; 随着溢流堰高度的增加, 磁性物回收率呈上升趋势, 到 25cm 后磁性物回收率基本不变,保持在 88以上。最终在磁盘转速 6r/min,槽体内溢 流堰高度 25cm,处理量 400m/h 时,磁性物回收率为 88.83,磁选尾矿磁性物 含量为 0.24,盘式永磁强磁选机对磁选尾矿的磁性物回收指标较好,为选煤厂 降低介质消耗提供了一种新的技术途径。盘式磁选机尾矿总铁含量为 0.45,较 选煤厂磁选尾矿下降了将近 3 个百分点,磁性铁含量为 0.26,较选煤厂磁选尾 矿降低 2 个百分点。 本论文共有图 59 幅,表 19 个,参考文献 62 篇。 关键词关键词介质迁移;磁选尾矿;磁场分布;磁选 万方数据 III Abstract The heavy medium separation process has the advantages of high efficiency, wide adaptability to coal types, and high separation accuracy. It is the leading and preferred process of coal preparation plants in China. Saving costs and reducing consumption is an inevitable choice and an important issue for coal companies to achieve sustainable development in the context of national supply-side re and coal capacity supply and demand policy re. Therefore, further reducing the medium consumption in the heavy medium separation process has become a hot spot in the current coal preparation plant to improve the process and increase economic benefits. Media consumption is the main production cost of a coal preparation plant. A large amount of research literature and production site practice show that magnetic separation tailings account for more than 60 of the media loss. At present, there is still in lack of equipment and processes for the targeted recovery of magnetic separation tailings. Based on this article, we systematically studied the medium migration law in the actual production process of the coal preparation plant, systematically studied the properties and magnetic composition of the magnetic separation tailings, designed and developed a new type of disc magnetic separator and conducted semi-industrial tests to reduce the medium Consumption provides a new technical approach. The main conclusions are as follows Clarified the law of medium migration in the production process of coal preparation plant. The research results of the medium migration characteristics in the production process of the coal preparation plant show that 56.39 of the medium enters the underflow and 43.61 enters the overflow during the separation process of the heavy medium cyclone; 0.03 of the medium enters the gangue and 0.04 enters during the dehydration and medium recovery process Clean coal, 0.19 into the magnetic separation tailings. There are two media loss paths, namely product take away, accounting for 0.07 of the incoming media, accounting for 26.92 of the total media loss; magnetic separation tailings taking away, accounting for 0.19 of the incoming media, accounting for 73.08 of the total media loss. The mineral phase composition and magnetic composition of the magnetic separation tail are clarified. The main components of magnetic separation tailings are Si and Al, and the content of Fe is 3.33. The occurrence of iron element is mainly magnetic iron, with a content of 2.17, accounting for 65.17; followed by hematite, with a content of 0.56, accounting for 16.82. In the magnetic separation tailings, 万方数据 IV the dominant particle size of magnetic materials is -0.045mm, and the yield is 88.82. As the background field strength decreases, the magnetic substance content in the magnetic separation tailings first stabilizes above 90. When the field strength is less than 0.03T, the magnetic substance content drops rapidly to 84.74. To ensure that the magnetic substance of the magnetic separation tailings is fully recovered, The background field strength should be greater than 0.03T. On the basis of clarifying the characteristics of the magnetic separation tailings, the magnetic system structure of the permanent disk type strong magnetic separator is designed. The effects of the arrangement of the magnetic system, the material of the magnetic block, the arrangement of the relative magnetic system of the magnetic disk, the spacing of the magnetic disk, and the width of the magnetic block on the magnetic field distribution are studied. Reduce the chance of the magnetic objects adsorbed on the disk to flip, reduce the magnetic objects lost due to the flip, and ensure a higher recovery rate of the magnetic objects; the permanent magnet block adopts NdFeB permanent magnetic material to ensure a higher magnetic field strength. The surface magnetic field strength can reach 0.58T, and the center of the adjacent disk can reach 0.2T; the arrangement of the opposite poles of the opposite magnetic poles of the adjacent disks can reduce the area of the zero magnetic field area in the magnetic field compared with the arrangement of the same poles of the relative magnetic poles; The processing capacity of the equipment is reduced, the strength of the magnetic field is increased, but the zero magnetic field area in the magnetic field cannot be eliminated. To ensure the processing capacity of the equipment, the distance between the magnetic disks is 90mm; The magnetic block width is 20mm to eliminate the zero magnetic field in the magnetic field. At this time, the magnetic field strength of the disk surface can reach 0.36T, the center of the adjacent disk can reach 0.25T, and the magnetic field strength of the magnetic field area is all greater than 0.03T. Designed and processed the permanent magnetic disk strong magnetic separator, and carried out semi-industrial experiments. The results show that with the increase of the disk speed, the recovery rate of the magnetic substance increases first and then decreases; with the increase of the processing capacity, the recovery rate of the magnetic substance is basically unchanged, and the recovery rate of the magnetic substance shows a downward trend after 400m/h; With the increase of the height of the weir, the recovery rate of the magnetic substance shows an upward trend. After 25 cm, the recovery rate of the magnetic substance is basically unchanged, and remains above 88. 万方数据 V Finally, when the disk speed is 6r/min, the height of the overflow weir in the tank is 25cm, and the processing capacity is 400m/h, the recovery rate of magnetic substance is 88.83. It provides a new technical way for the coal preparation plant to reduce medium consumption. The total iron content of the disc magnetic separator tailings is 0.45, which is 3 lower than the magnetic separation tailings of the coal preparation plant, and the magnetic iron content is 0.26, which is 2 lower than the magnetic separation tailings of the coal preparation plant. This thesis has 59 figures, 19 tables and 62 references. Keywords medium migration; magnetic separation tailings; magnetic field distribution; magnetic separation 万方数据 VI 目目 录录 摘摘 要要 ........................................................................................................................... I 目目 录录 ........................................................................................................................ VI 图清单图清单 .......................................................................................................................... X 表清单表清单 ..................................................................................................................... XIV 变量注释表变量注释表 ............................................................................................................. XVI 1 绪论绪论 ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究目的................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 研究内容................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 技术路线................................................................................................................. 1 2 文献综述文献综述 ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 选煤厂降介耗的主要措施..................................................................................... 3 2.2 盘式磁选机应用现状............................................................................................. 7 2.3 国内外永磁强磁选机发展现状............................................................................. 8 2.4 ANSYS 软件在永磁磁选设备设计上的应用现状 .............................................. 12 3 选煤厂生产过程介质迁移规律研究选煤厂生产过程介质迁移规律研究 ..................................................................... 14 3.1 选煤厂生产过程介质迁移规律........................................................................... 14 3.2 磁选尾矿性质....................................................................................................... 21 3.3 本章小结............................................................................................................... 24 4 永磁盘式强磁选机磁场分布设计及工作原理永磁盘式强磁选机磁场分布设计及工作原理 ..................................................... 25 4.1 ANSYS 磁场分析方法 .......................................................................................... 25 4.2 常规筒式磁选机磁场分布及结构分析............................................................... 26 4.3 永磁盘式强磁选机磁场分布设计....................................................................... 30 4.4 永磁盘式强磁选机结构及工作原理................................................................... 48 4.5 本章小结............................................................................................................... 49 5 永磁盘式强磁选机半工业应用研究永磁盘式强磁选机半工业应用研究 ..................................................................... 51 5.1 选煤厂稀介质二次回收试验系统....................................................................... 51 5.2 永磁盘式强磁选机分选效果的影响因素试验研究........................................... 52 5.3 永磁盘式强磁选机磁选尾矿性质研究............................................................... 57 5.4 本章小结............................................................................................................... 58 6 结论与展望结论与展望 ............................................................................................................. 59 万方数据 VII 6.1 主要结论............................................................................................................... 59 6.2 展望....................................................................................................................... 59 参考文献参考文献 ..................................................................................................................... 61 作者简历作者简历 ..................................................................................................................... 64 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 ................................................................................................. 66 学位论文数据集学位论文数据集 ......................................................................................................... 67 万方数据 VIII Contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................... III Contents .................................................................................................................. VIII List of Figures .............................................................................................................. X List of Tables ........................................................................................................... XIV List of Variables...................................................................................................... XVI 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Research Purposes ................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Contents .................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Technical Rou




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